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Master Zhung Wa's Homepage
Flash Site | Non Flash Site

To tell you a thing or two this is master zhung wa's home page. I'm basically a weird person, I have no life. I play games so much that I get bored of it. So I make web sites, cartoons, games, but note this" I start it and barley ever have time to finish it" Anyways I've changed and finished all of my cartoons. Need help? Click Here For Help Message Boards

To enter my site, click on either "flash site" or my "non flash site". I recommend the flash site, which looks best. I also recommend that if you do not have Flash Player, you download it, because everything on my site is made by macromedia flash mx. BUT on the other hand I have some things not made by flash. Check my site out, I also have layouts for sites. If you like it download it and you can make your own site on it.


Recommend That you have Flash Player Click Here To Download Flash Player If you need help with something e-mail me

Also I recommend that you have your screen resolution set to 1024 by 768 for best results with size. Problems?