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Marcia and Stacey Spend a Day with the Digital Camera




Big Chris and Lil Chris working on the Mud Bogg.

I look like a deer in headlights.

Ain’t my new truck purdy?

Another truck pic. And I look terrified.

Have I mentioned I love this truck?

Hurricane caught me by surprise here.

Yep, I got a tattoo. A gay pride tattoo. The parents are just thrilled.

Close up of the tattoo.!

Could’ve been worse? Stace got her tongue pierced!


This is one of my three “children.” Stacey’s son, Morgan.

Poor kid looks terrified. Who can blame him, with all of us around? 

Such a cutie.

Stacey, in her natural element (on the phone).

These guys are my world.






Sites of (dis) Interest


The site I made for my nephew, Mickey, when he was born


My homepage, currently under heavy construction


My X-Files site that I never finished, but looks pretty damn good and is still amusing, The Ovaltine Cafe


Ahem…..another X-Files site (a fan fiction site) of mine. I loved this design. Probably my “prettiest” page.


Squints’ site. He was my beard all through high school. And vice versa. Love ya, kid!