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About Laxmaniac.

The Real Story
why is Laxmaniac Evil? the question is. is he evil. most of laxmaniac's friends know hes not, and all this bullshit was started by kyosuke.
Questions and answers: Why are you against hae? answer: it started a long time ago when HAE was mass booted, then kyosuke started acting strange towards me, seem's how i was his friend, then he turned on me and said the allience was off, because he started saying i cheat, i cheat? YEAH FUCKIN RIGHT! whos the one who buys his power in point shop, and scams the fuck out of idiot Outwar players. Hmmmmm let me think about that KYOSUKE?!? yes thats right.
Why dont you join hae?: i tryed in the past but i never got any invites, i even waited up to a full week crewless, and still no invite, and thats when i had 10 thousand thugs, (it just goes to show, kyosuke is useing me as part of his scam, ) hes fucked in the head, he takes this game as if its real life (well it isint so go fuck yourself :) .

hey fish boy i want to ask a few questions that is bothering me...1 why did you steel all those pictures from the anime movie the devil may cry.... 2 why dony you tell us your real job? afraid to be ashamed of who you are? ...3 why is it your records are locked? . is there a good reason? and last the big question.... how come you hide behind other people when your suposidly are the greatist... i havent seen you do a tenth of the work a slayer in your crew does.. is it because your frightened and scared of the truth that your nothing more than some one who has no life outside of the internet? BY THE WAY KYOSUKIE IS 38 years old? kidna figures. :: Rain background effect