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You've got me all confused,

what do I do?

Do i just sit around,

waiting for you?

I can't believe the spark between us

that happened that one special night,

but we'll never make it,

unless we put up a fight

Lying in your arms,

I kept wishing the moment would never end,

but deep down inside,

I knew you would be nothing more than a friend.

There's one thing I've got to say,

I can't keep it inside.

You're the one I want,

I don't want the chance of a life-time to be denied.

I know there are obstacles,

you're a million miles away.

But if we are truly perfect for each other,

we'll have our day.

March 25, 2003

You make me laugh,

even when I'm feeling blue,

you open my eyes,

when I don't have a clue.

You give me a shoulder to cry on,

if I'm ever having one of them days,

You give me the strength to keep going,

You encourage me in so many ways.

You look out for me,

when other people seem not to care,

Everytime I look in your eyes,

I get the feeling you'll always be there.

You don't know how you make me feel,

when you speak words ever so kind,

You don't know how you brighten my days,

Friends like you are hard to find.

March 26, 2003

I've tried to tell myself it meant nothing,

just a fun weekend with a new guy I met,

nothing worth remembering,

but yet also nothing worth trying to forget.

But that's not how it is,

that's where I was wrong,

I think of you every day,

and just have to stay strong.

I told myself I wouldn't do it,

I wouldn't fall for a guy if I didn't think it'd last,

You see I've had some tough relationships,

I've been hurt in the past.

I put up a shield,

determined to not let anyone break through,

But then I found someone perfect,

and that someone was you.

April 7, 2003

I can't believe I didn't see,

I can't believe how you fooled me

I opened up to you,

I took down my shield for you

I thought you were different from all the rest,

I thought your intentions were for the best

I'm not saying it's completely your fault,

I went into the situation not thinking about the result

It all would have been fine,

If you had of just held me that one time

How come when I needed you the most, you weren't there?

That time the pain was almost impossible to bare

Well now everything is even worse than before

I plan on taking a key and locking my door

I won't let anyone in, I'll protect myself forever,

I refuse to relive the pain I've had to endeavor.

April 13, 2003

Just sitting here, lonely as can be,

thinking about what just happened between you and me.

I guess I thought you were great like none other I have ever known,

now i'm just thinking how i wish that side of you had never shown.

I can still taste your lips, how sweet they are,

I am still reminded of your eyes by every star.

I know it didn't last long, but oh how beautiful it was,

I could have layed in your arms forever just because.

I wanted you to be that angel to wipe the tears from my eye,

instead you were the one to make me cry.

April 13, 2003