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Top Fives


A:\RUN website_launch.exe...

What da dizzle my nizzle? Well after alot of boredom and a little bit of effort, here we are at my newest website. The inpsiration is actually a little funny. See, I was looking at alot of my female friends websites and they all made their websites with like "Easy Designer 1-2-3" or some other such program.I decided it was high time the fellas represented and I think we can do it better than them. So here I am day one, May 30th 2003. This site will keep u updated on happenings in and around the simple little thing called my life. If u tool around a little bit (and who doesnt enjoy a little tooling around? ::wink,winnk, nudge,nudge::) you can get to the pages with some pretty neat stuff. For the those of you who aren't internet savvy, lemme 'splain the layout.
    !!! Peoplez:Here you can find what is the equivalent to other people's "Shoutout" sections. You get a little picture of all the different people in my life and a neat little blurb about them. If you know me personally and u don't find yourself listed on this page I either:

      A)Dont give a rat's ass about you,
      B)Haven't found a good enough picture yet, or
      C)Am just in the process of updating and have not gotten around to it yet.

    Should you feel you were not included in error and wish to be put on the page ASAP, just drop me an email at and I will get to u post-haste =)

    !!!Pictures: Here is going to be a growing gallery of just neat pictures. It could be fanart, it could be of different people you or I might compromising, whatever, if you want a playground for your eyes, come here and u won't be dissapointed. If something cool happened lately it'll probably be listed and have pictures here. This includes but is not limited to:

      Amusment Park Visits
      Club Hopping
      Alien Abductions

    If I have pictures and stuff then those will go here too, if I dont then at least I'll make sure to write up a juicy description of all the details.

    !!!Top Fives: This is actually an idea I got from another website "The Most Unappreciated Site on the Net" I'm just gonna have top fives lists of everything, and I mean everthing. Check it out from time to time, u might like it...

    !!!Downloads: If there is cool stuff worth traveling from my computer to yours, then you can snag it from this section. Everything from songs, to wallpaper, to programs, whatever, if its cool and I have the time and space then I'll move it over myeaw.

    !!!Links: Ahhh, the quintessential website section. This is the pasageway to other cool places on the web, and probably quite honestly, places you would more than likely much rather be than here. This will contain some of my favorites as well as shameless plugs for buddies and such.

Well, the time is now 5:53 AM and I have work in about ohhh, 11 hours so I'm gonna try and get some sleep in. I'll be updating real soon yallz. Hope this was enough to pique your interest.
