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The Next Karate Kid

What other people thoght of the movie

My Review---->: The next karate kid is about a teenager named Julie whos life isint going to well,living with her grand-mother (because her parents died in a car crash),she is mad at the world,she thinks nothing goes right in her life.But with meeting Mr.Miagi an old man who fought with her dad in the war and knew an extensive amount of karate.At 1st she didnt trust him but when she got to know him, it changed her life for the better.At school she had an old freind named angel who was a hawk that she found on the school ground with a broken wing,she had also met a boy named Eric who she took a liking to,but eric was amember of the alpha elites a group of "bullies" who went around like the law-enforcement.The alphas were ran by a man named Col. Dugan he was a dispicable well built man who beat up the alphas just to make them angry.The 1st time Julie had an encounter with the alphas was after school in the field. Col. Dugan was instructing the alphas about something and so julie decided to sneak up beind the bleachers to take a closer look but then shes seen and the alphas decide to deal with her,but then Mr.Miagi steps in and after col. Dugan attacks him he decides to teach him a lesson in anger.Then later Mr.Miagi offers to teach Julie karate,she thinks it would be a good way to defend herself against the alpha's.