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HTML Codes

Thanks for choosing . The best place for things for your web-site. Click Here to see a list of HTML codes

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 Want more free templates? Please come to Dan's web templates. (

If you want customized look & feel. content update, ASP (active server page) development , JavaScript/DHTML programming of your website, please feel free to contact me at:


How to use the template

  • Just simply modify the text or graphic to fit your needs.
  • If you want to change the font type of the site, you need to have a little bit knowledge of Style sheet. But it's easy to learn. You can go to the top of the page,in about the 8th line from top, you will see <style>. below it is "body", then you can replace the font name "arial" with the font type you want. The most font used in web sites are: "Times New Roman","Verdana","Comic Sans MS","Garamond".
  • Don't forget to save your work.
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