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skater: Zach Butler
photo: Lance Killian

Comments from the webmaster
Hey skater... this is John, the webmaster of SkaPunkSkate. This site has enjoyed tremendous success ever since its inception in 1997. In the past five years, the site has been featured in, among other things, Transworld Skateboarding, Yahoo! Internet Life magazine, the Washington Post, Rapture TV (from the U.K.), and People magazine. I've gotten tons of free merchandise from companies eager for free publicity and a (hopefully) a good review. But most importantly, I've gotten incredible support from you guys, the viewers. It's the positive feedback that I have recieved consistantly over the years that has inspired me to make this site one of the best skateboard sites on the internet - a site that is comprehensive and offers everything and anything you would want in a skateboarding-themed website. Hopefully there is something here for each of you, whether you're looking for a skatepark in your area, or some helpful trick tips, or just something cool to read. It is for this reason that I am (for the most part) haulting work on the site. In five years, it's really become a massive internet resource for skateboarding, and I don't think theres much more that could be added to it, other than more and more reviews (but I prefer to let people figure out what they like for themselves anyway).

So, basically, the site won't be updated much anymore - so don't ask. However, merchandise will ALWAYS be accepted and will ALWAYS be reviewed, so all you shoe companies, board makers, etc., dont hesistate to e-mail me if you want to set up a deal. And as for everyone else - keep the comments coming! I read every single e-mail I get, and answer most. It's the consistant and overwhelming support that I get from you all on a daily basis that keeps this site up at all. Thank you so much, and without further ado, ENJOY THE SITE!

webmaster, SkaPunkSkate
Updated: 8/05/01

Sign the book and all the girls will want you (unless you ARE a girl, in which case, all the GUYS will want you). Sign the book and you'll skate better. I swear. Sign the book or we'll hunt you down and stick gum in your hair.

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Guestbook by Lpage


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cool site, cool guy - he did a lot of work for the site and, while
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out his site

Click here to visit the ultimate punk music store!

(this is a cool music store that sends me free stuff,
go there when you are done with my page.)

EVERYTHING is copyright 1997-2001 SkaPunkSkate Co. under penalty of law,
so don't even THINK about it, scrapper punks!

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