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Website changes and Version 12.5 progress.

15 February 2003 - posted by $n][pErM@N | Post your comments

Well, as you all can see. I have made quite a few changes throughout the site, mostly graphical changes and just a few navigation changes and even more mirrors in the Files / Downloads section. Its still a work in progress, so feel to post your comments, or if you think you can contribute to the new theme, post in the forums and show me what you got . I hope you all like the new design! In waypointing news, here are some more maps we have finished up for the next version: cs_siege (re-waypointed), de_dust2002, fy_iceworld2k, and mindmaze. We are starting to wrap up this round of waypointing for this version so we can get off a decent sized release, but also so it does not take forever to come out because of all the waypoint requests. Feel free to drop by the forums and post waypoint requests, they will most likely make the next version. You can expect to see Version 12.5 in about 2 weeks or less as we finish everything up. It looks to be a great one, with a lot of new maps supported! So keep checking back for more news on what you all wanna hear..... when Version 12.5 will be released!


Updates on v12.5...

09 February 2003 - posted by $n][pErM@N | Post your comments

As my horrible quarter seems to drag along at a horridly slow and agonizing pace, I have found time to update you all on the progress of the new waypoint pack version. What better way to tell you all about progress then to list a few more maps that we have finished up for your waypointing pleasure, they include: awp_city, cs_city_assault, cs_dune, cs_matrix, cs_wildwest_assault, and de_romans. That's just a few more that we have finished up. Also its not to late to send in those requests, so stop by the forums and feel free to post some maps you would like to see waypoints for! Or even drop by just to chill. As always, keep checking back for updates and previews of what is to come!
Click here to visit the Waypoint Forums!


Version 12.5 Progress.

19 January 2003 - posted by $n][pErM@N | Post your comments

Progress on Version 12.5 of the Waypoint Pack is moving along great (despite my horribly busy quarter of classes). So to keep you all posted on what exactly has been completed or is being finished up here is a list of some recent waypoint completions: as_crazytank, awp_city, cs_club, cs_winter_assault, de_boatseason, de_dorms and r6_arena. That's just to list a few . So keep checking back (as always) for more updates and even more lists of what waypoints are to come. Don't forget to stop by the Forums and post your requests or rants or whatever comes to mind! Plenty of areas to suit your needs. So stop on by and drop a note!


Vacation = Over, Ohio-State = #1 !!!!

04 January 2003 - posted by $n][pErM@N | Post your comments

Well, my vacation has just about come an end, and its back to classes starting Monday. Yes, that's right, we (Ohio-State) are National Camps!!!!! #1!!!! :-D Perfect 14 - 0 Season!!! If you even at all care, but im in a really good mood so I don't really care if you don't :-p In waypoint news however, I don't have to much to report other than the fact that most of us are back from a much needed vacation and will be getting back to waypointing again! So look for upcoming news on what waypoints we will be coming out with for the next release! Hope everyone has had a great vacation and looks forward to a new year! Don't forget to stop by the forums and get posting!


Waypoint Pack Version 12.0 is out!

07 December 2002 - posted by $n][pErM@N | Post your comments

Waypoint Pack Version 12.0 has been released!! Below you will find a list of new features and download links. Read the WaypointREADMEv12.0.txt or HTML file for a full list of features and supported bots. Hope you enjoy all the new supported maps! :-) Also feel free to stop by the forums while your downloading and post about v12.0 or anything else, you dont even need to register to post, but why wouldn't you!?! Don't forget to also vote in the new poll question.

Feel free to post away in the forums right here!!!!

- New waypoints include:
- cs_bank
- cs_jeepathon6k
- cs_normandy
- cs_penthouse
- cs_penthouse2
- cs_rail
- cs_sniper7
- cs_speedball3
- cs_tankbeta1
- cs_tomb
- de_night
- de_rise
- de_rocket
- de_strike
- fy_iceworld
- Re-waypoined waypoints include:
- de_nuke

- Updated "MOTD.txt" and "mapcycle.txt"

waypt_pakv12.0.exe 2.50mb <-----File Planet EXE

waypt_pakv12.0.exe 2.50mb <-----CS Central EXE 2.65mb <-----File Planet ZIP 2.65mb <-----CS Central ZIP

Click here to view the full WaypointREADMEv12.0.txt

Click here to view the full WaypointREADMEv12.0 HTML File
(added 12/14/02)


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