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#285 THE FINISHED MYSTERY: Published 1917. Watchtower weirdness is best exemplified in the book, The Finished Mystery. The Watchtower Society claimed the book revealed for the first time GOD'S OWN INTERPRETATION of Revelation and Ezekiel. For that reason all Jehovah's Witnesses had to accept it as GOD'S TRUTH. Yet today's Society would be most embarrassed for Jehovah's Witnesses to read this most "revealing" book! The 1917 edition contains many teachings changed in later editions. JWs should see it. Why not show it to them? Great for witnessing! Just a small sample of teachings JWs don't believe from The Finished Mystery: The Lord sends The Finished Mystery to the people (pp. 7 & 295); The Churches to be destroyed by 1918 (p. 485); Paradise here by 1925 (p. 128); God's special Faithful and Wise Servant = Charles Taze Russell (p.53); Patriotism is murder (p. 247); The Great Pyramid predicts the future (p. 60); The "great crowd" which no man can number is numbered (p. 103); 666 = The Papacy (p. 215); Abaddon = Satan (p.159); Rev. 8:11 = Calvin (p. 151); Rev. 11:13 = French Revolution (p. 178); Alpha and Omega = Jesus (pp. 14, 318, 336); Rev. 14:20 explained by the distance in mileage from Scranton, PA to Brooklyn, NY (p. 230); Rev. 8:3 = Watchtower Society (p. 144); Rev. 14:6 = Russell's first book predicted (p. 221). $9.95.

#185 MILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE!: Published 1920. Did Abraham, Isaac and Jacob rise from the dead in 1925? Was the whole earth restored to a paradise in that year? No--BUT that was what God said would happen-- according to Jehovah's Witnesses living in the early 1920's. Read the book which predicted Armageddon by 1925 and contributed to the hysteria among Jehovah's Witnesses. $6.95.

#485 THREE WORLDS: OR PLAN OF REDEMPTION: Published 1877. Presents the very genesis of key Jehovah's Witness doctrine. Read what was first taught. For example, did you know that Jehovah's Witnesses once believed: Jesus is the God of the Jews (pp. 84-85); The Holy Spirit is a person (pp. 57-58); "Born again" means resurrection as an invisible spirit (p. 109); William Miller's 1844 "movement" fulfilled Mt. 25:1-5 (p. 123); Key "Bible" dates-- 1874, 1878 and 1914; Michael the archangel is Christ's attendant (pp. 106-108); Resurrection of the Saints began 1875 (pp. 108-110); Harvest of Saints ends 1878 (p. 68); Pharaoh will be resurrected (p. 16); AND MUCH, MUCH MORE! Three Worlds is one of the world's rarest books. $8.95.

#187 ANGELS: Published 1934. One of the most controversial, yet little known Watchtower publications. On nearly every page of this booklet the reader will find statements that the JW will find strange, unbiblical and DEMONIC. Today, JWs believe the "Sons of God" (Gen. 6:2) are demons and the "Nephilim" (Gen. 6:4) were their offspring. Here are a few examples of doctrines which supposedly come from God , yet are denied by JWs today: The "Sons of God" are not wicked, don't use spirit mediums and can be saved (pp. 25,43 & 53); the Nephilim were on earth before the Sons of God, are alive today and may materialize soon to assault JWs (pp. 6, 20 & 21). In short, according to modern JW belief, this publication taught the salvation of demons! $2.95.

#888 PREPARING FOR CHILD CUSTODY CASES: (1988). You will be surprised at the boldness of the lies of the Watchtower Society in this secret booklet not available to JWs. For the first time you can read the controversial booklet, Preparing for Child Custody Cases, written by theWatchtower Society, in which JWs and their children are coached to commit perjury in child custody battles. JWs themselves will be startled by what it says! The Watchtower Society doesn't want you to read this. $4.95.

#286 RUTHERFORD V. UNITED STATES: Read the exciting case of Joseph F. Rutherford, the leader of Jehovah's Witnesses who was found guilty in 1918 of "conspiracy to violate the espionage law" and sentenced to 20 years in the federal penitentiary in Atlanta, GA. All the dramatic court testimony is presented in two large volumes. Here is one of the most controversial trials in the history of American religion. $24.95. PLUS ANY 3 FREE AUDIO TAPES

#OM1 THE OLIN MOYLE COURT CASE (1943): In 1943, former Watchtower Society attorney, Olin R. Moyle sued the leaders of JWs and won! Some 2,000 pages of court testimony exposing Watchtower corruption, lies, coverups and immorality at Bethel headquarters and much, much more! It reads like a book. More exciting than Perry Mason! $14.95.

#R01 SOME FACTS AND MORE FACTS ABOUT THE SELF-STYLED "PASTOR" CHARLES T. RUSSELL: J.J. Ross (1912, 1920 edition). The famous booklet exposing C.T. Russell's: divorce case; evasion of alimony payments; immoral conduct with the child Rose Ball; fight with the Brooklyn Daily Eagle newspaper; financial empire exposed. Russell sued Ross for libel and the case was thrown out of court on Russell's own testimony! $2.95.

#R02 THE SEVEN THUNDERS OF THE MILLENNIAL DAWN: B.H. Shadduck (1928). The JWs refused to debate early cult-fighter, Dr. Shadduck. Why? Because he wanted to quote from their own literature! His booklet is filled with damaging information proving the JWs are false teachers and false prophets. Shadduck was the first to publish photo-documents of the JW false prophecies and changes in prophecies (between their book editions). A detailed analysis of the crazy statements on the JW books #285 The Finished Mystery and #185 Millions Now Living Will Never Die. $2.95.

#R03 ALL ABOUT ONE RUSSELL: Charles C. Cook (c1914). Cook cites C.T. Russell's self-worship as the so-called "faithful and wise servant" (Mt. 24:45) Russell claimed to be the most important Christian that God was using to teach the Church. Cook exposes Russell's phoney and highly publicized world missions tour "investigation", etc., etc. $2.95.

#R04 MORE DATA ON "PASTOR RUSSELL": Charles C. Cook (c1914). Information on Russell's court case with The Brooklyn Daily Eagle. Russell did not make a defense! Russell left Pittsburgh to avoid paying alimony. Russell slandered J.J. Ross' character. Ross is defended by high-ranking Baptists. Russell apologized for giving out false information on Ross, then repeats it!, etc, etc. $2.95.

#R05 THE ERRORS OF "MILLENNIAL DAWNISM": James M. Gray (1920 edition). Attacks Russell as claiming that his views are greater light than the Bible. Subjects: deity and resurrection of Christ; salvation; second coming; atonement; soul; Russell's view of Christendom. $1.95.

#R06 A REVIEW OF RUSSELLISM, ET CETERA, ET CETERA: J.J.W. Mathis (1916). Reviews and refutes Russellism (Jehovah's Witnesses) on their doctrines of the SECOND CHANCE salvation and the SPIRIT resurrection of Jesus. ALSO a review of Christian Science and Mary Baker Eddy's history exposed. $2.95.

#R07 THE TEACHINGS OF PASTOR RUSSELL : W.T. Conner (c1925). Detailed examination of Russell's method of biblical interpretation. Analysis of: "Millennial" salvation; date-setting; doctrine of spirit creature exaltation; the nature of Christ, etc. $2.95.

#R08 MILLENNIAL DAWNISM: THE BLASPHEMOUS RELIGION WHICH TEACHES THE ANNIHILATION OF JESUS CHRIST : I.M. Haldeman (1910). Excellent study of the deity and bodily resurrection of Christ by one of Russell's key enemies. Discussion of concept of biblical death, hell and the soul versus Russell's annihilation theory. Study of Russell's salvation for the UNrighteous; the Bible's second coming of Christ versus Russell's doctrine of the "invisible presence". $2.95.

#R09 "PASTOR" RUSSELL'S POSITION AND CREDENTIALS AND HIS METHODS OF INTERPRETATION: J.H. Burridge (c1911). A very early treatment of Russell's claim of being God's sole channel of communication--the "faithful and wise servant" (Mt. 24:45). His sensational divorce is scrutinized. Russell's rationalism examined. $1.95.

#R10 "PASTOR" RUSSELL'S DATE SYSTEM AND TEACHINGS ON THE PERSON OF CHRIST, THE ATONEMENT, ETC.: J.H. Burridge (c1911). Analysis of the faulty chronological system which has led JWs into predicting many false prophecies about the Lord's return.The year-day theory; the Jubilee theory (millennial theory); deity of Christ; hell; denial of Christ's mediatorial work, etc. $1.95.

#R11 "PASTOR" RUSSELL'S TEACHING ON THE COMING OF CHRIST: J.H. Burridge (1912). Scriptural refutation of Russell's claim that Jesus returned invisibly to earth in 1874 and is "present" with us. Burridge's arguments can be used to combat the modern JW doctrine of the "1914" presence of Christ. $1.95.

#R12 THE INTERNATIONAL BIBLE STUDENTS: JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES: Milton S.Czatt (1933). Excellent detailed historical analysis of the early JW movement. Study of chronology and dates: 1874, 1878, 1914, 1918 and 1925, etc. Examination of prophetic statements made in earlier editions of Russell's books which were ALTERED in later editions. Lack of education of JWs examined. Information on the infamous sedition trial (#286 Rutherford v. the U.S.), etc., etc. $2.95.

#R13 JUDGE "FOR 4 DAYS" RUTHERFORD: Edward L. Curran (1940). Exposing the history of former Watchtower president and founder of the modern JWs, Joseph F. Rutherford. Was he really a "judge"? A look at the $-making Watchtower Society. Many strange biblical interpretations analyzed. Much information on Rutherford's tactics of hate toward non-JWs. $1.95.

#R14 RUTHERFORD UNCOVERED: Richard Felix (1937). Felix lived in the same county in which J.F. Rutherford practiced law before becoming a Russellite. Rare details on Rutherford's law career and his family. Exposes Rutherford's illegal and unethical actions as a private attorney including his twice being fined for contempt of court! Information on the infamous sedition trial (#286 Rutherford v. the U.S.). $1.95.

#R15 RUSSELLISM: THE LATEST BLASPHEMY; OR "MILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIEISM": F. Mellows (1921). Examining the false prophecies for the END by 1918 and 1925 and the chronological system which supported these dates. Exposes the Society's dishonest sales tactics; the worship of Russell, etc., etc. $1.95.

#R16 MILLIONS NOW DYING WILL NEVER LIVE: J.C. O'Hair (c1920). A fine study of the deity of Jesus Christ; salvation by grace alone, not works; JW millennial salvation refuted; resurrection of Jesus; the personality and deity of the Holy Spirit; soul-sleep exposed; hell discussed, etc. $1.95.

#R17 THE RUTHERFORD RACKET: Charles P. Windle (1937). A look at J.F. Rutherford's history; his mansion "Beth Sarim"; his attack on the Christian religion; silly interpretations of Bible verses; his lies about Catholicism, etc. $1.95.

#R18 RUSSELL'S HELL VS. THE BIBLE HELL : J.H. Mosemann (c1914). C.T. Russell built his religion on the claim that hell was only the grave. Mosemann destroys that doctrine with proof from the Bible. Hell is a place for unbelievers to fear! $ .95 .