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Phu's Home page

Welcome to my home page
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This site has been designed for students enrolled in Dr. Jesse Jackson's speech class who feels that he has been abusing his administrative powers.

The links above will take you to the correct resources that you may need. For example, the Information link is where I have listed the process involved when filing a complaint. Similarly, in the Contact link I will have information on how students may contact myself, along with any other students who wishes to have their contact information listed. Click on the About Me link to read about my experiences with Dr. Jesse Jackson. Likewise, the Discussions link is designed for students to post the experiences/encounters that they may have had with Dr. Jesse Jackson, and would like to share with their fellow classmates.

Dear Friends,

We must join together to free ourselves from this oppression. I encourage each and every one of my fellow classmates to participate in this effort. I have taken the first step by informing you about the processes involved in this endeavor; what you choose to do with this information is entirely up to you. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of teamwork in this matter, and I hope you realize that as well. So please, join me and fight for what is right, noble, and most importantly, beneficial to your fellow classmates.


Phu Huynh