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Thank You To Heidi for Making This Beautiful Photo Of Me!!

Birth of a Child

By Louis Untormeyer

LO, to the battle-ground of Life, Child, you have come, like a conquering shout, Out of a struggle—into strife; Out of a darkness—into doubt.

Girt with the fragile armor of youth, Child, you must ride into endless wars, With the sword of protest, the buckler of truth, And a banner of love to sweep the stars.

About you the world's despair will surge; Into defeat you must plunge and grope. Be to the faltering an urge; Be to the hopeless years a hope!

Be to the darkened world a flame; Be to its unconcern a blow— For out of its pain and tumult you came, And into its tumult and pain you go.

Hi!! My name is Jordan Xavier Borrero and I was born on April 17th, 2003 at 3:30 a.m.. I weighed 5 pounds and 15 ounces and was 19 inches long. I have dark brown hair and brown eyes.

I was born at Jackson Park Hospital and was deliverd by Dr Khan, Dr Fulmara and "Teppy The Nurse". My father was there to help my mommie bring me into the world after a long labor.

I got here early in the morning and I'm ready to take on the world.

On this site you can watch me grow. Many pictures will be added as they are taken. You will also find links to anything baby related...because after all...that's what I am...a baby!!
