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Not In My Name

Fuck you Bush.

Fuck you Blair.

Fuck you from the families of every dead soldier who died fighting this bullshit war. From every dead Iraqi that you are trying to 'libirate'. And fuck you from every person on this planet who is against your actions and if they didn't think you were fuck up leaders before they will now.

Let's look at the evidence...

Only in a country where residents of certain states cannot vote if they have any criminal record, no matter how insignificant, only to sit back and watch the leader of the biggest organised criminal circuit on earth ( possibly with a bigger criminal record than most illegible voters) run their country...

And Mr Blair how do you suppose that this country has 'insufficient funds' for public libraries, for free education for students, for housing shelters for the homeless, for money to clean up 'that smell' that looms in the air on every London street (you know what I'm talking about Tone). AND the biggest injustice of all is when our own fire service have to resort to going on strike in order to get an even half decent salary, which you still refuse to give them!!!, I seem to wonder where on your 'Things to do to sort out your own country before it goes down the shitter' list, 'Bomb Iraq' comes up top right after 'Insert head up George W(anker) Bush's arse' and 'Ignore problems in your own country'.

Here are a few things that are bothering me about this whole attack on Iraq thing...