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Civil War Battles
Mrs. Coesfeld
U.S. History 1 CP

First, research your battle using library and internet sources.
Read the details of th engagement.
Next, find answers to the following questions about you assigned battle

1) In what state was the battle fought?

2) What were the dates, including the year, of the battle?

3) Who were the commanding officers for each side?

4) How many forces were engaged?

5) How many casualties were sustained by each side, and total?

6) Give a battle discriptio; What happened?

7) Which side won?

8) Why was this battle significant?

Once you have finished researching, you and your partner must create a class presentation.
Please Be Creative!
Creativity will be one of the components of your grade.
In addition to your presentation,
you and your partner are required to submit a typed summary of your battle.
Remember that you will be teaching the rest of the class about your assigned battle.
Make it interesting and do a complete, thorough, and acurate job.

Each person is responsible for working equally on the project
and will share the same grade for the presentation and battle summary.
This grade will count as a research assignment,
which carries the same weight as a test.




