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.::Scene::.The Show opens up with the HWFC's poster. Pyro shoots out from the set up. The announcers welcome the people listening to the show. Then all of a sudden someones music hits. Everyone jumps up and cheers. It's DX music. HHH appears. He walks out onto the ramp and waits. HBK comes out a second later. Both of them are wearing D-X shirts and D-X pants. They walk down to the ring shouting something to the crowd. The reach the ring and climb onto the apron. Then they goes in the ring. They go to the middle of the ring and do five D-X chops. While they are doing the chops pyro shoots out from two opposite turnbuckles forming Xs. They stop doing the chops and go to the ropes and get a mic each. They look around at the sold out arena and then look at each other. Then Shanw Michaels puts the mic up to his lip and begins to speak.

.::D-X member-HBK::. D-X is out here for one reason. To talk to you and Jerico and Booker T. Jerico I did challenge you. But I wanted Booker T alone. We both know that Booker T is a no problem. So you think you cna take him out easily and get a match with me. Well I did except the challenge and so ok, at the next PPV we will have a tripple threat TLC match. But Jerico I remember what you did to me. I will remember that at the PPV. So Jerico you think you can beat me? Well let me remind you of all of my carerr highlights. I was a WWE Champion, WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Intercontinental Champion, European Champion, WWE World Tag Team Champion, 1995 and 1996 Royal Rumble winner. So you still think you have a chance? Bad thinking Jerico. You think you think you will beat the best? I am one of the greates if not the greatest at Ladder matches. So there are chairs and Tables with it. That just makes it easier to win. So Jerico at the PPV I will make sure to make you bleed. And then I will go on to win the Tag-Team titles with me partner, HHH. And again D-X will rule. So Jerico you are just one thing in the way of D-X's rule. Jerico the Show-Stoppa is here and you just made a big mistake my getting in my way. But there is a little problem, and that is Booker T. He is also in the match. Well Booker T, doesn't this look familiar? Again me and Booker T go toe to toe. But this is the third and final ending to this. I beat you the first time. The second you knew you could not out wrestle the Heart-Break Kid so you made your self pull on me and make us fall the same so you could at leat not loose and get a draw. But this time Booker T, I will get the W in the books. I will get the Win. So Booker T, again the Show-Stoppa will break you. Booker T, I will win and I will not be stoped. So Booker T, don't bother even showing up.

Shawn Michaels puts the mic down. He looks at HHH and wispers something to him. HHH picks up the mic and begins to talk.

.::D-X member-HHH::.So you all are wondering why I am out here today? Well....
Well HHH I can answer that. You see HHH is out here to help me prove a point to Jerico and Booker T. By sending a message.
HBK drops the mic and starts to hit HHH. HHH is knocked down. HBK is at the turnbuckle warming up his leg. HHH stands up and HBK comes running at HHH and hits the Sweet Chin Music. HBK pics up the mic.

Well HHH D-X is over. Forget you and forget D-X. So Jerico and Booker T theres the message. Thats what you have coming for you at our match. Oh and HHH, I want you next. You just piss me off.

HBK drops the mic as Sexy Boy hits. He walks out of the ring and exits to the locker room.

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