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schools need a clean environment


     So who would pick up the trash?


     We will!


By Jonathan Que, Ralph Deleon, and Raymond Ople



Our Story


This IS a dirty place.  It's full of garbage and it's filthy.  No one would like to live in a place that's filthy!  Schools especially need a clean environment.  It would seem like a nicer place for kids to learn and play.  It would also show that the school is THE school to go to.  Go to the next page so click here.












The Korny Kodak Moments


Here are some pictures of us cleaning around the school:



         This is the beginning!               Raymond sure doesn't like snot!



   Someone's been smoking!               Don't you not wanta Fanta that's

                                         from the ground?


Always call the supervisor to

get your ball.




Looks like no one's using the               Not until we came along!





A field for play....filled                WE will!  Go on and play kids!

with garbage.  Who will clean

it up?




Thank you for looking at our site.  We worked VERY hard and now it paid off.  Hope you appreciate what we did!  Goodbye.