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Welcome to Egypt!

During Andi's anthropological expedition to Egypt, we saw many breathtaking sights and made quite a few important discovery. So, yeah, there was actually only one discovery. Here are a few of them for your enjoyment. ? Wait...

The Temple

This is the only building in Egypt. It is called the Temple at Karnak, or the Temple at Luxor, depending upon where it is when you see it. It is home to some beautiful shrubberies.

Relief of Ahkenaten

This is a relief from the Temple at Karnak, symbolistic of Ahkenaten, a revolutionary pharaoh who was greatly hated by his people. Here he is depicted as fleeing from the many hands of the sun god, Aten the Assgrabber.

The Sphinx

In Egypt, I viewed several statuesque busts, such as this one next to the Sphinx.

The Afterlife

In this newly discovered detail from the Psychostasia, we have evidence that bald Irishmen may have played a much larger part in the Egyptian afterlife than was previously believed.