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This webpage has been preserved as a memorial to adolescence and long forgotten HTML skills. Hopefully this will be found in good humor, in the event it is not, please air your grievances with the 15 year old who wrote it, not Robin Greving in his current manifestation.

My Personal Web Page

go to google See cricket Updates
My Flash movies These are my flash movies they are good but "The Meter is Not Enough" is the best one. I did all these for school in computer class.

This is my web page it sucks but i did the best I could do. My name is Robin Greving. I am currently living in Bangalore, India but I am orignaly from California. I am doing this web page for my middle school, The Canadian School of India (CSI). India is nice but sometimes there are things you cant get here(Candy).

I like to make flash movies and web pages in school. But I don't know much about both of them. I still have fun. I have been around many places in India mostly in the south. I have been to hill stations, beaches, forests, jungles and plains all around India. As you can tell, I like to travel.

Places I have been
  • U.S.
  • California
  • Iowa
  • Washington D.C.
  • Colrado
  • India
  • Agra(Taj Mahal)
  • Delhi(Capital)
  • Hydrabad
  • Mumbai (Bombay)
  • Chennai
  • Cochin
  • Ooti
  • Coorg
  • Hong Kong
  • Singapore
  • Germany
  • London
  • Paris

Click here for an exlanation of "The Meter is Not Enough"(This link is under construction)"Not avalible"
An interesting Peom By the Queens poet about the Iraq War.

Regime Change
"Advancing down the road from Nineveh
Death paused a while and said, Now listen here
You see the names of places round about
They are mine now and I have turned them inside out.
Take Eden further South
At dawn today I ordered up my troops to tear away
its walls and gates so everyone can see that gorgeous
fruit which dangles from its tree.
You want it don't you? Go and eat it then and lick your
lips and pick the same again.
Take Tigris and Euphrates.
Once they ran through childhood-colored slabs of sand and
sun. Not any more they don't. I have filled them up with
countless different kinds of human crap.
Take Babylon
The palace sprouting flowers which sweetened empires in
their peaceful hours.
I have found a different way to scent the air. Already it's
a by-word for despair.
Which leaves Baghdad, the star-tipped minarets, the marble
courts and halls, the mirage heat.
These places and the ancient things you know you won't know
soon. I am working on it now."

Andrew Motion

My Travel Pictures

Looks Good!
MMMMMMMMM! Click here to find out how they make these delicious donughts!