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My Favorite things about You

-Lindsey- im sorry for ever hurting you. you mean more to me than anything ever has. i dont ever want to hurt you again. i wish i could go back in time and undo everything so that you never had to go through any of this shit because i know you deserve better than that.i know i prolly dissappointed you with this whole thing but i promise you it will never happen again. i knew from the moment i saw you that i was going to fall in love with you and i did... i fell are the best thing that ever happened to me. you are the only reason i actually like it here now.i dont want to do anything to risk screwing that up or risk losing you.i dont know what i would do without you lindsey.i love you like that fat kid loves and i would know how much the fat kid loves cake...your the only reason i still know how to smile and i want to be able to smile for a long time to come....thank you for being there for me and giving me a chance. ~/-Ben-\~