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[-HWA-] HaRdCoRe wReStLiNg AlLaInCe
Welcome to the HwA were we play hard and don't care!!! This fed will be open shortly as soon as we get at least 10 people. While this fed is new, the owners are experianced. But one of them has an incredible amount of experiance We know what we are doing so you will enjoy this fed. We will have 1 show per week so that the RP's will be more interesting to read and judge. The show will be called Intenstity, and will be held on Fridays. All RPS are due Friday Night @ 12 midnight est. PPV's once a month, which will be the last Saturday of the month.


DATE: July 13, 2003
Post: Fed will be running soon so start recruiting people


Copyright © 2003 design by Dusty Fletcher