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Welcome to History of Magic class!

Hello ,Class, welcome to your History of magic class.We will start at the very beging and work are way to the present time.We will start with Ancient Egypt. I will post this weeks homework and next weeks homework below. Homwork will always be due by Sunday night.Any later and points will be deducted.Neomail your homework to kricci2001_1196.

Rules for my class
1. Do your homeowrk
2. Research
3. Do your hardest.
Follow the rules and you will earn lots of points for your house.

Points for homework

Correct and on time=100
Correct and late=75
incorrect and ontime=50
incorect and late=25
extra credit=25

Lesson 27th-3rd

Egyptian Magicains

Where magic started no one knows but the first time it was recored was in Ancient Egypt. Priest were the main people to use magic in their work.The most respected priest were the lectors who were aloud to read and handle the sacred books of the temple.Lector priest preformed magical rituals to protect their king, and to help the dead rebirth.Healing magic was speciality of the priest who served Sekhmet.Lower in status but still inportant were the scorpion charmers.They used magic to rid an area of poisonous reptiles and insects. Midwifes and nurses also included magic amoung their skills.wise women were consuleted about wich ghost or deity was causing a person trouble.Protection makers made amulets to protect people from evil.

For homework please research early egyptian magicians (You may also use info from the lesson).Write a 50 or more word essay on it and send it to me by August 3rd.
Extra Credit:Who in Harry potter is ecspecially good at the healing spells??

Lesson 3rd-10th


Before preforming magic the magician or wizard would have to be in a state or purity.They bathed and put on new clothes before begining the spell.Metal wands representing the snake goddess Great of Magic were carried by some practitioners of magic. Semi-circular ivory wands - decorated with fearsome deities - were used in the second millennium BC. The wands were symbols of the authority of the magician to summon powerful beings, and to make them obey him or her.not many egyptians could read so written magic was the best kind.Private collections of spells were treasured possessions, handed down within families.Protective or healing spells written on papyrus were sometimes folded up and worn on the body.A spell usually consisted of two parts: the words to be spoken and a description of the actions to be taken.To be effective all the words, especially the secret names of deities, had to be pronounced correctly. The words might be spoken to activate the power of an amulet, a figurine, or a potion.Music and dance, and gestures such as pointing and stamping, could also form part of a spell.

For homework please research and write and 50 or more word essay on the Techniques of egypitian wizards(you may use the information from the paragraph but translate into your own words.)
Extra Credit:In Harry Potter do spells have to parts?Hint:Think back to charms class.

Best work

For every assingment I will pick the very best two for everybody to read.

Student of the Month

Student of the Month gets 200 points added to their house points. All you have to do is turn in all your homework on time and have it be correct.Try and answer all the Extra Credit questions.Think of project ideas and send them to me.Anything you can think of.

Thats all for now class, be sure to do your homeowrk and work hard.