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Welcome to Hell On Earth Clan's Website ! We are currently recruiting new members ......Please let us know if you are interested in joining this new mighty Quake III Rail Clan and we will get back to you has soon has possible ...Thank you!

Main Link:


Hell On Earth - Position

Resistor - Founder
Dr.PainLess - Leader


Clan News :
Week of July 24,2003
Hey all ! The Hell on Earth Clan Has a new home and its right here on this fine looking website . It was build and created by me (Dr.PainLess). I am Currently looking for some more stuff to add in here . Anyways , all the links are working ....the only thing missing is probably servers . Since i've took time doin this website maybe y'all can help out with the servers ......The best hosting Compagny i know is called Digital Nines . Its about 1 bucks a Week and its hosted by a Pure T1- Cable . There is more option available just go at the NwS clan website . You will be able to find the link when you get there . Ask for Cybernaut if you need any help or question about hosting .....Its the leader of New World Samurai Clan .
The Clan Hell On Earth is founded and created by Dr.PainLess and Resistor. The :HoE: Organisation is mainly a Rail Clan and we play a lot of Capture the flag and one vs one around high skilled Clan such has [/S]uperior , NwS , Phish and Dynasty. We will accept every challenge we can get because we dont fear no one "Its a Game" . Has for recruiting (Guess what) ....its invite ! Yeah , same has every other clan .....You get tryout and the leaders get to vote on you . That include Dr.Pain and Resistor . We will test your skillz and see what kinda player you are . If you have any question about Hell On Earth , Go to forum ! ......Happy Fraggin !!

:HoE: vs. Qmc
:HoE: vs. Phish
:HoE: vs. [/S]
:HoE: vs Wc


Next Practice: [/S] Server
Next Match: QMC

PainLess Copyright 2003.