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A dialog just between you and I. For Real, For Fun.

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There is a unique one among us.
Of all the women in the world.
There is none like her.
Her eyes are the color of transparent hearts.
A queen who has made the world her throne.
She wares a crown of rubies, opal,
Gemstones, silver and coral.
Dressed in white and blue satin.
She is the majestic splendor of the Earth.
Exquisite beyond compare.
Refined to an extravagant dimension.
The answer to any question.
The reason why love exists.
Glazed in infinite beauty.
Build for the very purpose of love.
No wisdom can explain.
No desire can contain.
The joy in life this one has made.

Someone Special

Bless the spirit of romance which dwells within me.

Praise the god of love who has placed his touch on me. For I can look at the woman and not be intimidated. I can take her by the hand and draw her close to me.

Because I have heard her voice. I have felt the softness of her touch. I have seen her body shimmering in the early morning light. How pleasing to know this joy which wells up inside of me.

Bless the lord of companionship who has united we two as one. Praise infinite wisdom for its matchmaking skills.

For I can see the woman and love her as she actually is.

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Your Eyes.
When I look into your eyes.
I see the mystery of the universe.
I see the beauty of a shooting star.
I see a lioness before she pounces her pray.
When I look into your eyes.
I find myself drawn into an exquisite cavern.
Lose within its tranquil depths.
And unwilling to find a way of escape.
when I look into your eyes.
I know that there is a god.
A god who delights in beauty.
For love; light, life and beauty.
Can only be the explanation of you.
when I look into your eyes.
I see the most wondrous of things.
I see my hands holding a cup.
I see myself drinking you.
I see night dreams come true.
I see being forever with you.
when I look into your eyes.

* Life Today *

Such is the way of life. We are hated without cause. And despised for no reason. Is there any reward this side of heaven for those who seek peace and tend to their own business.

The pot is boiling over and the temperature is running hot. And those who are doomed. Purged by water and fire. Destine to be consumed hinders those seeking to escape. Desiring everyone to share their fates. Feeling no sorrow, knowing no shame. Harboring scorn and contempt for those who see a different vision, for those who has hope in life.

Do your best you sons and daughters of the night. Ponder and reason your next move and mastermind your stratagem. Cement your hope in yourselves. For the day speedily approaches and we not-of-this-worlders have already won and no power within this dimension, Nor any wisdom this side of hell has the might to overcome us.

Do the right thing here ↓

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* How long has it been? *
How long has it been?
I can remember it as if only moments spent.
The smile on your face.
The look in your eyes.
I can see it always.
A place in my life, which has no time.
The sound of your voice still sings in my ears.
The touch of your hand remains very clear.
An indelible print has been painted in me.
Causing space and time to seemingly disappear.
How long has it been?
Has it been an hour?
Has it been a day?
Has it been your love, which makes time fades?
Perhaps it is the memory of your hug.
That makes me feel this way.
Whatever it is.
Whatever it is not.
It is exactly the void, which I need to have filled.
Your look of dismay.
Your expression of joy.
The angry tone in your lovely voice.
They all come to me at a moments call.
Has it been five?
Has it been ten?
Has it been a little less or a little more than?
However long that it has been.
It is carried in my heart without end.

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* Closeness of love *
When the sky is full.
And the weeks are spent.
When seemingly all hope is lost.
When there appears to be no place for me.
That is when the spirit of god.
Is most closely coupled to me.
When joy and gladness produce sweet moments.
When the sky is the limit.
When the stones are dressed and finished.
That is when the spirit of god.
Is most closely coupled to me.
It is the way of the lord.
That the heavens and the Earth.
Be a blessing to me.
When my heart is heavy .
And my tears are too many to wipe away.
When everyone cheers and laughs.
And say good things of me.
When my heart is broken.
And the love of life is gone.
When there is peace and good will to all.
That is when the spirit of god.
Is most closely coupled to me.
It is the will of god.
That only good come to me.
Health, life, light and serenity.
It is when I place in my heart.
The rule of god.
That is when the spirit of god.
Is most closely coupled to me.









Do you not know?
Do you not perceive?
Just how delightful you are to the eyes.
Do you not understand?
That visions and ecstasies,
Are not restricted to the clairvoyant.
But can be experienced by everyone.
The instant that they look at you.
Walk slowly my princess.
And allow those who appreciate beauty.
To experience the heights and depths,
To which true refinement can reach.
Stroll leisurely dear precious one.
Let the world revolve at your pace.
Let the door keeper.
Dream dreams which will never be.
Let would-be lovers plot and scheme.
Do you not realize?
Can you not see?
That you are framed in marvelous.
And sculptured in breath-taking sweet.
White, Petite.
A well that does not run dry.
A flowing stream, fresh and clean.
Walk casually my princess.
Men are gaping, women are turning green.

And those who admire you love every bit of it. at cellcheap at coffee direct

This is my home.

Drag the mouse pointer over my house to see it transition.

Far Away In The Land

Far away in the land. Far away. Far away. Far away in the land. Beyond the hills and the valleys. Beyond the roaring rivers and the barren lands. Beyond the mountains and the turbulent seas. Far away. Far away.Far away in the land. Beyond the floods and the storms. Beyond the bellowing winds blowing so strong. Beyond the sorrows and the tears. Beyond wasted lives and broken years. Beyond actions that have no cause. Beyond reasons without clause.

Far away. Far away. Far away in the land. Beyond words better left unspoken. Beyond thoughts without hope. Beyond the shadows. Beyond the night.Beyond illness, disease and strife. Beyond envy, pain and blithe.

Far away. Far away. Far away in the land. Into the mist of lights and reflections. Into the land of kindness and perfections. Into hopes and dreams untold. Into all things now forever no more. Far away. Far away. Far away in the land.

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Thinking Critically 1.1.1

Analyzing a Dilemma: Destructive behavior.

Butts continuous!

I have a want to stop smoking cigarettes. Now all of the down side ramifications Of this pee-brain habit is well documented and frequently proclaimed, Therefore I have no need to take this analytical analysis in that direction. I have a want, yet I continue to stuff my mouth with this demeaning demeanor. Now seeing that I have the want to stop smoking, and that I know and feel many of the ill sided affects of my folly, There has to be something which I am missing, something which I am liking in my dream of freedom.

As I sit engulfed in a cloud of smoke, a thought crossed my mind. I have the want, however there are a few key elements in which I am liking to put force behind my want. As a plume of smoke precedes from my nose, blurring my vision as well as blackening my nostrils, which I will see the evidence of a little later when I blow my nose. I consider that my want in and of itself is not quite enough for me to overcome this predicament of mine.

It seems to me that what I need along with my want is; Will, Desire and Determination. Want is a good thing to be in possession of, but want alone is not enough for me. I hope and pray that my higher power will instill in me the Will, Desire and determination to add force to my want. Along with the health factor, my smoking habit also infuriatingly brow beat my self-esteem. And with that, even though I want to stop. In a few moments I will undoubtedly stuff another nasty Mc-poison into my mouth. Oh how I want to be free, yet I know that my freedom will not come until my want has some force behind it. Give me that force. Give me my life. Because I am not at all pleased with my self concerning this matter. My mouth taste like ten tons of human fetus; untreated, and my teeth are the color of the raising Sun. So what should I do? My want is not enough.

Want, Will, Desire and determination all need to come together in one grand united front. When they do, I will be free. Do I sound like a weak-minded fluffy-muff? Do I appear like a baby bah, bah lost some place out on a lonely hill? Does it seems as if I need to replace my "Fruit of the looms" with pampers? If the proceeding enquiries all get an affirmative, then Nuts to you my friend. Bah, bah, bah, and my cloths smells like The "s" word.

Butts ridiculous.

Hollow Point:

Liberation Plus.

I am not saying that I am predisposed in making the wrong choices. Nor am I saying that I am more or less a feeble-minded malcontent with a disposition for self destruction, a readiness to explore the gutter, an appetite for manure, or a mind set that is warped maximums, with a temperament which is not in the least very wholesome nor becoming. Never the less, I will allow that diagnosis of certain aspects of myself to have some maneuvering room and flexible interpretation. More over my want does not extend itself into wanting yours. I want to be a good person. I want the finer things of life. I want to over come the things inside and outside of myself, which are troubling me and holding me down. I want to be truly happy and at peace with myself and with everyone and everything around me, if only for one day in my life before I die. I want my breath not to be tainted with tobacco fumes. I want my cloths to have that "Dounty" freshness. I want my smile to sparkle in the night. I want Will, Desire and Determination to be the main ingredients of every aspect of my actions and behavior. I want! I want! I want. Oh shut up you I mongrel! You I monopolizer! You engross I ! You freak I ! You I monstrosity! You matilda I ! You I “ Thought I saw a putty tat”! So where do I go from the point of my want? I think that I will go and have one more smoke to think this over a little more and perhaps some day very soon that one more will be the last forever more.

Butts relinquished.

Tobacco breath extinguished

Smoke discontinuance.

Life Cycle
Laugh with joy.
For life is but a minute.
And then you are no more.
Only a memory.
Just a remembrance.
Dance and sing.
Clapp your hands.
Smile to the passer-by.
Be friends with your enemy.
For life is but a minute.
And tomorrow you are no more.
Not even a memory.
No one left alive for remembrance.
Buy now, Pay later.
Cash in your stocks and bonds.
Climb the tallest mountain.
Swim the deepest sea.
Look directly into the noonday Sun.
Eat until you faint.
Stay awake all night.
Be kind to your mate.
For life is but a minute.
And tomorrow you are no more.
Not even a memory.
Not even a remembrance.
Today you speak.
Tomorrow you are no more.
Laugh with joy.
Bull Doodle
Bull Doodle unrelenting
My present state is so disheartening.
There seems to be no relief in sight.
My nerves are shattered.
My Nuts are deflated.
My vision is gone.
My time is wasted.
I am blessed in so many ways.
However, my present state.
Is like a roaring thunder.
Like a bolt of lightening.
Whose target zero is the seat of my pants.
My sex drive, has driven away.
I have many sleepless nights.
Things that I use to enjoy eating.
No longer curves my appetite.
I am blessed in so many ways.
Yet I have no goal.
No hope.
No life.
My mind is bogged down with the irreverent.
My Dung no longer stinks.
I am death above ground.
I am a vague shadow among the living.
I am a sad clown face.
I am blessed in so many ways.
Yet I think more and more about the other side.
What will I be missing here?
Who would long for me?
Who would really care?
My mind set is corrupted.
My thinking is bewildered.
I hate most everyone and most everything.
More than anything.
I hate the current state of my life.
Bull Dootle Unrelenting.
Fleeting life, passing by the way side.
With what appears to be no relief in sight.
No goals.
No hope.
No dreams
No life.
Only Bull Doodle, Day and Night.

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In My Father's House
In my Father’s House.

There is no pain or sorrow. There is no like of forefillment. No more lost yesterdays. No more hoped for tomorrows. It is a place where you can converse with the animals as you do with a human being. Hear me, all you Nations. Comprehend my sayings, all you Tongues.

In my Father’s House there is no envy or strife and every fruit on the tree is sweet and forefills the appetite. The body is strong. The mind is healthy. A baby is over a hundred years old. Every heart is filled with love. There is no heat or cold. Listen to me, all you Nations. Heed my words, all you Tongues.

In my Father’s House springs of water nourishes the land and the knowledge of the Father lights every path. An old woman is not even a thousand years old. The body is powerful. The mind is invincible and every word is soft and tender.

Hear me, all you Nations. Comprehend my saying, all you tongues. In my Father’s House. Pray with me that we all shall feast. In my Father’s House.


Spread your wings over me and cover me in your shadow. Purge my mind of all wickedness and clean my heart with the glory of your righteousness. For my back is bent low. Bent very low under the heavy burden of my mind. I am vile and polluted by reason of the thoughts of my mind. My spirit pleads for your guidance.

You speak, and worlds tremble. You point, and eternity is magnified. You call, and the lost are gathered together in a safe place. You show kindness, and the shackles of bondage are cast within the mist of the abyss so that faith and hope are no more confined.

Hear me, my God!

I will shake your throne in the mist of the heavens with the sound of my voice. I will bend the rays of the morning star with the plead of my heart. I will display your words before your eyes. Every letter, and every line and as you have spoken, that shell it be.

In a clap of thunder. In a still small voice. In a chariot of fire. In a silent vapor seeping through the filthy streets of my mind.

Hear me, my God.

Hear me above all of my weaknesses. Hear me above all of my self-willfulness. Hear me above all of my fears and doubts. Hear me above all of my me; I and mine.

Hear me, my God!

And spread your wing over me so that I may walk in the cool freshness of your shadow.

Not my will, nor wants.
Let the love of God be done.

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Visions of how it should. Hopes of how it would. Visions dance thru my mind.

Visions of how it should. Hopes of how it would.

Visions of awakening to a new sunrise. Visions of caressing your thighs in the noon time of the day or in the middle of the night and of your lips pressed against mine.

Visions of peaceful days and quite nights. Visions of the warmth shinning in your eyes. Visions of how it should. Hopes of how it would. Visions of beach sand beneath our feet.

Visions of standing atop the mountain peak and of being an honored guest at the Lord’s feast.

Visions of rest, Visions of peace.

Visions are seed sown in parched ground awaiting the spring rains to fall. I press my mouth against your most delicate place. The delicious taste of your womanhood flowing thick and warm, coats my tongue so precious and so hum. Visions of soaring to the outer limits.

Of visiting planets in the far distant fringes. Visions of inhabited cities beneath the seas and of holding you very close to me. Visions of how it should. Hopes of how it would.

Refreshing my mind and redeeming my time.

I lower my face to the bare flesh of your belly and fondle your breast with my chest.

Visions of you using my face as your seat and letting me lick you crystal clean. Visions of floating in the wind.

Visions Of standing tall in the breeze. Of enjoying my life and of being instilled with vigor and might. Of being a blessed one of God. In answering the call.

Visions of being the victor in life’s battle. Of knowing what does and what does not really matter. Visions of our bodies joined as one. Of raising my hands to the morning sun. Visions of how it should. Hopes of how it would.

Forever in my mind.

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Cluck Total-Loser is a fanatic.
He endlessly pursues the foolish.
She absorbs herself in the silly.
He wants to be heard, above and beyond.
He wants everyone to take note of him.
She wants everyone to be aquainted, she hopes.
He parades back and forth for attention.
She worships the limelight day and night.
He is a noisy wagon at three.AM.
Hoping to bring to the window those who were at peace in sleep.
She is the loud mouth in the shopping line.
Hoping to impress those
Who only wish to make thier purchase and go home.
He races up and down a residental street at a thousand miles per hour.
Her makeup and decore is a question mark at a fantasy fare show.
Cluck Total-Loser. Is totally absorbed in self.
He / She.
Really needs to shut up and sit down.
And go home and go to bed and take a really good look at themselves.

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Why do you limit yourself?
Do you not realize that your days are numbered?
That when you were concieved in the womb, the count down began.
Why do you limit yourself?
You are created in the image of God.
Let no one hinder you.
Do not hinder yourself.
Without you there is no light.
Without you there is no awareness.
You are a World unto yourself.
A window to all things on Earth and in the heavens.
If you were not.
Then nothing would exist.
There would be no knowledge.
There would be no awareness.
You precieve because you are.
Darkness follows the day.
Why do you limit yourself?
Greet each day with gladness.
For the hours fade away quickly.

[an error occurred while processing this directive]

My Grandmama.
I don’t want to be like my grandmama.
In and out of hospitals.
Living from day to day.
Needing others to help me.
Stubborn as hell.
Remembering the good old days.
When that time arrives,
And if the Lord grants me life, it will.
When age has taken away all vigor.
I don’t want to be like my grandmama.
Holding on tight.
Slowly wasting away.
No future in sight.
In and out of hospitals.
Living from day to day.
Needing others to help me.
Stubborn as hell.
Remembering the good old days.
When that time arrives,
And if the Lord grants me life, it will.
I want to accept that the evening is here.
That it has been a good day.
I did my best.
I have ran my race.
Now evening has arrived.
Night is not far away.
In the night is light.
The light is my nearness to God.
And a new form of existence.
Peace and rest in the valley of the angels.
Age and sorrow trampled under foot.
A spirit of light in a new and wonderful life.
I don’t want to be like my grandmama.
Whipped down by age.
Holding on tight.
Needing others to help me.
In and out of hospitals.
No future in sight.
Stubborn as hell.
Remembering the good old days.
It has been a beautiful day.
I have run my stay.
Now it is time to be as God.
A free spirit in the light.
I have done what I could.
I cannot reclaim my mistakes.
It is time to welcome the night.
In the night there is life.
And that life is God.



No Absolutes
There are no absolutes in life.
Are we really true life?
Or are we simply a thought and a vision?
Floating around in some infinite mind.
Like an ant colony in a fish tank.
Viewed with amusement by some higher sovereignty.
Thinking of ourselves as inhabiting something vast.
Our infinite universe is but a tiny dot.
Tucked away inside of the omnipotent’s basement.
We live without reason.
And parish without purpose.
Stars of night.
Shining so bright.
Wish upon a star this night.
If you wish.
Then you might.
But don’t hold your breath to tight!
There are no absolutes in life.
Are we really true life?
Or are we only a strange dream?
A curious apparition conjured up in the wee hours of the night.
Not even remembered when majestic awakens.
We live without purpose.
And parish without reason.
Twinkle, twinkle.
Burp and fart.
Hold your nose and drop your blobs.
Wipe on the left side.
Wipe on the right.
Tie a string to the paper and fly it like a kite.
There are no absolutes in life.
Like a vapor, we vanish.
We age, become senile and wrinkle.
Extinct before conception.
Doomed from creation.
We trudge along like gnat flies.
We race around like mice.
We live without reason.
And parish without purpose.
Paddy cake, paddy cake.
Shut your face.
Blow your buns in a deep dark place.
Roll it up.
Mold it up.
Throw it in a pan.
When the heat of the day comes.
You have created yourself a man.
What really are we?
Are we for real?
Or are we only a misguided manifestation?
Of magnificent splendors fantasies.
We live without reason.
And parish without purpose.
There are no absolutes in life.

Skids My Dear

Humanity is the common denominator. One can be young. Old. Male. Female. Homily. Totally handsome, or a raving beauty. The human anatomy is no respecter of person. One can be poverty-stricken or abounding in all material possessions. Backyard, or a socialite. Unknown, Famous, A genus, or dimwitted Humanity is the common denominator and as such Skid marks will occur from the to time.

Do not be deceived about this thing. Regardless of how diligently one wipes, or how regularly one bathe themselves. Oozing doodle will decorate the seat of one’s underwear. That is to say of course if one is wearing underwear. In do time organic matter will trickle. That is the way of things. That is the human anatomy. Be aware that skid marks are buttock proportional.A narrow buttock produces narrow skids and likewise a wide buttock will produce a wide skid. A flat buttock will produce elongated skids and a round buttock produces elliptical skids and skids from an absolutely fat buttock may or may not reach the underwear by reason of distance to the target and body pressure and thusly may simply dry on the sides of the buttock.

The general formula for flux doodle is bd+a*bw*fe*a = f. That is to say. Buttock/diaphragm+appetite*body weight*food intake*activity equals flux. Skid marks falls into the three categories as follows. The light film that is undetected until one has removed their underwear. The medium brush, which causes one to go into the restroom to investigate the sensation of something not being quite stable at the bottom. The heavy blot creamy mark, which is often accompanied by a trail of blowflies. Typically skid marks are brown in color. Green and rainbow are other skid color patterns. Anything beyond those basic colors may denote some physical abnormality and should be addressed with a physician.

Skid odor depends upon freshness, volume, diet and if one is taking any type of medication. Skid marks cannot be considered as a fashion statement, but can be used as a conversation piece in those awkward moments of silence. Now the difference between a mark that coats the underwear and a mark that penetrates the outer garment is that of a trickle and a deluge. Do not be confused about this. They are not one and the same, for one is a private matter and the other is public. Skid marks are somewhat personal unless revealed in a moment of romantic discourse. Therefore if exposed. Smile. Cleanup, and move on. In the final wipe down. Skid marks will happen from time to time. Take heart it is only human nature.

Somewhere along the way the roof collapsed.
Some place during the trip a wrong turn was made.
Was it at the moment that I appeared from my mother’s womb?
Or did I stray on some other date?
It is all well and good.
It is all understood.
Birds fly south for the winter.
Bears hibernate.
Whether my being there or not as a witness.
The waves of the Sea will still beat against the shore.
And a small stone will still tumble down the mountain’s slope.
Somewhere along the way I was given a Star.
Was it at the moment that I appeared from my mother’s womb?
Or was I presented this gift at some other date?
It is all well and good.
It is all understood.
We laugh and cry with the same eyes.
We seek knowledge to improve our lives.
A green and a red sock is not a match.
And a life without joy is very sad.
Banners are flying.
The wind is whipping up.
Two lovers are locked in a sweet embrace.
A volcano is erupting deep beneath the seas wake.
And there is a hotel someplace with a vacancy.
It is all well and good.
It is all understood.
A man is caressing the inside of a woman’s thigh.
He feels the warmth growing between her legs.
He sees the heat in her eyes.
Nether really knows what is on the other’s mind.
Both are motivated by desire and instinct.
There is a leaf floating gently down a stream.
And a new Star is seen in the night sky.
Somewhere along the way.
At some point on some date.
It is all well and good.
It is all understood.

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Quite Time.

Making love on the sofa.

Everyone and everything tuned out. This feels so nice. This feels just right. Snug within each other’s arms. Holding gently, but tight. A head resting on a chest. In need of no other sounds. In need of no other light. Small talk in whispers. Light chuckles and soft giggles. Of one body. Of one mind. All things else put aside. Enjoying our quiet time.

No need for wine, our lips will do just fine. No need for candles, the room is well lit by the smile in our eyes. No want for music, The love that we have in our hearts is well soothing. Building bridges over rivers. Smoothing out the wrinkles and ridges. Blazing trails in the wilderness. Making love on the sofa and just enjoying our quite time.

Exploring the mystique and the unknown. Fondling playfully. Watering the dry soil. Harvesting kindness. Sowing understanding. Planting forgiveness. Making sillies. Feeling light hearted and witty. Loving each other so. This feels so nice. This feels so right. Making love on the sofa. Enjoying our quiet time.


I am standing in a quite place. Standing silently looking far off into the night. Beyond Mars. Beyond Pluto. Beyond time.

I can see it so clearly. Two objects colliding. Breaking away. Falling apart. The morning stars are weeping for the Earth.

The smaller is the mightier. It has the appearance of a Jackal. Propelled from the asteroid belt. Deflected from its orbit. Spoken of long ago. Ready at this present time to fulfill its destiny. Woe to the inhabitants who have place themselves on high.

Who worship and honor material things which fade away. Deception has been revealed and the hand of power winks no longer. Have pity for the Sea with flowing waves of blue and white and green. Bubbling white as it washes the shore streaming back to its source by reason of current flow. It will tremble under the weight of the Jackal. Its inhabitants will be swept away clean. Purged for their puffy mindedness and rooted out and cast into the deep. The smaller is the mightier with Plague and sorrow falling under its shadow.

Beyond Pluto. Beyond Mars. Beyond time. Broken free from the asteroid belt. A sword of fire in the hand of the angel of death. A battering ram against the Nations. Breaking away. Falling apart. The smaller is the mightier. Propelled by doom and oblivion. Targeting the Sea.

Laying waste the Nations. With the face of a Jackal. Spoken of long before. I am standing in a quite place. In the far off night sky I can see these things that were spoken of so long before. Now at its appointed time coming of age.

You beauty you!My Beauties!
Take away the make-up and the hairdo.
You are still beautiful.
Take away the perfume.
Your natural scent is sweet and pure.
All of those things are merely accents on the lovely.
They do not make you.
Take away the designer fashions.
The brand name shoes.
The cloak and dagger.
Walk like Eve before the leaf.
Hearts still will throb.
Mouths still will gape.
You are beautiful.
Just as you.
Your beauty is resident on the inside.
It comes from your heart and mind, and then it flows out.
It is reflected in the way in which you speak.
In the manner in which you view life.
In how you treat yourself and others.
In the way in which you conduct yourself.
The outward things are sweet additions.
They compliment that which is housed inside.
And that which you have within you is good.
Take away the eye shadow and the lip-gloss.
The earrings and the bracelets.
The bobby socks and the thongs.
Walk like Eve before the leaf.
You are still a perfect creation of God’s wisdom.
You are still a light that shines.
Because of the way in which you speak.
The way in which you act and carry yourself.
Because your kindness is not screen actors gill.
And your compassion is not pretentious.
No store can give you these attributes.
They are embedded in your heart and mind.
They flow out from the inside and adorn you.
They make you beyond doubt.
The outer things will wear away.
They will become out-dated.
They will need to be reworked and touched-up.
Washed off and reapplied.
They grow old and fade.
Become a hangout for moths and crickets.
Time and wear gives them am unrecoverable wrinkle.
The true you however, is eternal.
Young for always.
Beautiful forever.
Spanning times and dimensions.
Life cycles and habitations.
Not of flesh and bone, but of spirit.
Enduring, evolving and flourishing forever.
Radiating from the inside out.
Clean and sweet.
That is you.
Like Eve before the leaf.
Diet and exercise are very important.
They keep the body strong, healthy and alert.
They trim the flab and give you something to do.
They attempt to strong-arm weeks and years.
They are very nice and sound habits to pursue.
But they are not you.
They groom the inside and streamline the outside.
And that is something well said and true.
A weary traveler dismounted her Camel.
It was about in the noon of the day.
The Sun was bright yellow in a cloudless light blue sky.
Not one creature was stirring.
Not even a mouse.
She casually adjusted her turban.
She stretched her legs and unruffled her apparel.
After wiping the sweat from her brow and massaging her buttock.
She then remounted her trusty hump and continued on her way.
You are beautiful.
Not by what is on you or what you are wearing.
You are beautiful.
Because of what you carry inside of you.
In your heart and in your mind.
And that is very good.
That makes you without question.

Visual Sphere.
What are the blinders are all about?
And what does the acute visual shutdown sequence really means?
You are polite.
And you are attentive and courteous.
I do not know what is on your mind.
Behind the counter you are very proficient.
You perform your job well at the store.
I am drawn to you do you not know?
There is a sadness in your sweet face.
It tugs at my heart like a magnet.
I want to give you a reassuring smile.
Let you know that there is understanding and sensitivity.
Place some type of emotion into those soft brown eyes.
But the curtains are drawn and the windows are shut.
My time.
My time will come to me.
When you will see.
All that I do is hope now.
Wishes in my mind.
Visions rolling around.
Of you raising your head and blinking your soft brown eyes.
And seeing me.
My hopes and my dreams.
My heart felt pleads.
Someday and someway.
Will come to me.
My time.
My time will come to me.
When you will see.
My time.
My time will come to me.
When you will see.
And if I am wrong for wanting this.
I apologize with all my heart.
And all of my mind and soul.
But I do hope so.
That one day you will raise your head and look at me.
That your soft brown eyes will focus and see.
My time.
My time will come to me.
When you will see.
My time.
My time will come to me.
When you will see.
My time.
My time will come to me.
When you will see.

The Land.

In a land that is as antique as yesterday, there is a valley of dryness. Void of water and vegetation, it is a home to creeping things. The sky above it has a strange and cloudless reddish glow. Neither being hot nor, cold. Mild, or warm in temperature, It is a featureless and vague land and is an outpost for wanderers; nitwits, vagabonds, numps and dry hearts. No wind. No breeze. No day. No night. No frozen ice caps hidden beneath the surface. No long since dried up Seas from ages past. It is a land that envy’s Mars and the moons of Mars.

This is a land where dry bones cackle obscenities to hear themselves and be assured that they exist. They circumnavigate this parched land endlessly in search of adventure. They scrutinize the dry soil and they examine it carefully for any hint of a footprint or some form of a shadow, however so vague and so faint it may be, seeking that which is not in their possession, a living heart and an active mind. The over ambition to obtain substance and meaning in themselves causes them to have a condition of absolute and total blindness. Eyes dimmed and brains switched off having an air of discernment that is as dry as their bones. They do not see what is plainly in their mist. So enraptured in self that their oversight is mind-boggling. So egotistical in their thinking that boundary lines blindfolds has blurred their senses.

In the mist of the valley there is a mountain that reaches to the Stars. From its base, which is the dry valley, one can ascend to different levels of refreshment and quenching vapors covered with meadow lands and forest and bubbling springs of water sprouting up from rocks and between Oak leaves. A nourishing breeze swirls the rim of her skirt and travels the length of her thighs as it stirs her accouterments. The sky is blue with sprinkles of white clouds floating gently by. In this land there is flesh on the bones and soundness of the mind. This is a land of many creatures and a hangout for law and structure, humility and nurturing seed. A land where the quest for fulfillment is managed by consideration, discernment and disciplinant. This is not a land flowing with milk and honey, but it comes reasonable close to it. A land that is as antique as yesterday.

At a certain place in this land there is a man on his hands and knees with his face down in the clear waters of a brook. He is taking a casual drink and blowing bubbles in the waters of the brook. Beside his head there are the toes of a woman in the waters of the brook. She is wiggling her toes in the water. In the clear waters of the brook there is a woman standing beside a man and wiggling her toes in the waters has he drinks slowly and blow bubbles.

The inhabitants of the mountain do not perceive the land at the bottom of the slope. They are as blind in their own minds as the dry bones below. There is no meeting ground or melting pot. Around the bend and coming from between the trees there is the aroma of supper being placed somewhere on a table. A family on the mountain is sitting down to eat. Life goes on.

Buster Butt Pain doodle.
It is a terrible thing to be a buster butt pain doodle.
The pain is nothing to joke about.
The irritation is nothing to toy with.
The toilet stool becomes a place of torment.
And the act of breaking wind is insidious.
The cry for relief makes the heart boil.
Sitting down. Lying down. Standing up.
These acts are all one and the same.
Your concentration is centered on your rear end.
Small tasks become monumental.
Headache follows butt ache.
Butt ache precedes headache.
Liberally apply the ointment.
It is a terrible thing to be assaulted by \Him/.
It is a crisis to be reduced to blubber by \or/.
And it is all a sour note sung by \rhoid/.
Modern medical science is amazing.
The operations performed now days are truly incredible.
They can virtually rebuild a Human being.
They can manipulate genetics.
Clone a Human seed.
Enhance life with the use of robotics.
Doing things now that in years passed could not have been imagined.
Yet it is the little things that defy medical science.
The common cold thumbs it nose.
The inflamed butt smears this wonder science with fecal matter.
And the human body continues to weaken and grow old.
Buster butt, you can really laud it up.
You inflame my bowels without the slightest hint of mercy.
And ferment my rectal without a drop of compassion.
Smoke bellows forth like its coming from a volcano.
Fire roars like it comes from the thug side of hell.
A vile inflection that is too feverish.
Hungry, but afraid to eat and start the digestive cycle.
Fervid uproar.
Butt hole totally vaporized.
Living under fire.
Holding back the tears.
Time of relief.
Buster butt pain doodle.
Go far away from me.
Go far away from me.
And hurt me mo more.

Law and order.

The guilty will be punished. Getting away clean is only a temporary illusion. The secret thoughts presumed to be hidden in the mind, the words spoken that are unkind, the actions committed supposedly in the dark, the crimes inflected from a corrupt mind, and of those who choose to close their eyes to the face of the wicked must give an account of their actions restricted.

There is a rule of law that transcends the dimensions with a concept and a purpose for all of creation. There is no such thing as being hidden from sight. Masturbating in the wee hours, underneath the covers will leave a stain to be explained, for in due time, all things will come to light. A day of trial is assured for the guilty and at that time their actions in life will stand as a witness against them and those who stood silently by when the deed was committed must explain their course of noncommittal in the day of perdition.

Pointing fingers will give an air of self-righteousness for a time, but when the roll is called, and the tables are revealed the pointing fingers will be flipped to the reverse side then placed in a bowl of water that will turn to blood, for the blood of those harmed will not be shunned. It pleads for justice in celestial halls for a verdict that is as just and is as sure, as the handwriting on the wall, and to those who assume that all is smooth sailing will be caught by surprise by the sudden storm abated. Their souls will be crushed against the rocks and sentenced to the abyss where the misdeeds of their life will stream before their eyes in an endless mist. There the visions of their follies are poured upon them like a raging fire and this is the Hell so religious spoken about.

The guilty will be punished because in due time we will all have to give an account. I say these things because my misdeeds are many. I have made my bed of plenty and I must suffer my fate, yet I take hope in the mercy of high places who considers me worthy of undeserved acquittal and does not condemn me before my time, praying for me instead of putting me down, caring for me enough not to look the other way when self pity and madness seeks to rule the day.

The guilty will stand before the light and the masquerade will be burnt away because in due time we all must give an account of our life, for justice will not be denied.

Potty Training. (Activity session one.)

Potty training is a tedious experience. One must undertake this task with determination, clarity and consistency. Compromise is not to be tolerated. The objective to be achieved is not debatable. Offences will be dealt with by confinement to the pillory. The child must understand what is required of them. The baby days are over with and are long gone now comes the time of responsibility. This is the first developmental stage in the next phase of growing up. From this point on infancy is eradicated.

These are still the early innocent days. The times of trouble are still some years away when work and taxes and bills make life a strain, when we must endure the campaign jargon, when we spend allot of time trying to examine exactly who and what we are, When we understand that we are finite and were born to die, When the boy friend or the girlfriend just did not quite work out, Or we find ourselves confined to some dead end job. Oh! Pardon me. I kind of lost it for a moment there, Now back to potty training. The judicial processes for violation of the set purposes which is of course self-sufficiency and hygiene can be administered in the following order.

(1)The first offence requires explanation, clarification, admonishment and encouragement.
(2)The second offence requires at least thirty lashes and consigned to bed early.
(3)The third offence necessitates that the child must be subjected to the pillory.
(4)On the fourth and last offence, the child must walk the plank.

Listen to me those of you who are now engaged in potty training. Follow the judicial principles that I have outlined above and you will not go wrong,of course there is the probability of life imprisonment, but be encouraged, we must make sacrifices for our children. Potty training is exhausting and carries with it a potty full of frustration, grind it out and remember that someone had to potty train you.

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