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HHH's music blares over the p.a system as H}{H walks out from behind the curtain. he stand there at the begining of the entrance to the ramp with his water bottle in his hand and he waits a couple of seconds and then he pours water from the water bottle on his head and some more water from the water bottle into his mouth as he begins to walk down and shakes his head and spits out the water from his mouth and then he continues down the ramp and stops at the end of the ramp and thats were he looks around and pours more water onto his head fromthe water bottle and then he walks around the ring and purs some water in his mouth and throws the water bottle to the fans and the fans reach out for it despritaly trying to catch it and then hhh climbs onto the apron and the lights go out and a spot light is flashed on hhh the he looks right then left then he pauses for 2 seconds and then flicks his head and arms up to spit the water that he poured into his mouth out and then he looks straight ahead and spits out the left over of the water in his mouth and then he walks into the ring and heads to the turn buckle and thats were he does his taunt and then he stays up there on the turn buckle and then climbs down and goes to the ropes and asks for a mic. and is given one and he begins to speak..........

.:: The game~~H}{H ::.

now the game has taken this time from the show you all like to talk about cena once agin cena as it recalls you still think you can win heh the funny thing is that you are babbling about how your going to beat me so badly but you couldnt even beat spanky....come on cena hes even skinier and punnier than you are and you dissapointed you know i expected more from you but i guess i thought wrong about that proves that you cant win ok i have beaten the best of the best ok and you...cant even beat the worst of the worst the crowd laughs heh come to think of it your also a nosy little punk because after my interview....what do u do you go and and ask j.r what just happend earlier.....i just have to inform you that I AM THAT DAMN GOOD OK NOT YOU, YOU ARE JUST THAT DAMN PUNY ANS SCRONY (the crowd laughs again)and the fact is that no one likes you come on now do u see one sine that says cena is the best or cena is cool or whatever, and another fact is that people like me...and i can even prove it just watch me if you are watching from your locker room ok.

~scene 2~

Triple }{ then walks out the ring and walks around the ring for a little bit until he stops and see's a fan holding a poster saying Triple h is the best HHH.

you see cena people do like me and not you because so far i havent seen one poster with your name on it wait no theres one just that it says cena sucks (the crowd laughs) but as you see here this very nice fan of mine is holding a poster saying triple h is the best now that is a whole lot better than the poster i saw about you...heh.

then Triple }{ walks back into the ring and picks up the mic he was holding befor and begins to talk once again.

now back to what i was saying....i couple of seconds ago cena i just thought of a great question to ask you ok so here it goes....what acheivements have u had lately....hmm...i guess that wasnt a good question after all because i already know the answer to it...the acheivements you have had lately were umm..lets see lossing to spanky heh and umm..winning the intercontinental championship but and yet you lost it to shane douglass heh...but i bet you are thinking what acheivments have i accomplished well i havent had any yet in the hwfc because i just joined this fed about 1 or two weeks ago...but...but i have acheived some accomplishments back in the wwe for instence i have captured the world heavy weight championship six times witch you will never do in your life and i have beaten the best of the best many times like shawn micheals and the nature boy ric flair and the suprising thing is that they are both legends and you never in your life have you beaten a legend ok thats 1 more reason y you are not going to win on raw against me ok this is also proves that i am better than you and that you arent even in my league SO GET THIS THREW YOUR HEAD YOU WILL NEVER BEAT THE GAME TRIPLE }{ IN A MATCH....i dont even know why they even put me in a match with you they already know that i can woop your ass any day any time and any were...but i dont care because its just gonna make it easier for me because im gonna b finished with you like in the most 5 minutes heh...but the point is that im gonna kick your ass then go on into the torament then i will verse the last person in the tornament and win the global weigt championship but still i cant trust little vanilla ice wanna be's because they just like to cheat alot wen they know that they are gonna loose just like cena...yea thats rite i have seen you wrestle befor many times and most of the times u mostly only win by using your stupi little chain that u put around your neck trying to act cool well guess what cena you arent cool and this match isnt a rap marathon ok...and for the record if you even try to use that stupid chain of yours then im gonna be forst....forst ok...forst to use my favorite weapon ever...thats rite cena the sledge hammer and im gonna make sure that i make you bleed to death and im gonna make sure to bring you down to HELL! you have never been down to hell so im gonna beat your ass and feel proud that i was the first person to bring you to hell wait i dont even know why im going to try so hard because i dont have to try hard even the crowd knows it because i like i said earlier i have beaten the best of the best and you for sure arent one of those people and i will deffinately win that match because I AM THAT DAMN GOOD I AM THE GAME AND FOR FORTHER MORE TO DO I AM THE CEREBAL ASSASIN!

then the show goes to commercial break...


and the show continues from the commercial break and triple h starts to talk again...

ok i i know we just got back from commercial break and you fans are probably bored of me talking about john cena so im to hit all for corners and do my taunt so that i can get some excitement up in here so play my god damn music!

~scene 3~

}{}{}{ then at this very moment hits every single corner and does his taunt and points at his fans AND THE CROWD GOES WILD AND STARTS TO YELL TRIPLE H'S NAME! then triple h gets back to the middle of the ring and picks up the mic he had befor asd his music stopsand then begins to talk once again...

ok im sure you fans are lightened up now...heck who wouldnt be lightened up by the greatest wrestler in this bussines doing his taunt over and over well i know one person that wouldnt be lightened up and that person is john cena because hes probably jelous that i have more fans than he will ever have heh he cant even get one person to have a sign that says CENA U DONT SUCK THAT MUCH(the crowd laughs)well hes probably back stage babbling still about how hes gonna win well nobody likes someone that only talks but cant win unlike me because i can talk about how im gonna win and still win my match...i can just picture my match with cena now....first i will beat his ass all over te ring and then i think im gonna start to play around with him then im gonna get serious and do something that has never been done in the hwfc fed and that is double PEDIGREE JOHN CENA heck maybe even a triple heh i bet john cena just wet his pants when i said that (the crowd laughs)but then once i do that i will pin him for the win 1...2...3! so watch out out for the match ofa life time against your wairst nighmare THE GAME...TRIPLE H! (AND THE CROWD GOES WILD CHEERING TRIPLE H ON)oh yea and cena make sure you dont wet your bed in these couple of days befor our match because it is to scary just to think of how badly i am going to kick your ass and if you start to cry when you loose...then dont worry ill brong a hankey just like mommy would do!(triple laughs then drops his mic.

H}{H then stops speaking and then HHH's music blares over the p.a system once again as he hits every single turnbuckle and does his taunt once again. The crowd goes wild when he does this. HHH walks up the ramp and exits.

~all of a sudden~

as triple h walks to his locker room he bumps into coach and then coach stops him and asks him a couple of questions...

coach-now triple h i know that you really want to win this match but why are u so serious?

}{}{}{-me taking this match seriously? im not taking this match seriously i think this match is a pure waist of time.

coach-well i dont know triple h now cena has beaten...

}{}{}{-john cena has beaten who no1 important as u can see... come on coach he lost to spanky.


}{}{}{-but nothing this interview is over!

then triple h pushes caoch out the way as he looks at triple h in a confused way. then triple h walks into his locker room and closes the door as the show goes to commercial break once again.