My ujournal is like wo! My entries are like wo! My friends are like wo! My website is like wo!

The journal is public, aiight parnta? Check out my other journal. It's an icon journal and stuff. Have fun kiddies!
07 Jul 2003 » 08:01pm
mood » predatory
music » Sole' ft. Ginuwine; Wasn't Me

I have to pack today. I am a lazy fuck. I was gonna start packing at 1. Then I was gonna do it after I watched SNL...but I fell asleep while watching it. I swear I am so nonmotivated. My mom is being nice to me which is great. She punched me in the back today though and I have a minor sunburn. It hurt. We were in the middle of Target and I was like, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING YOU CRAZY LADY?!" and this old guy looked at me funny and my mom smacked me again and told me to shut up. ;X In 24 hours I'm going to be in Wyoming. That's awesome. My mom is going to cry at the airport which is very dumb since two days after that she'll see me. My brother's gf is coming with us to the airport to say goodbye to him. They act like they're married except 8x more abusive. They always punch each other and give 'em fat lips. They can be real childish sometimes. Oh well, it's funny for the most part. I have a huge misquito (sp?) bite on my arm and two on my legs. I probably have West Nile or whatever it is now. That's my luck. I feel bad for leaving my cat at my house all alone for 8 days. It's so sad. I saw Alyssa Latta today. She talked to me. >.< I tried avoiding her. My mom just looked at me funny. FREAK. HAHHAAHA. ;X I better go pack now. Yep...after I play a few games of Spider Solitaire. ;D

Oh and I won't be updating until I get back from Wyoming on the 16th so yea. No commenting either. SORRRRRYYYYY. =\

4 never saw nothin' better

06 Jul 2003 » 12:38am
music » TP; Shut Your Fucking Face Uncle Fucker.

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3 never saw nothin' better

I hate crotch rolls.
05 Jul 2003 » 06:54pm
mood » hot
music » Ginuwine ft. Sole'; Sex

I'm going to update about the last three days.

Chilled all day until like 8. A whole bunch of people came over and we chilled on my back porch. My dad bought SO much alcohol and crap. It was awesome. Everyone was drunk and then we were setting off illegal fireworks. :) It was fun. My uncle came over in my Escape. He was so drunk and he told me he'd take me out for ice cream and stuff when I get back from Wyoming. At about 3 people were going home and I came inside and watched Jeepers Creepers. I was scared. haha. Then I fell asleep.

Got up at 9 am. Took a shower, got all ready, got my cat ready and went to go watch the parade. Everyone was like, "Can I pet your cat? She is so cute." and blah blah blah. Yes I took my cat to a parade and had her on a leash. She had fun except it was like 100 degrees out so I had to run to the store and buy her water. She's so spoiled. After the parade I came home and Britt called me. She wanted to know if I wanted to go to Ross Lake Park and chill up there. Ross Lake Park is where EVERYONE goes and the fireworks are. So I go to her house and then I go up to Ross Lake with her and her brother. We saw Kirstin up there...fat nasty stanky skank. So we were walking around and it was like 2. It was SO hot out. Then we went to Family Dollar and Britt was like, "Buy these shorts." and I was like, "No, everyone in Beaverton has those." and when we went back to the park like 2000 people were wearing those shorts. ;X At like 8 people actually started showing up there. Then it was fun. Black Andy was up there and his friend Black Mike (<33 I love him. ;X) was up from the D. So I went and talked to Andy because Mike is just oh so shy I guess and I tried to get them to come over to my house but they ended up and didn't. Aaron said he'd have 'em over before Mike went back to the D though so WOO. Me and Britt walked around and talked to people like Chunk and stuff. Then a little girl drowned apparently. Well, she was drowning or so someone said so everyone was out in the water trying to find her and they were telling anyone who could swim to go out there. They came up to me and Britt and were like, "If you can swim, go help." Britt was like, "I can't swim!" and she really can't. The people didn't believe her. Oh well. They had the Police dive team out there and the boats and stuff. It was kind of scary. Then the fireworks started and Britt left me. So I hung out with Bryan, Black Andy, and Black Mike. After the fireworks were done I came home and my mom and dad had all my family over so I sat outside with them and my dad gave me a whole bunch of alcohol and I got drunk...again. Then I came back in and fell asleep on the couch.

Woke up and watched TV for a really long time. I talked to some people. I was supposed to go with Britt to her family reunion but she never called me. I decided I needed to tan before I went to Wyoming so I went outside in my bikini and mowed the lawn. Haha. If I would have just sat out there I would have gotten bored. I mowed the lawn for 2 hours. I got paid $4 for every hour and my dad said he's going to pay me a lot extra because I did it without him having to ask. SWEET. Came back in and ate pizza. Gotta do some people's layouts then I'm off to clean my room.

That's the past three days. I have to clean my room today, finish mowing the lawn tomorrow and shop, then on Monday I have to pack. Thennnnn on Tuesday I leave for Wyoming. I'm not sure if I'll be able to comment on your guys' journals while I'm out there because I'm not sure if I'll have access to a computer. But yea, better comment now and stuff. Later.

5 never saw nothin' better

Party in the back but business in thef ront and she was a CHICK!
04 Jul 2003 » 01:49am
mood » drunk
music » Sole'; 4,5,6

haha we had a party you know and whell I'm a littyel drbnk. =\ My uncle stopped by and oommmggg I was crying from laughing and shit. Thsi is takin gme a while to typw because I dont wanna spe;; everything wrong! I will have to update tomorrow ecause this isnt workinf at a;;.

1 never saw nothin' better

01 Jul 2003 » 11:22pm
mood » ecstatic
music » Ashanti; Carry On

I got the new Ashanti CD today. Oh yea. I'm in love with it. <3333333 Muahaha. I've waited so long for this CD. :)

My babyboy is at work. I'm sad. I wanna talk to him. :( I think I'm going to go to bed in a few, I just wanted to update and all that crraaappp. I need to comment too. Eeeeh. I recommend that you all go out and buy this Ashanti CD. But that's just me. You dig?

lalalla I have nothing to update about. Hmmm. I can't even think of anything. That's sad. =\ OH, my cousin from Wyoming is back. That's weird. *freaky* bahah. I am in a crackhead mood with a headache, oh it sucks. Later.

6 never saw nothin' better

30 Jun 2003 » 10:40pm
mood » anxious
music » Gangstarr ft. Jadakiss; Right Where You Stand

Today I woke up and I was in a good mood. I had a cat on my face but I was in a good mood. My cat kept following me all over today. I took a shower and while I was in there I could hear my cat scratching on the door. Then I went back into my room and she was running at my heels. It got annoying. She's elite though. She got accepted into pets_elite.

Seeeee. My cat is the shit. :) Except the people that said no didn't think so. Oh well. She got accepted and that's all that matters.

My mom came home and we were getting along. It was cool. Then my dad and my brother came home from work and all that. Tricia came over and then these people that want to buy our dog came over. My dad decided he was gonna be a total dickhead today so I acted like that back to him and my mom started bitching at me, saying I'm always in a bad mood and stuff. Someone needs to shut the hell up. ;O That was uncalled for. But it seems like lately my dad has been a dickhead and both of them are always on my ass to do something. Whatever. Me & Aaron are still getting along which is good because it's nice having a brother I can actually talk to and tell stuff to. I have to finish cleaning my room too. Grr. 4th of July is coming up. Last 4th of July was bad. Me, my brother, and my cousin got drunk and snuck out. My cousin ended up telling on us because of some reasons that were really dumb and we got into trouble. What a good cousin. My brother and him got into a fight that night too because they were drunk. It was bad. Hopefully this 4th of July will be as eventful. ;D teeheeezz.zzzz.

I still have to make me more icons but I can't think of anything to make them of. When I had only 1 icon I would make like a million and now, I have icon block. Layout block has come and gone but eh, it sucks. :( My cat looks like she's gonna kill my brother. Too bad my cat is the biggest nonkiller ever. Mr. Kitty was the shit. I want her back. She was a killler. She played Kitty Halfpipe too. >=] muahaha. She hit a couple windows playin' that. haha. Well I'm off to go comment and then watch TV.

2 never saw nothin' better

30 Jun 2003 » 04:10am
mood » excited
music » Trina; Nasty Bitch

New layout. Someone bought me a paid account. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I'm so happy. bahaha. That's all I wanted to say. I love that person...I don't know who it is. =\

12 never saw nothin' better

28 Jun 2003 » 11:39pm
mood » silly

I went shopping today. Got a new bikini. Rawr. When in doubt buy pink. Yes, pink. I got a couple shirts too. I'm stylin'. I get to go back to the mall and Aero next week and buy me a new purse and stuff. Woot. I'm tired right now.

We had a tornado warning today. WOO GO US. Apparently there was one near by us or some shit. Like 5 miles from where I live. Then me and my mom got caught up in it when we were driving and we couldn't see or anything. It was sweet. ;X

I'm talking to Adonis so I'll be back later. Bye!

nothin' better

I hate PRL's.
26 Jun 2003 » 09:45pm
mood » okay
music » Inspectah Deck; The Movement

I am so far behind on my friend's list. AHH. This sucks. I am trying so hard to catch up but you guys update so fucking much. GOD! ;P

12 days until I get to go to Wyoming. WOOOOOO. I'm so excited. I have to go this weekend and go shopping and get a new bikini and shorts and stuff. I gotta remember to have Tricia take me to buy Ashanti's new CD on Tuesday and !!!. I already have all my money spent basically. I have to save some for Wyoming too and eeerrrr. My parents keep tripping about me flying. They are like, "Are you sure you aren't scared?! What if you puke?!" and I've been on planes before...dumbasses. I have so many batteries and stuff so I'm just gonna listen to my CD player all the way there and back. It's only 5 hours of plane rides but we have layovers in Detroit and Minniapolis (sp?).

Today I did a whole lot of nothing. I ate a lot today. I feel fat. I had to go out and feed my dog. >=\ I walk out there in my shorts and stuff to get her dish and she wrapped her chain around my leg and so now it's all cut up and nasty. Then she drooled all over my shorts. Faggot. =\ Me and my brother pissed my mom off today apparently by speaking Japanese. I have a Japanese cousin so yea. Then I was speaking Spanish and Swaheli and my brother just was looking at me and he's like, "Are you on drugs?!" Somehow that made us talk about back in the day when we were little and all that. It was cool. I like it when me and my brother aren't trying to kill each other. I tried talking my mom into letting me go to Clare schools next year. I don't think she's gonna go for it though. I was like, "Dad could drop me off at Mea's every morning since you know...we live real close and then I could go to Clare schools because Beaverton (yea...laugh some more userinfodub) schools suck." She's like, "I don't think so..." but I'm gonna keep trying. Then I could go to school with G-No and Mea and Shawna and all them. Woot.

I have a new layout by the way. Pucca...Yea. I love Pucca. She's the cutest. I'm workin' on a new Boondocks one and ehh. I wish there were more pics of them. I think I'm going to go though and like watch TV or talk to Adonis or something...ha. Later. <333

7 never saw nothin' better

Tiga Style.
25 Jun 2003 » 08:46pm
mood » busy
music » Wu-Tang Clan; Wu-Tang Clan Ain't Nothin' To Fuck Wit

So much to update about. Not really. Yesterday was really hot. 90's. Ehhh. I just stayed in the house most of the day because it was air conditioned. Went to Aero. Gotta go back this weekend and buy some shit.

Today, I woke up at like 3 and went with my dad to check out this guy's house. 100 Degrees out. MY GOD. I wore pants all day too. I must be retarded. Then G-No came over when I got home from doing that. She played Pinball on my computer for awhile. Then we went up to my Grandma's and ate all her strawberries. ;X We watched Goldmember and me and Mea were so cracked out. Our conversation was like o_0 If you would have heard us, you would have no clue as to what we were talking about because we'd say something but it'd be in like 'slang' and then we'd giggle because it was so funny. G-No was sitting there and was like, "You guys are so gay." then walked off. HAHA. Those two are weird kids. Oh well , I love 'em. I came home and we had steak. Woot. 'Bout damn time. My mom made this Mexican was good. I get to go to Pixie's tomorrow. I'm so happy. I've been DYING for Pixie's forever now. They have the BEST old school stuff. They are an old school diner and they have coney dogs, little hamburgers, the BEST shakes EVER, and ahh. I'm excited.

I love how Method Man comes into his verse on this song. <3333 I think my mom might take me shopping in Jackson. That's tiiiight. :) Well I have to go, I will comment later I PROMISE! Bye.

nothin' better

24 Jun 2003 » 01:16am
:) I'm updating. :) My head hurts and I'm tired. That makes me coooool. I feel like going to bed. I'm going shopping tomorrow at the new Aero. Woo fucking hoo. I get to get a cool ID too. :) LATER.
2 never saw nothin' better

Bears and bitches.
22 Jun 2003 » 05:54pm
mood » weird
music » Royce Da 5'9; You Can't Touch Me

Today has been a good day. <3 At like 7 this morning there was a frickin' pheasant sitting oustide my window and it kept crowing or whatever they do. My cat was sitting in my window and I guess the bird pissed it off because she was hissing and stuff. It sucked because I couldn't get back to sleep. Then when I did my mom woke me up AGAIN.

We went to the store and I bought me a strawberry smoothie. It was so good. =\ It helped my ice cream cravings. Then I went dollar store pimpin'. This guy in there I think he's in like 8th grade kept staring at me. It was funny. Then these fat, nasty, stanky bitches walked in. My mom was all, "OH SHIT, FAT BITCHES!" it was funny. So after the dollar store pimping we came home.

Nick is over. Nick is always over. My brother is dumb. He came home last night and was so drunk. And he's talkin' to me and crap. What a nut. I wanted to get drunk. =\ Yes because I'm suddenly an alcoholic thanks to Mike. It's so hot in my house right now. I don't get why we aren't allowed to turn our ac on. BLAH. I'm tired. I'm always tired. I had Gummi Bears today. They were so good. I love gummi bears. I'm thinking of doing a new layout. Yeeaaa. <3333 But anyways, I'm going to go watch TV or fall asleep or something. Later.

3 never saw nothin' better

20 Jun 2003 » 07:57pm
music » Roscoe ft. Kurupt; I Love Cali

Son of a bitch. I just typed up a big long entry and it cleared it. FAGGOT. I mean that in a nonoffensive way. :) I can't even remember what my entry was about. Freak.

Melissa is still in Virgina. That sucks really bad. I miss her. That's my best friend right there and :( I miss talking to her...well we don't really talk that much online it's just the fact that I could if I wanted to.

I really have nothing to update about now that the entry got cleared. I slept for 14 hours today. I'm a lazy little girl. Ricky is mad at me because I was invisible on yahoo and he thinks I was on cam for other guys. What a nut face. He's being a loser right now. Guys suck sometimes. Realllly they do.

I'm really hungry right now so I think I might go get some pizza. I hope I can go to the mall tomorrow or something because I'm gonna be really bored. I wish I could drive. I need my liscense but I have to wait until my birthday. Fuckers.

5 never saw nothin' better

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