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Updates dated July 9th
Hmm, I didn't update that much, just fixed the navigation menu so it was leveled, and added the links page. I'll do a picture page later, need to find more pics so I can add them, if you want your pic on there, then give it to me :P Anyways, my cs hasn't been working for the past week and I finally fixed it, so I'm gonna go play now!

Anyways dated July 7th
I've added music to the main page. I'll be changing the song every week, so yeah. I got bored and eddy is a busy guy so I just went ahead and made the banner myself, it's not all that great, but hey at least it's something. I also finished the "Me" and "Music" page, so you can check that out if you want. I'll fix the navigation menu and finish up the other pages later, getting lazy already ;P

Working on my new site! dated July 6th
Well anyways, I was bored out of my mind and was looking at all these cool sites and just felt like making one. I don't know if I'll actually update stuff like everyday because I get pretty damn lazy. With all my past sites, all I did was finish it then have a few updates after that and that was the end of it. But I dunno, we'll see. And yes I know the damn menu is not leveled, I will fix that later. Eddy is also making my banner for the site hopefully he can get it done soon =] <3 eddy.

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