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Phantom's Romworld



Penny Arcade




Hello all! I feel clean, no more pressures of work or school. At least for now, anyway. I think I have found a better direction to go in with this website, I was thinking roms and emulators would be a good place to go. My first rom is none other than chrono trigger!


Ok, I havent updated in a while, but I have a decent explanation, firsty I have been trying to find a better focus for this website, and secondly I have been put under pressure with homework and stuff


Hey guys, I finally realised I had left the website in a shambles, and decided to update it now, the forums are now gone, never to return until someone requests for one.

I decided to stick with the old layout, but as you can see, I changed a couple of things, I think everybody will agree with me in saying that I need more space, so I will try and find a better space provider

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