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TOPIC:celia karina rosas
Hi! i'm athena. i tell all that is going on in my class. but of course if your not in my class that is totally fine you can still read. well starting with crushes. first of all victor minchello likes celia rosas forever(DUH!!!)next adam martino will always love celia rosas. this is what ive heard around that tomas likes celia but ive only heard that .that is all 4now until im on next time.

wazuppi!TOPIC:michelle ferrer

MICHELLE is the most uglyist snottyist lesboist stupidist bitch in the world .she steals my friends stuff including my stuff. she even steals best friends.all she wants is to be popularamd to be liked and conferted whenever she wants.she steals everyones pens even gel pens gotta go hi! michelle always shows off and tries to be cool and hip but she really is a jerk. shes like the most hated girl in the school.she only liked this guy because he looks cute with gel. how shallow is that? next subject shall we? TOPIC:Reyna Oligario

She is the gossip queen of our whole class.she knoes all the good gossip. but she is so easy to get information from cause she is the nicest girl in the class. even though she likes to tourment our classmates:ben, adam m., and hobert.she is so weird! o and she also has an r problem she cant say the r properley. thats all I have to say about her. TOPIC:Myself Atdhena Bernas

lets start on crushes .i have an obsetion over.... daniel raddacliffe as harry not daniel. i also have an obsetion over my cousins best friend who lives down the street from him who i can visit all the time if i wanted to;david who is really cute to but he is taken.enough about me. TOPIC:Leah Labrador;aka my best friend

she has an obbsession over harry potter too. "harry potter is my warm an snuggley husband,"says leah herself. shes real weird like me too .we both are like the same . she used to like paolo, now she is so mad at herself because shedidnt tell him tat she liked him in the beginig of the school year shes over him. TOPIC:paolo susvillia