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Here is my collection of marijuana books that I have enjoyed. Hopefully they will help you to choose something that you are looking for. I have divided the books into separate sections to help you understand what the target market is for each book. All of these books can be ordered on-line from barns&nobel or amazon. Most of these books can also be ordered by your local book store. I have bought these books from barns&nobel, amazon and local book stores without any problems. The book's ISBN numbers can be found by typing the title of the book into the search engines linked above.

I have come to enjoy most of them and have even used them to dabble in quite a few pet projects of my own. I have also used the internet to get growing advice and information but these books are more advanced than most grow sites and far easier to use. Having a good marijuana guide or cannabis book is important if you intend to put them to some use. There is nothing like being able to thumb through the pages or take the book into the grow room with you. Save this page to your hard drive and read over it. It will help you to judge what you need.


New Cultivation Grow Guides


The Cannabis Grow Bible: The definitive guide to growing marijuana for recreational and medical use by Greg Green is the first book in the list is the latest and most up to date grow guide available. It is a large cannabis grow guide and is packed with information. It is a huge book (maybe even the largest) which covers a vast range of cannabis growing information both indoor and outdoor. The professional layout, organization and expert advice rates this book as the top grow book of all time which quickly made the best seller list. You are highly advised to get this book if you wish to cultivate marijuana. Everything is covered in detail. It is one of the only professional grow books available at the moment. The pictorial sections are fantastic and the illustrations plentiful and very helpful. If you want to zip into cultivation or are looking for advanced techniques and information then this is the book for you. It is also the only grow book which covers where and how to get cannabis seeds properly. Growers rate this book as a very important contribution to the marijuana cultivation scene.

Cannabis Cultivation: A Complete Grower's Guide by Mel Thomas is a serious grow book detailing very important systems for marijuana cultivation. The writer spent time in prison for producing a ton of skunk. The guide is lean and meaty on growing information and recommend for its accuracy. It also comes highly recommended and is a must for any good gardener who wants to make advances on their growing techniques. It also covers how to grow that ton of skunk.

The Kiss of the Sun: The Natural Marijuana Garden by John Alexander is a wonderful book which details outdoor marijuana cultivation methods along with pictorials and essays on the plant. It is very short though (less than 60 pages). All the books in this section deal with outdoor and other growing methods too. This is a must for all outdoor cultivators and cannabis lovers. It takes a more creative philosophical look at the plant and is almost poetic in its natural approach to cultivation. Gets you worked up.

Indoor Marijuana Horticulture - The Indoor Bible by Jorge Cervantes is another one the latest grow books available. It is not that well presented but does cover a vast range of topics on the cultivation front. This book update is a must for those who are interested in cultivation but there is a lot of stuff to get through. The pictorials are good but the index is very hard to use. Give it a whirl anyway.

Marijuana Success Indoors: Garden Tours and Tips by Ed Rosenthal is Ed latest grow book which covers indoor gardening. Short(80 pages) but sweet. It is mostly a collection of Ed Rosenthal’s articles on indoor cultivation and it worth looking at if you want to see how Ed likes to do it.

Old Cultivation Grow Guides


Marijuana Grower's Handbook: The Indoor High Yield Guide by Ed Rosenthal had a re-release in 1998 and is good on the information front but has since been replaced by the new grow books above. This guide is interesting and informative and contains some new cultivation data but remains still dated on certain fronts. Not the best grow book but it is an Ed Rosenthal book and he does a lot for the cause. This book is easier to navigate than the new Indoor marijuana Horticulture by Jorge Cervantes.

Indoor Marijuana Horticulture by Jorge Cervantes, Robert Charles Clark has now been replaced by the Indoor Marijuana Horticulture - The Indoor Bible by Jorge Cervantes missing the Robert Charles Clark partnership. An interesting grow guide that is still doing the rounds in some grow and book stores. It should be replaced by this time. If you see a copy of this don't buy it. It contains a lot of mistakes anyway and is the old version, the new version is above.

Marijuana Hydro Gardens: The Techno Grow by Tom Flowers is a small book detailing hydroponics systems for the novice gardener. It is useful for those who want to start with a book that just details hydroponic growing although most of the new cultivation books do this in detail anyway. It covers a bit about how digital technology can be used with hydroponics.

Marijuana Indoors: Five Easy Gardens by Jorge Cervantes is a short book which details five simple garden designs for cultivating marijuana. An interesting guide with lots of tips but does not cover much more than just the five gardens.

Grandpa's Marijuana Handbook: A User Guide for Ages 50 & Up by Evan Keliher is a fun read for growers of the older age groups. Anyone of any age can get this book and enjoy grampa talking about growing his favorite herb. Very good for getting seniors into the growing habit. The writer Mr. Keliher has a Doctorate in Education, has been married 46 years and is a Korean Vet. He has also had glaucoma for 30 years and has treated it successfully with marijuana! This is a fun book for older growers.

Marijuana Grower's Guide by Mel Frank, et al is a much dated grow guide which recently was re-published in 1998 but still seems old. It does not cover some of the new growing techniques but is most certainly one of the old favorites. An interesting guide for those who want to see how things where done in the 'good old days'. Vast topic coverage, historical, but the technical side does not exist and you need this.

Marijuana Botany by Robert Connell Clarke, et al is another old favorite but is not really a grow guide. This is simply a book about cannabis botany with some information on genetics. The Cannabis Grow Bible by Greg Green has a more advanced section on plant genetics and is best accompanied by this book on that front. It offers accurate information on landrace strains and how the environment influences plant genes. Very hard to read but a must all the same.

How to Grow the Finest Marijuana Indoors Under Lights by Joseph Carver is a simple grow book which covers the basics of indoor lighting. There are now more advanced books than this one. It is a basic book which covers a small bit about growing cannabis. It is not a very detailed book and the methods are limited. If you do not expect much then you will get what you want.

Marijuana Outdoors : Guerilla Growing by Jorge Cervantes is his first outdoor grow book. Interesting coverage of outdoor cannabis cultivation techniques. Talks about outdoor cultivation around the world. More about world-wide outdoor cannabis coverage than growing.

Growing Marijuana Hydroponically by Hans covers hydro growing with your favorite herb. Short but sweet. Many of the new books cover hydroponics in detail. Mainly covers organic techniques with a section on sphagnum peat moss.

Marijuana Grower's Insider's Guide by Mel Frank, et al is from the creators of the Marijuana Grower's Guide. There is enough information here to help out even the most inexperienced of growers. The technical information in this book is very old though. Better cannabis coverage in the newer titles.

Closet Cultivator by Ed Rosenthal is another slim book (less than 60 pages) which deals with the topic of how to grow cannabis in your closet. Not ideal as a stand alone book and it is very short. For the budget grower looking for just information on closet cultivation techniques. These techniques are now covered in detail in the new books above.

Marijuana Hydroponics by Daniel Storm is an old hydroponics book from the eighties. A very good read for hydroponic users of the past. Equipment lists with a step by step approach to hydroponic cultivation.

Marijuana Question? Ask Ed by Ed Rosenthal is a questions and answers book taken from his High Times column. An interesting read for those who followed his columns in HT magazine. Some of the information is old. American orientated.

How to Grow Medical Marijuana by Todd McCormick, Peter McWilliams is Mr. McCormick debut book on medical marijuana. Mr. McCormick is a medical user suffering from cancer who has spent time in prison for cultivating cannabis. This is a good look at how unfair the government treat medical marijuana users. This book is about the therapeutic benefits with minimal psychoactivity. Not for those looking for psychoactive results as well as medical results.

Easy Marijuana Gardening by Ed Rosenthal is another one of Ed's short books on cultivating the herb. Interesting reading but very short. Another budget book for the very novice grower. Is available in Spanish and few other languages.

Marijuana Pictorials and Information

Greetings from Cannabis Country by Andre Grossman is a collection of postcards which can easily be ripped from the book and sent to your friends. The pictures are awesome. They also leave a little tab behind detailing the picture you just sent and what it was about. Send them to your friends. They will love it. Some of the pictures are totally weird!

The Big Book of Buds: Marijuana Varieties from the World's Great Seed Breeders by Ed Rosenthal is a pictorial book detaling marijuana plants from around the world. It is a very good coffee table book with interesting facts on plants and breeders.

The Cannabible by Jason King is another pictorial book detailing marijuana plants from around the world. Another very good coffee table book. Excellent coverage.

Cannabis Culture is a magazine from Canada which, like High Times Magazine, details cannabis issues from within Canada. A very interesting mag with lots of hints and tips.

Cannabis Chemistry and Processing

Hashish by Robert Connell Clarke, et al is a huge book about the same size as the Cannabis Grow Bible by Greg Green. It covers Hashish from around the globe with an amazing color section which illustrates all the different kinds of hash you can find. The illustrations and charts cover nearly every page in this book. If you are a hash lover then you must have this one. Highly recommended.

Cannabis and Cannabinoids: Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Therapeutic Potential by Franjo Grotenhermen and Ethan Russo is for those who are inclined to learn more about cannabis chemistry. A very nice well rounded book covering the different types of cannabinoids found in cannabis and their effects. Covers botany, taxonomy, chemistry, pharmacology and pharmacokinetics; indications for cannabis and THC; risks and side effects; other cannabinoids; and other constituents of cannabis. The scientific THC book.

Cannabis Alchemy: The Art of Modern Hashmaking: Methods for Preparation of Extremely Potent Cannabis Products by D. Gold is a old manual which covers information on how to make hashish from cannabis plants using a variety of extraction methods. Useful for those who want to broaden their hashish knowledge. Also covers cannabis oils procedure. This is not a book about potency increase. Get the Cannabis Grow Bible by Greg Green if you want information on increasing potency. This is a book about THC extraction methods - mainly hash oil. Goes nicely with Hashish by Robert Connell Clarke.

Ask Ed, Marijuana Gold: Trash to Stash by Ed Rosenthal, S. Newhart is from Ask Ed's column in HT mag and talks about how to convert cannabis trim into hashish using a number of extraction techniques.

Dr Atomic's Marijuana Multiplier by Larry S. Todd is another budget book about hash oil. It is done in cartoon format. Information is limited.


Cannabis Legal Information and Marijuana Essays

The Emperor Wears No Clothes: The Authoritative Historical Record of Cannabis and the Conspiracy Against Marijuana by Jack Herer is an old time favorite and a must for anyone interested in why cannabis is really prohibited. It contains a vast amount of historical information on the subject and comes highly recommended. Lots and lots of news clippings!

Ask Ed: Marijuana Law: Don't Get Busted by Ed Rosenthal and William Logan is the legal cannabis possesion and cultivation book for every American. Ed was sentenced to one day in prison in 2003 for growing medical marijuana. Remember that this book is American orientated.

The Marijuana Conviction: A History of Marijuana Prohibition in the United States (Drug Policy Classic Reprint from the Lindesmith Center) by Richard J. Bonnie et al is a collection of historical information on marijuana prohibition. A must have for cannabis fans who want to see what kind of mischief their government gets up too. The book is authored by members of Nixons very own committee designed to the task of researching marijuana. They came back with possitive information. Nixon ignored the advice and turned it into the drug war. It shows how law makers bent everything in their path to make marijuana illegal. There are racist undertones to marijuana prohibition and this is also covered in the book.

Marijuana Law by Richard Glen Boire and Tony Serra produce another look at pot prohibition laws and how it effects mankind. Fair coverage of cannabis prohibition information.

Reefer Madness: Sex, Drugs, and Cheap Labor in the American Black Market by Eric Schlosser is a collection of essays on the subject of marijuana possession, off shore government drug activities and how this political tactic only causes more problems for people and makes the power than be more wealthy. Basically three different stories in one book.

Reefer Madness: The History of Marijuana in America by Larry Ratso Sloman is another marijuana law book which covers cannabis use and prohibition across America. Fair coverage of both topics.

Understanding Marijuana: A New Look at the Scientific Evidence by Mitchell Earleywine, G. Alan Marlatt covers scientific evidence that marijuana is far from harmful. An exercise in logic. Very good coverage of recent scientific discoveries.

Why Marijuana Should Be Legal by Ed Rosenthal and Steve Kubby is a look at why cannabis should be made legal. Interesting facts from Ed the man.

Pot Planet: Adventures in Global Marijuana Culture by Brian Preston is a book of cannabis essays covering the world. Makes an interesting and fun bedside read. Journalist Brian Preston sets out on a global ganja safari! A cannabis oddysey from around the world!

Mom's Marijuana: Life, Love, and Beating the Odds by Dan Shapiro is the true story of how marijuana can be used to beat the odds. A family orientated book. Cannabis Culture by Patrick Matthews covers a diverse range of cannabis issues in various essays. Another very informative read about how people use cannabis. The writer combated Hodgkin's disease using marijuana. This is a very detailed look at medical cannabis and how it works!

Cannabis Culture by Patrick Matthews is a cannabis book by a former Reagan speechwriter who talks about his political connections and experiences with cannabis. Social issues are abundant in this book. There is also politcal information outside but connected to the cannabis in this book.


Cannabis Cook Books, Marijuana joint Rolling and Others.

The Marijuana Chef Cookbook by S. T. Oner is a great cook book for all cannabis lovers. Learn to make up various marijuana meals with these recipes. Over 50 recipes.

Stir Crazy: Cooking With Cannabis by Bobcat Press is a great fun book for those wishing to cook up a little special marijuana treat for themselves.

The Joint Rolling Handbook by Bobcat Press, Liz McBeth is another fun joint rolling hand book for anyone who is interested in learning different ways to devise their own smoking shapes. Lots of illustrations.

Cannabis Spirituality: Including 13 Guidelines for Sanity and Safety by Stephen Gaskin is a fun book which describes 13 different ways to enjoy your herb without sitting around all day doing nothing.

The Benefits of Marijuana : Physical, Psychological & Spiritual by Joan Bello covers the lighter side of using cannabis including medical information.

Marijuana Medical Handbook: A Guide to Therapeutic Use by Ed Rosenthal, et al covers medical issues surrounding cannabis and its medical uses.

Marijuana Beer: How to Make Your Own Hi-Brew Beer by Ed Rosenthal, Rebecca Perry is a book which shows you how to make marijuana beer. I have never personally done this myself because I don't drink much but apparently it can be done!

Best Pick List


This are the ones I use the most! I highly recommend getting started with these ones because they are all 'dog eared' at this stage. The Cannabis Grow Bible by Greg Green is probably the best of the grow books because of its size, layout and information. You will be turning to this book time and time again as a grower. It also contains new cannabis cultivation information that at first looks startling but when put into practice makes all the difference. If you do what this book explains then you can learn to produce a single two oz plant in less than three months. It doesn't just stop there. Things just keep get better and better with this one. There was an older PDF version of this book but it has nothing to do with this edition which is twice the size of that PDF. It is a totally different book. Marijuana Botany by Robert Clarke is the cannabis botany book. Reading this book will help you to understand more about plant genetics and how they relate to growing conditions. A very important book for growers who want to learn more about botanical aspects of marijuana. Hashish is also by Robert Clarke and is absolute eye candy. The book also covers hash making in detail. If you use it with the Cannabis Grow Bible and Marijuana Botany you can learn to make your own in no time. The information in Hashish is also startling, covering plants from all over the globe. WOW! Cannabis and Cannabinoids Franjo Grotenhermen and Ethan Russo is the ultimate THC chemistry book. It covers nearly everything you could ever want to learn about THC (the main cannabinoid in cannabis) and its uses. The Emperor Wears No Clothes is a great anti-prohibition book that just slams prohibition into the bin. A great book about liberties and how cannabis users don't harm anyone.

I really hope you enjoyed this list. I hope it encourages you to try a few of these books out. Growing is easy.

Grow More!
