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The scam list >_<'
I am working on a list of known scams that everyone needs to be aware of.
This information should be to the benefit of all our members and aid in protecting ourselves from things like this.
If you have any information or comments that might be helpfull on this subject please email them to me or post them at our forum.
Thank you


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    undergoing maintenance


    - July 28, 2003 10:47p.m.

    This is a list of ranks and classes available in the guild Gehenna. This list may change due to it's experimental nature. I am trying to work out a system of rewards for members, if you have any ideas or comments on what I have here please email me.

    U.S. EAST --Rank-- A list of ranks atainable
  • General -- weekly salary of 1,000,000 gold.
  • Lt. General -- weekly salary of 750,000 gold.
  • Major -- weekly salary of 500,000 gold.
  • Captian -- weekly salary of 300,000 gold.
  • 1st. Liutent -- weekly salary of 250,000 gold.
  • 2nd. Liutent -- weekly salary of 200,000 gold.
  • Sargent -- weekly salary of 150,000 gold.
  • Private -- weekly salary of 50,000 gold.
  • Recruit -- weekly salary of 10,000gold.

    U.S. EAST --Class-- A list of the classes avaliable
  • Council - The leaders of the guild.
  • Member -- For all members who do not choose a class.
  • MF -- Elite unique hunters.
  • CK -- The ppl to go to if you need a cow run.
  • PvP -- Masters of player v.s player.
  • Rush -- Beats any difficulty within 20 min.
  • Race -- Runs and competes in guild races.

    Diablo 2 / Guild Headlines | Bnet News

    Doing good realy... no members, no rules, ah... who am I kidding =P honestly not much happening right now other than organization and creation if you have any comments or ideas please feel free to email me.

  • .

    Created by Krelian, Gehenna_Council
    Copyright ©2003