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Welcome to the Official site of The Future Maverick
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My Details

Greetings, to all of my website viewers, and thanks for visiting. 1st of all, I hope you would be pleased with the site I came up with, as I'm still a newbie web designer. 2ndly, if you have any way of improving my site, do contact me with my details.

There's not much to know about me actually, my name's Yap Chee Seng. I'm turning 15 this year, and facing the dreadul PMR. Currently, I'm studying in SMKDU(in BM)/ DU High (in BI)."

I'm sorry to say I can't give out my personal details, but you can contact me through e-mail or ICQ. My e-mail addresses are don't think this 1 works anymore) and My UIN for ICQ is 108711002.

So, I guess that's all for now, till I update the site, which is like after my Mid-term exams (somewhere in June). As Sun Ce said in Dynasty Warriors 4, "Next time, I'll promise it'll be twice as entertaining!"PS : I made this site during May-June holidays, so don't accuse that I'm studying ;-P