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Yankees Take Game 4, Series Tied at 2 - B-1
EST.  Thursday, March 15, 2001  1996
Winter Approaches,
Clocks Turn Back
In the News:
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Scientists Discover New Planet
70 light years away from Earth - there goes the neighboorhood...
Story, A-5
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He's Baaaack
OJ Simpson in his civil trial - when will the madness end?
Story, A-8
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And speaking of madness...
Perot still thinks he has a chance. Puh-lease.
Story, A-8
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Orioles left scratching their heads
C'mon, spit in the face of the umpires and think you can win the World Series?
Story, B-4
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Don't Get Mad, Get Even
Our advice columnist takes off the gloves.
Story, D-5
It's the Great Pumpkin...
...or so one would think. In actuality, this fine gourd was discovered to be the latest in the discovery of mutant frogs that have been popping up from Quebec to California. Seventh grader Skippy McBinhex found this amphibean oddity while picking out a pumpkin this past weekend with his folks in Meadville, PA. The gourd leapt at him and croaked, causing the youngster to faint. He recovered ten minutes later saying "That was cool!"
While some of the frogs have been found to have extra legs, missing legs, or eyes in strange places, this one developed orange skin and the ability to blend into the Halloween scenery. Independent studies show that the mad cow incidents of earlier this year may have been a precursor to the genetically altered frogs. Michael Crichton, author of Jurassic Park and The Lost World is allegedly considering a novel on this theory, called The Mutant Frogs of Calaveras County. No one could be reached to confirm or deny this rumor.
Otters Return to Isle of Wight
(Guess It's Not Too Dear)

LONDON, England (BBC) - Maybe it's just coincidence that the Beatle's Anthology III came out just a few days ago, and now otters are returning to the Isle of Wight after a 30 year absence. BBC's South Today environment correspondent Roger Finn reports that wildlife experts say that this "proves the success of efforts to encourage otters back to the South".
KEGWORTH, England (AP) - Four year old Daniel Keogh narrowly avoided being nicked by the cops on 13 October, when he was seen wielding a Power Ranger sword in the back seat of his mum's car. An unidentified caller feared a kidnapping had taken place, when in reality it was a kidplaying. Pamela, his mother, said that he is a Power Rangers fan.
"They all have swords and their leader, Jason, is his hero."
Horoscope - D-4
Comics - D-3
Sports - B-1
World - A-3
Editorial - A-12
Engineering - E-3
Technology - H-4
Bull Market Enters the "Third Act"
WORLD MARKETS - In bullfighting the third act is the one with the small red cape, coming just before la estocada, the kill. And the Bull Market that has been escalating over the past six months seems to be following that red cape to lines of red as the major markets around the world drop between 20 and 30 points daily.

Movie News
"Bad, bad, worse" is what people seem to be saying about the onslaught of movies of the past six months. Not since Arnie's action-adventure Eraser have moviegoers been truly entertained by a film that wasn't jingoistic, all special effects, or just plain stupid. "It's pretty bad when three films in a row bump Grand Canyon from 'worst movie of all time'", one disappointed film critic explained.
Hopefully the holiday season will bring with it some decent cinematography, with Ransom, Jingle All the Way, Mars Attacks!, and the newest in the Batman series.


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