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All the relevant information is present in a text based form and can be read, digested and used to promote the Firing of Smoke Laval.

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This is where we will do our updates after games and series, and also where we will include any new information relevant to the cause.


Following the tradition of fireronzook.com, a few LSU faithful alumni have decided that enough is enough. We sat back and watched a third-rate coach take the program of the decade and turn it into UL-M. Our only regret is not starting something like this site earlier when we knew Smoke Laval was destined to destroy a legacy. His hiring as administrative assistant and future coach to the 2001 team should have triggered an immediate act on our part. Unfortunately, we had some faith that Smoke would actually continue to run the program as Coach Bertman left it (which ironically is what Smoke promised Skip). But it is better late than never for us to start our crusade. Unlike fireronzook.com, we do not have the monetary capabilities to get an actual URL, but we will promote this site and hope you will too. Throughout the site, we will give you example after example, reason after reason on why Smoke Laval needs to go. And for the record, we will tell you the truth about what is happening. If there is a chance that it might be a half-truth or rumor, we’ll either confirm it or tell you how much we believe it. Though you will never know our names and you won’t see our faces, realize that we are here to save a program we cherish and help find a replacement suitable for the job. We also hope to send Smoke back to a fledgling program in need of a third-rate, overrated coach.


Since Smoke’s arrival on campus, there has been blunder after mindless blunder. We will give you a list of where this whole thing went wrong and why. Some may be more evident to you than others. But all are proof that LSU and its players are being led by a fool.

firesmokelaval@yahoo.com HOME