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The importance of identity Inside the State

Edgardo Salazar Sánchez 954093 group 12:00.

What is the principal function of Identity inside the State.

In the following Essay I will develop the importance of Identity by analyzing first, the role of Occidental influence, second, how does this influence causes the loss of identity, then the importance of Nationalism, and the instruments that State use to produce unification. I want to now how does this characteristics produce the importance of belonging, and the importance of Identity.

The influence of the West Side let them rule the world in which we live in, and the principal character, in this time, is United States. This world is made up for numerous identities interacting, sometimes harmoniously, sometimes antithetically.

North Americans are the ones who have the power to attack any place in the world, they had military and economic supremacy. For those reasons this country influence a large part of the world, his function is to promote democratic ideology but the consequence is the born of Nationalism.

The setting of considerations about human behavior and, more relevant from our standpoint, about reconciling liberal principles with actual behavior is seriously affected by the imperial encounter. The West is the world of knowledge, technical Know- how, and functioning institutions. The others are only the dependants and they find ,only as their solution, the faith.

In the USA, academic, intellectual, and aesthetic thought is what it is today because of refugees from fascism, communism and other regimes given to the oppression and expulsion of dissidents. Now the North American people have to show their supremacy around the world, but the problem is that the others feel a great amount of pressure to follow these new rules.

All cultures teach about themselves cultures assert their supremacy over others. As an example there is the influence of U.S. over Jewish culture. The United States is also the principal sponsor of Israel. United States has developed an ideology in counter of the others, as a way of defense. Jewish has found now their home, Israel, and they are going to protect this place and also develop an intolerant Nationalism as other countries do it. This process of recover the fundamental ideas of their culture born by the oppression of the others ideologies.

The reconstructed Jewish collective experience, as represented by Israel and modern Zionism, could not tolerate another story of dispossession and loss to exist along side it intolerance constantly reinforced by the Israeli hostility to the nationalism of others. This people are afraid of suffer again the oppression of other cultures, for that reason, they look after Nationalism as a way of defense. A lot of Jews had suffered lost of identity. Since the finish of WWII, they had been separated, they had to left behind their costumes so that they could live in the occidental society's. All this occurs until Israel appear as anew way of recover their culture. So that Israel is now the place in which the Jew culture can be saved. The problem is that a lot of Jews are around the world, they cannot preserve the Jew way of thinking. They don't have an Identity.

We can understand Paradise lost because it is an epic, which will always fulfill specific social and historical expectations. Then the Jewish looks after the reaffirmation of their customs for recover their identity. Nationalism is an assertion of belonging in and to a place, a people, a heritage.

This process is easier in a place in which you are not an estranger, in where you know the rules and the way you have to follow them. All nationalism in their early stages develops from a condition of estrangement. People feel scared of lose their identity again so they defend their culture as the most pressure thing in the world. Then appear Nationalism. Nationalism is the philosophy of identity made into a collectively organized passion. The State gets transformed, and the most important idea is the preservation of values and the security of the culture. For that, the State develops some instruments that provide security and unification inside the State.

Exile takes an important place as the best way in which One State could defends him. Exiled is a contemporary political punishment. And it is the reason we observe to tell that "We come to nationalism and its essential association with Exile." Many exiled welters lend dignity to a condition legislated to deny dignity - to deny an identity to people. This is their principal function and this causes confusion and we can said that because "Much of the exile's life is taken up with compensating for disorienting loss by creating a new world to rule." The principal Exiles are about intellectual people, and this occurs when they don't accept the way in which the Government acts, they broke up with the peace inside the State, they had to be Exiled.

Exile is not a privilege but an alternative to the mass institutions that dominate modern life. Is the best way to defend a culture because the human being always gonna look after community of language, culture and customs. For this, it is also important to mention the great influence that other instrument has under the composition of a State. They has to Promote the ideas of union and Nationalism trough Language, customs and culture so that they can turn back from exile, or in other terms, give to the people the opportunity to recover their identity. This last sentence shows us that there is a way to battle with Exile, and the way to finish with that is to promote, by some instruments, ideas of unification all along the State.

National language and literature make culture induce to a loyalty and patriotism and the principal instruments are diffusion of a school mediate, academy-supervised idiom, bureaucratic and technological communications.

It is very important to observe the academic and cultural space provided by School and University but in the case of the Jewish people, Religion plays the best part. We have to remember that the Jewish Society bases their way of act in Religion. Our religious way of thinking, give an example of this way of working on the masses. One of the most important relationships between Nations and humans is language but we have to mention hat the monopolist of coercion and violence refined the notion about state, also "Intellectual formulation is great convenience of ordering the experience of the mind".

By the use of these methods the State can control or manage almost everything, but one of the greatest problems is the influence of the Occidental culture around the world. As we have mentioned yet, this causes the loss of identity, and this consequence makes the State falls down because if you don't have an identity, how can you fight or defend something. We can assure now that one of the most important instruments for the state is Identity. How given the definition of identity, the society is to be governed. Reverence, respect, loyalty and even patriotism, are methods that culture use to incline their members. The reason for that is that when you feel identify with something, you are responsible to maintain the ideology and also to respect it.

Borders and barriers, which enclose us within the safely of familiar territory, can also become a prisons, and are often defended beyond reason or necessity. People use to think that the only place in which they cold live in peace is the State to where they belong, and because of that we can said that This place can become a prison. We can refer also to a culture when we talk about this.

I can conclude now that Identity could not appear inside a state if there are not common customs, language, history, literature, religion, etc. These items are the ones that built the feeling of identity in a Society, they give to humans the idea of belonging to some place or in the best of the cases to a culture.

Identity allows the birth of Nationalism, which is the perfect characteristic of the State, it is used as a form of unification that let the State exercise domination. So all this ideas are alternated as a form of organization in which citizenship relegates its beliefs to a culture that gives them an idea of belonging, Identity. This concept is one of the most important in these times because of the influence of Occidental culture, this is one of the reasons that make Nationalism appears in its most imperfect way, but it all refers to the idea of preservation of ones culture and identity.

Bibliography: P Said, Edward : "The Edward Said Reader ." Ed. Vintage Books. USA, New York. 2000. P. 472 P Said, Edward: "Reflections of Exile and other Essays." Ed. Harvard University Press. USA. Massachusetts. 2001. P Said, Edward: "Nationalism, Human rights and interpretation." 1993 P Arnold, Matthew: "Culture and Anarchy"