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This site is a work of pure fiction, Nothing is to be taken seriously. Any and all images are on loan from their respective owners. All views are expressed mearly for the sake of humor!! Anyone who enters this site agrees to do so at their own risk, Holding no one responsable for the contents of the website. Neither Angelfire, Lycos, nor Kryptonic_x Claims any responsability for said website. It is strictly here for entertainment purposes only!! By choicing to Continue you agree that you have an open mind, A good sense of humor, And in now way plan on holding the owner responsale for the afore mentioned material.Also by continuing, you agree that if you find any material on the following website to belong to you, And you would like it removed, you will simply e-mail the webmaster ( ) and request these actions to be caried out. Thank you very much.

Get Me Out Of Here

Alright Already Let Me In!!!