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My Home Page

Why the fuck does this have to be here?

This Is My Site, if you dont like, get the fuck out of here!!!! This is for nothing more than my rantings. I dont care if you dont agree with what I say, because im going to say it.

I might someday make things look nice, but i fucking doubt it.

July 19, 2003
Well this is the start of the ranting. So I am sitting at this girls house that i have been dating for almost two years. She is on MSN talking to some fucking twit she knows. This twit fucks up and says, "so are you going to craig this weekend" I didnt mean to read it, I didnt want to but i did and now I KNOW the bitch is fucking around on me. I asked her point blank who was craig,she says "oh she must have meant Leo" But who the fuck is Leo? maybe I am being too jealous or something, but I dont think so. You see, our "relationship" started with her fucking me while dating another guy, and she did this for quite awhile. The other guy left her ass cold without even a phone call, so i am pretty sure he found out. and now i am see all the same signs that i was involved with when we first started dating. the "oh i dont feel well" but then dont answer the phone for a whole weekend. the "oh im going out with my mom" but never answer the phone. Whatever, im at work and im done for now.