
The 60 List!

music video code by
bjork - who is it
If there's an arrow through it, it means I have done it.

01. Shave my head
Something I've wanted to do since I was in 7th grade; when I finally did it, I was told by the cutter that I have a "perfectly shaped head." Color me sparkly.

02. Weigh 175 pounds
Although it would be nice to weigh 175 pounds, I kind of don't see it happening, but it's nice to think about... so I'll probably leave this one on here at least until it happens or I turn

03. Actively participate in an orgy
In a word - interesting.

04. Be a go-go dancer in a club
05. Buy a turntable and learn how to use it.
06. Get a degree in something
Four and five have always been sort of magical in my mind. In regards to six, I dropped out of college, yet again, in January of '05. I just haven't found my niche yet.

07. Try cocaine (snort with a $20 ala Britney Spears)
08. Star in a (professionally made) "adult" movie
09. Become a vegetarian for a month
10. Learn to play guitar
This was so not my thing! LoL I'm marking it off because I tried and wasn't into it.

11. See Amber live
12. Take voice lessons/classes
13. Make out with Lindsay
14. Write a book
15. Learn to drive stick-shift
16. Throw a surprise party
17. Do 'shrooms
18. Pole dance professionally
Ever since seeing Showgirls I've wanted to do this.

19. Take up yoga
20. Be in a parade

21. Go down on someone in a theater.
Very "Alanis" of me.

22. Pee on Amy's car
23. Seduce a 'straight' guy
24. Get a professional lap dance from a female
25. Get botox injections
26. Buy a pair of Gucci shoes
27. Give and recieve road head
28. Ride in a limo
29. Have sex outside

30. Stay in a luxury suite
I've done this, but it was with my dad, so I don't count it.

31. Work as a phone sex operator
32. Get tested for HIV
Tested negative.

33. Have a pizza-eating-contest with Lindsay
34. Join the mile-high-club
35. Get collagen injections
Wanted these ever since seeing Madonna's Justify My Love video and Angelina Jolie.

36. Meet Dolly Parton
37. Go to Australia
38. Go to Amsterdam
39. Go to the Bahamas
40. Go to Canada
41. Be in a protest

42. Do that fun "strapped in a ball" thing...
That...thing... where you're attatched in a ball and they just throw you all around, but you're secure... ya'mean?

43. Participate in a glory hole.
44. Participate in a game of Naked Twister.
45. Take a hot air balloon ride.
I'm terrified of heights, so doing this will take a LOT of courage.

46. Get a "facial" - cum facial, that is.
47. Start a savings fund with a bank
48. Go to a "MadonnaFest"
Do they even still have these? If so, I'm still all about it.

49. Follow the end of a rainbow.
I actually did this, but you can't "really" follow a rainbow, because the closer you are to it, the less you can see it. So suki, suki to me!

50. Prepare a Thanksgiving feast.
51. Try out for Real World
I have no intention of doing this these days. This show is a whole pile of caca. I did audition for "The Biggest Loser," though, so one man's "Real World"...

52. Get hypnotized.
Went to a hypnotism seminar and did this. Really relaxing and refreshing. Plus, the hypnotist was a sexy beeotch.

53. Record a demo.
I recorded a demo of myself doing a bizarre version of Madonna's "Power of Good-bye." I no longer have it, but I did it, so there you go! Plus, I guest on some tracks for the fabulous Lady La La, so again - suki, suki!

54. Move somewhere far away with no family help.
55. Ride a mechanical bull.
56. Run a mile in under ten minutes.
57. Have sex in a public place (preferably a church and/or baseball field)
58. Be photographed by David LaChapelle.
59. Have sex at work.
60. Get a Prince Albert piercing.