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The A&A Page
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So, this is the page of the happy couple of Ashley Bridgen and Alex Duncan. We are very much in love and have been for 3 months. We have made many memories already and so many more are still to come.

Ashley and I live three hours apart but that doesn't stop us from "being together" 24/7. We are extremely dedicated to each other and we have made a commitment to be together forever. I love Ashley to death and she loves me. What more could we ask for?

We have been able to overcome the physical distance between us. We see each other as much as we can, weather/parents/money permitting. We have truly utter devotion to each other to always be there for each other. It's so great.

Our next planned visit is easter weekend. I will be taking the train to see ashley for almost 5 whole days. It's going to be a blast. And as was said by whoever said it, "Sometimes the best things in life are worth waiting for." Ashley + Alex Forever...