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  • To become rich

Links to remember: SJNP Money Making Tips, Chocolate Shop (restocking), Shop Wizard (check item prices), Snow Faerie Quests (get rare items), Games (easy/fun neopoints)
Neopian Times Articles:
How to Make Your Savings Account Show More Commas, Restock!!, Finding Your Niche in the Economy, Be a Savvy Saver, Experiment_ex, How to Make 1 Million NP Speculating in Codestones, Need NP? Get NP!, Moolah Maker, Bargains By the Bagful, NP Made Fast? No Way!,
Get Rich Checklist:

  • Get a Shop
    First you'll want to get a shop.  If you already have one, good!  Otherwise, it costs 150NP, at first I thought that it was a total rip-off and a waste of money, boy, was I wrong!  My shop is my main (if not only) source of income these days.  You can decorate it however you want, but don't put lots of images and things on it, you don't want it to load too slowly. 
  • Dailies
    If you scroll down a bit, on the left hand side there is the heading "Links" and under it a couple links to place in Neopets.  You'll want to go to each of those links and collect your prizes.  If you are just starting out on Neopets, or don't have much to spend, don't do any of the Wheels because they cost money, the rest are free.  
  • Play Magic Fingers!
    Sorry, I mean play games... lol, sorry.  Anyway, you need to get some NP before doing the other things.  You got to have love to love... I mean, money to buy stuff...  Anyway, find some games you like and play them three times everyday, and if you don't go buying anything, than you will be able to restock and do quests! 
  • Restock at the Main Shops
    If you have a fast computer, this is your claim to fame (or richness, actually).  The best shops to restock at (in my opinion) are the Chocolate Shop and Book Shop, or wherever there are new items.  (If the item is new, that means that there aren't many of them out yet, the less items out, the more they cost.  So, as soon as you get a new item, sell it!  They prices will go down after more appear in Neopia.  Sometimes this is not the case, but I have found that most of the time it is.)
  • Snow Faerie Quests
    This is for you more if you have 50k or somewhere around there, somewhere where you could loose about 3k and still be OK.  So, go to the Snow Faerie and do a quest.  Check out the items she asks for and find the combined price.  If they ever add up to more than 5k, I don't do the quest.  If you have less than 100k, than I would set the limit to 3k, but it's up to you.  She could give you a Dark Battle Duck (worth millions), a Grand Lightning beam (worth about 20k), or a Wet Snowball (worth about -5NP).  Take risks if you want, but don't say I didn't warn you. 
  • Sell!
    Now that you have some cool items, put them in your shop!  But, before putting in the prices, check out your competition.  Say that you got a White Chocolate Uni from restocking at the Chocolate Shop, so you search for White Chocolate Uni on the Shop Wizard.  Currently, the lowest price is around 200NP (that was just on my first try, you'll have to keep on refreshing to find the lowest).  So, now you have two options.  If you want to sell your item quickly, then price you item from 10 - 100NP lower than the lowest price.  But, if you want to make more of a profit, than price it around an average price (if 5 people are selling it for 200NP, and 5 are selling it for 300NP, than price it at about 250NP).  Sometimes you could price it thousands of NP more and you would still sell it (most likely from a newbie who is on a quest, I remember my first quest... the Fire Jug... aaah, good times... lol). but that's not going to happen often. 
  • I'm bored...
    Shops not restocking?  Faerie quest too expensive?  Then try Dice-A-Roo!  It makes money, but not very quickly.  Just start a game (costs 5NP) and keep playing until you get a game over.  NEVER collect your winnings, unless it's a LOT. 
    You can get food on the Green Dice and all dice after that.  They usually sell for about 50 - 100np, so you've made a small profit.  You can get Lottery Tickets from the Yellow Dice (I think) and Silver Dice, and if you're very (very, very, very...) lucky, you might win over 1 MILLION neopoints!  You can also win Bottled Faeries that sell for about 3k, so they make a nice profit. 

  • To have strong pets

Links to remember: Mystery Island Training School (to train), The Academy, (to train) The Battledome (to battle), Battledome Chat (to find other people who like to battle)
Neopian Times Articles:
Raising Your Stats - How? What? Huh?, In Battle, Attack is Not the Only Weapon, What Faerie Blessed Ability is Right For You?, Do You Want To Battle Even Though You Are Poor?, My Quest For Hit Points
Strong Pet Checklist:

  • Talk to an expert
    Have you heard of someone who is pretty good at battling?  Then why don't you neomail them!  But, remember to be polite
    And don't ask me, I'm not an expert at battling at all! 
  • Train your pets
    The Academy is good for when you are first starting out, after your pets are over Lvl 10, go to the Training School.  It costs more, but it's quicker and there are a few more benefits. 

  • Battle friends
    It's not only fun, but you get experience! 

  • Battle Punchbag Bob
    You can test out all of your weapons against him, just don't use one use items (snowballs, muffins, etc)! 

  • Snow Faerie Quests
    This is a great way to get cool items and get neopoints.  I've heard of people even getting Dark Battle Ducks and other weapons (I once got a Grand Lightning Beam from her).  But set a limit on how much you are wiling to spend per quest, the most I spend is 5,000NP.  If the combined prices of all the items she asks for is more than 5,000, I don't buy anything.  (Remember, check the Shop Wizard for her quests, and the first price is not always the lowest.  Check a couple of times).  If you don't get a Battle Item, then sell it in your shop to be able to get one. 

  • Don't Restock!
    Trust me - you DON'T want to restock in the Battle Magic or Defense Magic Shops, they are WAAAAY overpriced.  So don't even try.  Definitely restock at the Chocolate Shop or other shops, and sell in your shop.  You can try the desert Battle Stall, as there are some good weapons (Hand Painted Scarab) there. 

  • To win the Beauty Contest

Note: If you want to win because of your talent as an artist, then some of these tips you might not want to follow, such as "Guilds".  It'll be very hard though.  I wish you luck.  ;)
Links to remember
: The Beauty Contest (to enter your pet...duh!), SJNP Beauty Contest (tips, problems, etc)
Neopian Times Articles:
Winning Beauty Contest in Style, Beauty or What?, Beauty Contest - Picture or Pet?, Beauty Contest Research Report, The Beautylarity Contest,
Beauty Contest Checklist

  • Choose an Unpopular Pet
    Do you have a Moehog, Lenny, or Tuskanniny?  Then draw them!  There are very few people who draw those pets, so you have better chances of winning than with a Kougra or Shoyru.  Although you will probably not win the Overall award, you may win the Species award.  Of course, you don't have to do this, but you can if you want to. 
  • Wanna see me Draw? ... Wanna see it again?
    Now it is time to draw your picture!  You can choose to use the already made Neopets picture, and just add things to it (which is called Copy and Pasting, which some people are against, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with it), but you will probably have better chances of winning if it is hand drawn/computer drawn by you.
  • Speak Out!
    For your speech, don't put "This is my first time!  Plz vote for me!  My mom worked so hard on this picture!" or stuff like that.  You can, but I'd recommend talking about what your pet likes to do.  If possible, draw your pet doing that!  For example, you could say "This is a picture of me reading my favourite book, "Acara Gormball Tips".  I love to read, and I love to play Gormball, so I was so happy when this book finally came out!" 
  • Advertise
    You don't have to advertise, but if you are, then remember DON: Don't beg, Only in Beauty Contest Board, and No trading votes. 
    Don't beg for votes - you could become unpopular.  Also, don't bribe people, "I'll send you an item if you vote 4 my pet!!!", it is against the rules. 
    Only in the Beauty Contest Board!  I am not at the chat very frequently, but I see sooo  many posts asking for votes in other boards, that it isn't funny.  It's very annoying.  So only post in the BC board.  Please. 
    No trading votes.  Just read my article about this.  If you don't have time, then I'll just tell you, it's against the rules. 
  • Guilds
    If you are in a guild, then post on your message board saying that you are in the Beauty Contest, and you'd appreciate some votes.  Don't tell people they have to vote for you, that's not very nice.  Some people don't like when people do this, so someone could get mad at you.  But you probably will get some votes. 
  • Got websites?
    If you have a website (a Neopets one, like this one would be ideal) you should put a link so that people can vote for your pet!  I get about 500 visits a week, and I've gotten about 70 votes in one week. 

  • To have the best Neohome

Links to remember: Furniture Shop (to buy stuff), Garden Shop (to buy stuff), Your Neohome (to build, put items in, etc), (to make a list of items to buy)
Neopian Times Articles:
NeoHomes: What Goes In So You Have a Great NeoHome, How, When, and Where to Create Your NeoHome, NeoHome Architect Tutorial, Gardening Tips, Neopian Feng Shui, The Cheapest NeoHome Theme, Gardening for the New Gardener, Furnishing A NeoHome Room: The 3000 NP Challenge,
Neohome Checklist:

  • Buy A Home
    First, you want to know where you're going to build.  If you want to live in Faerieland, then you'll have to save up.  Don't go and buy a home in Neopia Central just because it's cheap, if you want to live in Faerieland, or wherever, save up.  I'm living in Neopia Central, but I wish I'd waited, I could be living in Faerieland with a cloud house now, if I had waited.   Now I just hope the Neopets team starts working on Neohomes again, so I can move.  Anyway, decide where you want to live and buy a house there.  If you can't afford it, save up. 
  • Make a Layout
    While you're waiting for your house to be built (be patient, these are some lazy workers, they are usually done about 2 hours after they are supposed to be.), you should make yourself useful.  Start to make a layout for your house.  You can do it on the computer or on paper, just be sure you keep it. 
  • Make a Shopping List
    Check out Neoitems for a list of Furniture items.  Decide which you want to buy and make a list.  You can mix and match or get a whole set.  You may want your furniture to match the material of the room too. 
  • Build Home (according to layout)
    Once the workers are done with your lot, you can start building.  Get out your paper with your layout on it and build the first room.  Once again, you'll have to wait a long time. 
  • Buy furniture and garden items
    Now that you have your house all made, you can start your shopping spree (yay!).  So, get out your Shopping List.  I usually start by buying the less expensive stuff, then the more expensive.  So, check the Shop Wizard for your items, if they are pretty expensive, you may want to stake out the Furniture or Garden shop to find what you need.  But be careful, it may cost more at the Neopets Shops.  So do your research! 

  • To have an awesome lookup

Links to remember: Csshelp's Pet Page (for CSS codes), SJNP Lookup (to learn how to make banners), (for backgrounds), Jenny's Website Website (for blinkies)
Neopian Times Articles: Your User Profile: What People See
Lookup Checklist:

  • Check Csshelp's Page
    This is THE place to go for CSS codes.  Even for places other than Neopets!  The instructions there are pretty straight forward, and can easily fancy up your lookup!  You probably won't need to even do much else!
    They have some of the coolest Backgrounds I've seen.  I usually go here for backgrounds unless  I want to make my own.  They don't have a huge selection though, so go browsing through shops.  You're bound to find someone with a background and a link to where they got it. 
  • Blink... blink... blink...
    Check out Jenny's Website Website and get a blinkie.  Much nicer than just your name!  (There is a code to put it in your lookup at Csshelp's Page).  And if you want your name made, then just mail her.

  • To make a successful guild

Links to remember: Guilds Home (to get to your guild/make your guild), Proboards (to register forums), SJNP Layouts (to get a layout)
Neopian Times Articles:
The Up-and-Coming Guild Leader, Guilds, Not as Easy as They Look, How to Avoid Avoidance, Guide to Guilds: Creation, Guide to Guilds: Leadership and Council, From the Desk of a Guild Owner, More Guild Dos and Don'ts,
Guild Checklist:

  • Make a Guild
    Well, this is pretty straight forward, and it's quite easy.  To start out, you may not want to have a huge welcome message.  Just put "Under Construction" for now. 
  • Microsoft FrontPage
    FrontPage is one of the coolest programs I know of.  It's the program I used to make this webpage, and how I make guild layouts.  You can easily arrange your text color, style, size, etc using FrontPage.  Then there are three tabs at the bottom of the screen saying "Normal", "HTML", and "Preview".  When you're done, click on HTML and select everything on the page. Then copy and paste it into your Guild welcome message.  Ta-da!  Isn't that groovy?  (If you don't have FrontPage, you can use Geocities Page Builder and then publish your web.  Then view your page on the 'net and right click, and click on "View Source".  Then copy and paste all of that onto the Welcome Message")  Sometimes though you may not have enough room, or it says you put in a bad word when you didn't.  If you have any problems, then just send the code to me and I will fix it up for ya, now charge.  :) 
  • My Layouts
    Don't feel like making a layout?  Then you can use one of my pre-made ones!  Just click on "Guild Layouts" to the left.  Right now I only have a few, so if there is a specific Neopet type one you think I should make, then post in chat, neomail me, etc and I'll make it (not a custom one just for you, one for everyone to use). 
  • Proboards
    The Message Board Neopets gives you can be very confusing, so you can register your own forums for free!  My favourite type is Proboards, very customizable.  There is also Bbboy, and quite a few others.  Search Google for a list of them. 
  • Contests
    You'll definitely need contests, or something happening.  You can do things like buying from a donation shop, and each item bought is one ticket.  Then, do a draw at the end of the month and put in the tickets, and the one you pull out is the winner, and they get a prize.  Most guilds have contests like that, you'll want other ones to, like quests, Survivor, etc.  You have to be creative, if you aren't creative, a guild may not be a good idea for you. 

  • To have a gold trophy in a game

Links to remember: Games (to be able to get a trophy), SJNP Game Tips (tips)
Neopian Times Articles:
Trophy Envy?? A Loser's Guide to Filling Your Trophy Cabinet, Wanted: Bronze, Silver, and Gold, A Guide to Winning Trophies
Trophy Checklist:

  • Check out the Games!
    First, you'll want to find a game you are good at, or a game that you find fun.  Once you find one you like, then your good!
  • Check the High Scores
    Now, check the high scores for that game.  If the top scores are really high, then consider finding another game.  If you never get a score that's around the bottom score of the Top 200, then you won't have much of a chance of getting a trophy. 
  • Play!
    Now, play the game!  Don't send your score every time though.  Find out what score you usually get, and only send the score if it's higher than that.  For example, if you want a Destruct-O-Match Trophy, and you usually get to the 3rd level, only send your score if you get that high.  If you know you can do better, don't send your score! 
  • Check the High Scores (again!)
    When you find that you get a personal High Score, then check the game High Score Table.  Who knows... maybe you've gotten on the High Scores list!  If you haven't, then keep on playing.  Remember, only the first three scores you send a day will be counted, so don't send a low score! 
  • Easy Trophies
    Can't seem to do well at Flash Games?  Or are the top scores impossible to beat?  Then here are a list of games that are easier to win at:
    - Cheat
    - Pyramids
    - Sahkmet Solitaire
    - GoGoGo!
    - Snow Wars
    - Cellblock
    If you have some good, strong weapons, try to beat Punchbag Bob in the Battledome.  It may take awhile, but you will eventually beat him. 

  • To get published in the Neopian Times

Links to remember: Neopian Times, Contact Us,
Neopian Times Articles:
Writer's Block? No Problem, Golden Rules for Frequently Published Authors, Writing an Article for the Neopian Times, Writing Well for the Times, 10 Dos and Don'ts of Neopian Authorship, Becoming a Neopian Times Writer,
Neopian Times Checklist:

  • To save homeless pets

Links to remember: The Adoption Agency,
Neopian Times Articles:
Using the Neopian Pound for its Purpose, Adoption Discrimination
Adoption Checklist:

  • To beat every battledome character

Links to remember: SJNP Battledome Locations (to find the characters), Battle Magic Shop (to buy battle items), Shop Wizard (to buy battle items), In-depth Battlepedia (to research battle items), Mystery Island Training School (to train), The Academy (to train), Battledome (to battle)
Neopian Times Articles:
Raising Your Stats - How? What? Huh?, Battling For Dummies, In Battle, Attack is Not the Only Weapon, What Faerie Blessed Ability is Right For You?, Reverse Thinking in the Battledome, A Brief (yeah right) Guide to the Battledome, Battledome: How to Really Win, Battledome Basics, Tips to Battledoming the Smart Way, Do You Want To Battle Even Though You Are Poor?, My Quest For Hit Points
Battledome Checklist:

  • Find Battledome Characters
    Well, obviously, you need to find the characters before you battle them!  Check out my Battledome locations for this. 
  • Buy buy, baby, buy buy!
    Okay, now that you've found them all, you have to prepare to beat them.  The best battle items are listed at the In-depth Battlepedia.  Now, go to the Shop Wizard and search for some of the weapons.  Start at the top of the list and work your way down.  As soon as you see one that is in your price range, write it down somewhere.  Then, after you've gone through the list (or most of the list) then start buying the ones you wrote down.  Then, of course, equip your items. 
  • Train
    The Academy is good for when you are first starting out, after your pets are over Level 10, go to the Training School.  It costs more, but it's quicker and there are a few more benefits. 
  • Battle!
    Now you are ready to kick some butt!  Start out by challenging the Chia Clown (who is very easy) and work your way up.  To decide the order to go in, then look at the column labeled "Difficulty".  If you find that you can't beat one of them, then go back to the Training School, or buy better weapons. 

  • To have a nice gallery (GALLERY SPOTLIGHT)

Links to remember: Create/Edit Your Shop (to upgrade shop size), Shop Wizard (to check for item prices, and to buy), Geocities (to have somewhere to show off your blinkies, dolls, etc)
Neopian Times Articles:
Compiling a Collection - How to Build a Gallery, The Joy of Making a Gallery, The Gallery Spotlight: Guide to a Successful Gallery, How to Build a GalleryCollections That Won't Put You in the Poorhouse, Collections! Collections! Collections!, Galleries + Chaos? Ages of Fun!
Gallery Checklist:

  • Decide
    Choose a type of item that you want to collect, here are some ideas: specific colours, specific pet, name in common (eg: items with "Strawberry" in their name or description), and items from a specific place (Faerieland, Tyrannia, etc).  If you want to win the Gallery Spotlight, then try to be different, don't do just Shoyru items, I'm sure there are lots of galleries with just Shoyru items. 
  • Gonna Buy Me A Dog
    Make a list of the items you want to buy, and then buy the cheapest items, and put them in your Safety Deposit Box, not your shop.  Right now, you should sell items for profit in your shop to be able to buy items for your gallery.  (You shouldn't sell items in your shops and have a gallery at the same time.  It can be confusing for someone who needs to buy something, and it will take awhile to load. And, it will just look nice without those other items in the shop).  Anyway, after you've bought the cheapest items, go earn more money and then when you get enough, buy some more expensive items.  Once you have all of the items except for very expensive ones (100k and up, maybe), have a sale in your shop to get rid of the rest of the items you don't need.  Then, put your gallery items in your shop.  You can put up a wish list of the items you need, but don't beg people to send you the items, and don't expect anyone to buy you one for free (although it may happen, but it's highly unlikely). 
  • Give me some space!  Get out of my personal bubble!
    If you are collecting something that requires you to collect lots of items, you may not have enough room in your shop.  So, money will also have to go towards upgrading your shop (what a drag, and Mr. Babbit is coming to collect the rent on Tuesday!). 
  • Get rid of the images!
    You don't need all kinds of graphics on your page, such as Quiz Results, blinkies, doll, etc.  Some people will leave your shop because of this if it takes to long to load!  So, instead, get a free website at or another web page building site and display all of your graphics there!  But how will anyone find that page?  Put a link in your shop!  Your shop will load quicker and you'll have neat graphics!  If you MUST have pictures on your page, use a simple background (not one that moves) and maybe a link to your guild or another site (my site, maybe?).  Just don't overdo it.  If you find you don't want to wait for your Shop Front to load, then you have too much stuff on it. 
  • Where is that music coming from?
    Some users find music annoying.  I, personally don't mind it too much (unless I'm listening to my Monkees music on my computer, then that sucks, because I can't hear it over shop music!), but if possible, make it so that you can choose to stop or pause the music. 

  • To win the Site Spotlight award

Links to remember:
Neopian Times Articles:
A Neopian Web Design Treatise : On Colour, A Neopian Web Design Treatise: On Images, A Neopian Web Design Treatise: On Text, Perk Up Your Pet's Page, Creating a Home Page for Your NeoPet,
Spotlight Checklist:

  • To win the Pet/Petpet Spotlight

Links to remember:
Neopian Times Articles:
Spotlight Checklist:

  • To help less fortunate people

Links to remember: Your Items (to donate items), Help Chat Board (to answer questions about Neopets)
Neopian Times Articles:
Help Checklist:

  • Donate Your Kidney!
    If you have money or items to spare, then donate rather than sell.  If you want to donate money, then don't donate a bunch of 1NPs.  That won't help anyone (maybe a little, you can do it, but I wouldn't recommend it).  I would donate 50NP or more, it isn't much, but it's a start. 
    You can also donate items, but you don't have to go crazy.  Don't donate your paint brushes (send them to me instead... *evil grin*) or expensive items.  You'll just have a bunch of people neomailing you asking you to send them more items.  And you have the right to say "no" to them, so don't feel that you have to send them anything. 
    Which items to donate?  Personally, I donate and Fruit Machine or Tombola food, or cheap species battle items (Moehog Hoof Pad, Golden Tonu Sword) of pets I don't have.  Those items are good for newbies, not mor experience players though.  I wouldn't donate Bottles of Sand, Sailboats, Sludge, or any items that you can't eat, play with, or do anything with.  They don't help anyone, so I always discard them.
  • Help!  Help!  Here I am, stuck in the mud in this filthy little town...
    Visit the Help Chat Board, and find people who need help.  If you're telling someone how to get a Krawk, or sending an item for a Faerie Quest, it will be greatly appreciated (or should be, at least) and who knows... you may get something in return!  Or maybe, it's borovan (Adam, one of the creators of Neopets) in disguise, and he rewards you for helping out!  I find myself thinking that sometimes... ahh... that'd be so cool to see (borovan has sent you Pile of Dung) (show all...) at the top of my screen... :) lol


Links to remember:
Neopian Times Articles: The Complete Guide to Paintbrushes, Paintbrushes - Which Ones Are Really Worth it?, The Way To Painting, Who Are You Calling Plain?, The Art of Paint Brushing, The Art of Paint Brushing: Part Two
Painting Checklist:

  • Get Rich!
    You're going to need to have some neopoints to get your pet painted, unless you are a very close friend to Jacko (he gives out paintbrushes to people as a random event).  So you should read the Get Rich goal page. 
  • Consider Your Options
    There are a few ways you could go with paint your pets:
    - Buy a paint brush
    - Win a paint brush
    - Get a lab map
    Buying a paint brush is probably your best bet.  You get the exact one you want and it only takes a few seconds.
    To win won, or find one, or have Jacko give you one you'll need to be lucky.  So don't count on it. 
    Getting a lab map has some risks, and it's quite expensive.  It can change your pet's color, species, gender, and stats.  If you want to risk any of those changing, then you could try it.  Also, your pet cannot be painted some of the newer colors from the lab.  If you want your pet to be Robot, the Lab Map is the only way to do it. 
    Once you've chosen, go out and get your paint brush/lab map/whatever!
  • Oh, Davy... you can paint!
    Now you've gotten your paint brush, take your pet to the Rainbow Pool. Select your pet and the paint brush and POOF!  Your pet will be painted!  Yay!

    (Not that it isn't a great place already... the best I've seen!)

Links to remember: Shop Wizard (to find scammers), Help Chat Board (to answer questions about Neopets), Chat Boards (to find scammers), Bug and Abuse Reports (to report scammers)
Neopian Times Articles:
Help Checklist:

  • Find Scammers
    Here's a good way to find scammers - search for an expensive (but buyable) item in the Shop Wizard, but put the maximum price at about 800NP. Then keep refreshing, if you see anyone who has that item in their shop for that price than click on their shop. If it takes you to a fake log-in page, then go back and report their shop by clicking on the link near the top of the page.  But don't go spamming the chat boards saying "so-and-so is a scammer!"
    If it ISN'T a scam, you can do one of two things:
    1. Buy the item and then sell it for higher in your shop.
    2. Buy the item, then neomail the person who owns the shop and tell them that they can make more money by pricing their items according to the Shop Wizard, then send the item back. If they are a newbie, they'll probably appreicate you helping quite a bit. If they get mad though, tell them you were just trying to help. If they continute to bug you, just ignore them.
  • Find Scammers 2
    Go to the Chat Boards and look for title like "Win a Baby P/B!!!!!! " or "Free NP!!!!!!1!!" then if they have a link there, follow it (BE VERY CAREFUL THOUGH. It may be a cookiegrabber. If it is, they can take your password to Neopets, and anything else that needs a password on your computer. Before visiting any pages you aren't sure of, empty your cookies. If you don't know how to, then I would just not do this step). It is most likely a link to someone's page with a fake log-in page. If it is, take a screenshot of the chat board where they posted a link and send it to Neopets. If they say to neomail them for a secret, then you can neomail them and ask them. Then just fool around with them, if they say "I need to know your pass" then say "What's a pass?!?!?" or something stupid. But NEVER give them your password! Of course, you can just report them too, but I find it more fun this way. ;)
  • Help Out!
    Go to the help boards and look for the people asking for help. If you know the answer to the question, then neomail them (or post if they ask not to neomail them, I find neomailing a better way of communicating though).


Links to remember: Games, Battledome,
Neopian Times Articles:
Fun Checklist:

  • Come on! I can't tell you how to have fun! That's up to you! Do you like Games? Play games! Like to make money? - restock! If you like to battle, then do that! Do you love the smell of dung? Then start collecting dung furniture!


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Last modified: 06/28/03