Ex4WingedDragon: *she follows and dives in after him*
SSnacob3000: *he smilez, still scrubbing his head*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she waves to him*
SSnacob3000: *he waves back* "hi!"
Ex4WingedDragon: "hi"
SSnacob3000: *jake wrinces his head and makes a line to hang the wet clothes on*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she gets out off the water and spots an assasin and a young girl in the distance then she runs to the shelter and gets her armor and kattana*
SSnacob3000: "whats wrong dear!?"
Ex4WingedDragon: "ill handle it"
SSnacob3000: *jake runs in and grabs his sword just in case*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she walks up to the 2*"what are you doing to this little girl"
SSnacob3000: *the girl looks scared*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she holds the kattana straight at his throat*
SSnacob3000: *the assasin laughs*
Ex4WingedDragon: "whats so funny"
SSnacob3000: *the takes a slice at the little girls arm*
SSnacob3000: assasin**
Ex4WingedDragon: *she grabs the blade*
SSnacob3000: *the little girl screams*
Ex4WingedDragon: *the blade slices throguh her hand slowly*
SSnacob3000: *jake runs up to her*
Ex4WingedDragon: shes jake away*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she pushes jake away*
SSnacob3000: *jake stands asside*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she braeks the blade and sends it into the assasins kneck*
SSnacob3000: "are you hurt any?"
Ex4WingedDragon: "no im fie is the girl ok"
SSnacob3000: *he bends down to take a look at the girls arm*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she should be hurt i grabed the blade just in time"
SSnacob3000: "her arm is a little damaged from that first attack"
Ex4WingedDragon: "mhmmm"
SSnacob3000: "whats your name young lady"
Ex4WingedDragon: *she looks at her scared hand*
Ex4WingedDragon: "my names ritsuko"
SSnacob3000: "well ritsuko, would it be ok for us to help you fix that arm?"
Ex4WingedDragon: "uh huh"
SSnacob3000: *jake pics the little girl up and carriers her to shelter*
Ex4WingedDragon: *Racheal faints as she looked at her bloody hand*
SSnacob3000: *jake rushes the girl to shelter* "ill brb" *jake runs back and picks up racheal*
Ex4WingedDragon: *ritsuko smiles* "u know ure not wearing any clothes"
SSnacob3000: *jake lyes racheal on the bed* "sorry, i dont have any clothes right now" *he rips off a shred of the covers and wraps it around racheals wound*
Ex4WingedDragon: "its ok i didnt see anything neither will i look"
Ex4WingedDragon: "ima good little thieif"
Ex4WingedDragon: *she plops on the ground*
Ex4WingedDragon: *and creates a smalle scarf for Racheal*
SSnacob3000: *jake still sitting by racheals side* "whats that?"
Ex4WingedDragon: "its a scarf"
SSnacob3000: *jake gets up and goes outside and gets his shirt, then wraps it around ritsuko's arm* "this should make you feel better"
SSnacob3000: *goes back and sits by racheal*
Ex4WingedDragon: "thank you sir"
Ex4WingedDragon: *racheal wakes up a bit*
SSnacob3000: *jake looks worried* "are you ok?"
Ex4WingedDragon: "i dont like blood"
SSnacob3000: "oh"
Ex4WingedDragon: *she smiles and looks at ritsuko*
SSnacob3000: *jake lies down next to racheal* "she made a scarf while u were sleeping"
Ex4WingedDragon: "shes a nice person"
SSnacob3000: "yeah"
SSnacob3000: "ritsuko, how did u end up caught with that assasin"
Ex4WingedDragon: "shes becomeaing an assasin though"
Ex4WingedDragon: "but we need to help her not"
SSnacob3000: "little girl, you do know it is wrong to kill, unless your protecting someone"
Ex4WingedDragon: *ritsuko smiles*"nu uh kilings fun"
Ex4WingedDragon: "hehehe just kidding i dont like killing but nim forced to"
SSnacob3000: "if i find you killing ANYTHING, youll have to suffer the consequences"
SSnacob3000: "ur forced, by whom!?"
Ex4WingedDragon: "im forced to kill but i dont wat to"
Ex4WingedDragon: "the assasins guild"
SSnacob3000: "damb them" *jake looks down upset*
Ex4WingedDragon: "they took me from my family they bought me from my family"
Ex4WingedDragon: "lst time i saw my family"
SSnacob3000: "where does your family live"
Ex4WingedDragon: "i dont know wany more"
Ex4WingedDragon: i dont know"
SSnacob3000: "im sorry to hear that"
Ex4WingedDragon: *she starts to cry*
SSnacob3000: *jake hugs her* "please dont cry"
Ex4WingedDragon: *she starts o cry even more*
SSnacob3000: "racheal, a little help please"
Ex4WingedDragon: *racheal stands and walks over to ritsuko and holds her tightly*
Ex4WingedDragon: "shhh shh its ok really ill be your mom just plz dont worry"
SSnacob3000: "ritsuko : but where will i sleep?" *sniffles*
Ex4WingedDragon: "thats not a problem"
Ex4WingedDragon: "jake lets get to wrok"
Ex4WingedDragon: *she walks out side and takes down a tree one hit*
SSnacob3000: "you gather some grass for string and start tyeng them together, ill gather wood"
Ex4WingedDragon: " ok"
SSnacob3000: *jake grabs his sword*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she starts to tie the grass around*
SSnacob3000: *jake starts hacking at a tree*
SSnacob3000: "timber!"
Ex4WingedDragon: *she makes a matress for her*
SSnacob3000: *jake chops the tree into thinner pieces*
SSnacob3000: *he digs a large hole in the sand and places a log in it, then covers the hole back up*
Ex4WingedDragon: "i made the mattres"
SSnacob3000: *he does this until he has square shaped figure*
SSnacob3000: "ok, go ahead and bring it in her new home"
SSnacob3000: "now we just need a roof for this new house"
Ex4WingedDragon: *she brings in the matress*
SSnacob3000: *jake gathers a bunch of tropical tree leaves for the roof*
Ex4WingedDragon: "ritsuko ure right next to us"
SSnacob3000: *dawn comes*
Ex4WingedDragon: "coome ritsuko its ure new home"
SSnacob3000: *ritsuko comes*
Ex4WingedDragon: "here you go"
SSnacob3000: "btw, how old are you"
Ex4WingedDragon: "im only about 11"
SSnacob3000: "thats the age where i started my swords training"
Ex4WingedDragon: *she smiles*"i started traineing when i was 3"
Ex4WingedDragon: "thats when i was taking away"
SSnacob3000: *jake turns his face away and looks down*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she snigffles*
SSnacob3000: "the same thing happend to me when i was 5, i managed to escape at age 11, so i trained swords so i could defend my self" *jake sits down*
Ex4WingedDragon: "theres one assasin that helped me out gave me food and clothing"
SSnacob3000: "you were lucky, the assasins plauged my whole family with a deadly disease"
Ex4WingedDragon: ure not even spose to get fed or clothed there u had to wear the same thing
and one pice of bread had to last you a year"
SSnacob3000: "yes i know"
Ex4WingedDragon: "but the plgue did get m"
SSnacob3000: *night comes*
SSnacob3000: "if it wasnt for racheal i would be dead" *jake stands up*
Ex4WingedDragon: "well i kinda am dead"
SSnacob3000: "how so"
Ex4WingedDragon: "well the plague killed me"
Ex4WingedDragon: "im just a body"
SSnacob3000: *jake looks suprised*
Ex4WingedDragon: "im dead"
Ex4WingedDragon: "i dont have feelings"
SSnacob3000: "if your dead, how do u have a wound on ur arm?"
Ex4WingedDragon: "i dont"*she takes the cloth off*
SSnacob3000: *jake looks even more suprised*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she smiles*
Ex4WingedDragon: "i dont want to be dead though"
SSnacob3000: "theres nothing i can do"
Ex4WingedDragon: *racheal yells* "i can"
Ex4WingedDragon: "jake i might ot come back from this"
Ex4WingedDragon: "well ill be alive just in acoma"
SSnacob3000: "no, i wont let you put urself in that position"
Ex4WingedDragon: "i want her to live"
SSnacob3000: "theres got to be another way"
Ex4WingedDragon: "theres not"
SSnacob3000: "before you try, we can atleast find out if there is"
Ex4WingedDragon: "theres not and i dont want to ask a necromancer"
SSnacob3000: "i do not know how to deal with acomas, so until you teach me i wont allow you to do it"
Ex4WingedDragon: "shell never live i must do this"
Ex4WingedDragon: "just feed me every opnce in a while and make me drink"
SSnacob3000: "will you be able to move?"
Ex4WingedDragon: "no"
SSnacob3000: "or will i have to help it down ur throat"
Ex4WingedDragon: "u haved to forc me"
Ex4WingedDragon: "ull haved tohelp it go down"
SSnacob3000: "ok, but, if you die on me im killing my self"
Ex4WingedDragon: "i wont die"
Ex4WingedDragon: *ritsuko looks confused*
SSnacob3000: "proceed then..." *jake looks worried*
Ex4WingedDragon: *rachel grabs her wand mumbles some worlds and a light fills the room and then she falls to the ground and ritsuko falls with her but ritsuko is now human and racheals in acoma*
Ex4WingedDragon: "im HUMAN"
SSnacob3000: "no time, get to sleep, ive gotta take care of racheal"
SSnacob3000: *jake picks up racheal and takes her to the shelter*
Ex4WingedDragon: *ritsuko follows*
Ex4WingedDragon: ":i wanna help"
SSnacob3000: "its ok, get to sleep, its getting late"
Ex4WingedDragon: "no i wanna hel she helped me"
SSnacob3000: *jake ignores her, and lies racheal down on the bed* "well im going to sleep, you can help me feed her tomorow"
Ex4WingedDragon: "ok"*racheal walks to her shelter gets undressed till she just wearing uderwear and she goes to sleep*
SSnacob3000: *jake lies beside her, kisses her on the forehead* "i love you" *he falls asleep*
Ex4WingedDragon: *racheal feels all cold*
SSnacob3000: *jake is awaked by her shivering, he cuddles next to her and pulls a large blanket over them*
Ex4WingedDragon: *ritsuko stares at the ceiling*"there really nice i hope they really dont mind me staying wityh them"
SSnacob3000: *morning comes*
Ex4WingedDragon: *ritsuko is sleeping very quitly*
SSnacob3000: *jake gets up and starts to cook breakfast*
Ex4WingedDragon: *ritsuko smells breakfast and wakes up and walks out to jake*
SSnacob3000: *jake was shot in the back with a dart, he passes out into the fire*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she grabs jake out and burns herself a bit* "shit its the dart" *she takes out the dart and sucks out the poison from hsi back*
SSnacob3000: *jake lyes there unconscience*
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