SSnacob3000: *jake lyes racheal on the bed and lyes down with her*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she smiles*
SSnacob3000: *before night has came...* "hey, you never taught me how to surf"
SSnacob3000: "do u think you can now?"
Ex4WingedDragon: "aww shiat"
Ex4WingedDragon: wanna still learn"
SSnacob3000: "if you wanna teach"
Ex4WingedDragon: "ok"
SSnacob3000: *jake grabs the surfboard and heads towards the water*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she fallows him*
SSnacob3000: *jake attemps to climb atop the board but fails trying*
Ex4WingedDragon: "look for your balance
SSnacob3000: *jake gets up slowly as the board wobbles back and forth*
Ex4WingedDragon: "find the balance"
SSnacob3000: *he places one foot facing away on the back and one foot facing in front of him towards the tip*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she smiles*"good"
SSnacob3000: *jake gets off and paddles toward a wave*
Ex4WingedDragon: "good"
SSnacob3000: *turns around and attempts to ride it, but fails*
Ex4WingedDragon: "ahh oh"
SSnacob3000: *jake comes back up with a moutful of seawater*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she giggles*
SSnacob3000: "heh, i guess i should work on that a little"
Ex4WingedDragon: yea"
SSnacob3000: *jake practices this all day until dawn, he manages to ride a few small waves but cant ride the big waves...*
Ex4WingedDragon: "its ok ure doing good"
SSnacob3000: "thank you"
Ex4WingedDragon: "your welcome"
SSnacob3000: *jake heads back to shore to dry off*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she lying on the sand*
Ex4WingedDragon: "oye im tired"
SSnacob3000: "me too" *jake walks up to her and takes a site close by her side*
SSnacob3000: seat**
Ex4WingedDragon: *she rolls over lookg at him*
SSnacob3000: *jake stares down at her* "so, what was that special thing you wanted to do"
Ex4WingedDragon: "heh"
SSnacob3000: *jake lies down*
SSnacob3000: *starring at the sky*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she rolls ontop of him*
SSnacob3000: *jake kisses her pationetly*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she deepens the kiss*
SSnacob3000: *jake rolls over while still kissing racheal*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she slides off of him*
SSnacob3000: "we should probably head back to shelter, it looks like its going to rain"
Ex4WingedDragon: "yea:
SSnacob3000: *jake picks racheal up and carries her to the shelter*
Ex4WingedDragon: "thx"
SSnacob3000: "tis the least i can do for my wife" *he smiles*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she giggles*
SSnacob3000: *jake sets her down and takes a seat on the edge of the bed*
Ex4WingedDragon: "whats wrong"
SSnacob3000: "nothing is wrong"
Ex4WingedDragon: "oh
SSnacob3000: *jake lies down*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she smiles and puts her hand on his chest*
SSnacob3000: "i love you"*jake wraps his arm around her waste*
Ex4WingedDragon: "i love you to"
SSnacob3000: *he leans over and kisses her*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she deepens the kiss*
SSnacob3000: *jake deepens the kiss even more*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she rubs his back*
SSnacob3000: *he takes off his shirt*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she smiles*
SSnacob3000: *he takes off his pants*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she unhooks her bra*
SSnacob3000: *he rubs her body*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she smiles and giggles*
SSnacob3000: *he helps her take off her pants*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she stares in his eyes*
SSnacob3000: "your eyes are beautiful"
Ex4WingedDragon: "so are yours"
SSnacob3000: "ahh, but yours are more beautiful*
Ex4WingedDragon: ashe smiles*
SSnacob3000: *jake goes lower*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she looks at him*
SSnacob3000: *he rubs her body*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she moans a bit*
SSnacob3000: *jake slips something in*\
Ex4WingedDragon: *she moans abit more*
SSnacob3000: *he moves back and forth*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she groans:-D
SSnacob3000: "your so beautiful"
SSnacob3000: *continues*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she maons
SSnacob3000: *he moves faster*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she maons louder*
SSnacob3000: *jake is close to reaching his climax*
Ex4WingedDragon: "this was what i wanted to do"
SSnacob3000: *jake smilez*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she closes her eyes*
SSnacob3000: *he unloads, moaning*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she winces a bit*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she starts to bit her finger*
SSnacob3000: "u like that?"
Ex4WingedDragon: *she nods*
SSnacob3000: *he slips it out and lies down*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she smiles and it drips out form her area*
SSnacob3000: *panting frantically, he reaches over and kisses her*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she smiles*
SSnacob3000: "ill never forget tonight baby"
Ex4WingedDragon: "me neither"
SSnacob3000: *he scoots close to her*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she smiles*
SSnacob3000: *he wraps his arm around her body, and closes his eyes and smiles*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she kisses him*
SSnacob3000: *he holds her cheek and deepens the kiss*
Ex4WingedDragon: "heh"
SSnacob3000: *jake eventually goes to sleep still holding on to her*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she falls asleep to*
SSnacob3000: *sunrise comes*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she wakes up and sits up*
SSnacob3000: *jake is still asleep*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she stands*
SSnacob3000: *the peco comes inside with a large fish in his beak*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she looks at the peco and smiles*
SSnacob3000: *the peco jumps on top of the bed*
Ex4WingedDragon: "down down"
SSnacob3000: *jake is awakend with a large fish on his face*
Ex4WingedDragon: "ECO"
SSnacob3000: *jake is still half and gets back to bed immeadetly*
SSnacob3000: half asleep**
Ex4WingedDragon: "peco down"
SSnacob3000: *the peco stares at her and jumps down and circles her*
Ex4WingedDragon: "ah oh"
SSnacob3000: *the peco takes a wiz in the corner*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she tackles the peco*
SSnacob3000: *the peco runs outside*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she watches it go*
SSnacob3000: *jake seems to be sleeping through all of this*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she lays back nect to him*
SSnacob3000: *the peco runs back in and jumps atop the bed, accidently hitting jake in the head*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she tackles it off*
SSnacob3000: *jake gets up*
SSnacob3000: "gmorning sweety"
Ex4WingedDragon: "morning"
SSnacob3000: *he gets up still completely naked*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she smiles*
SSnacob3000: *jake grabs his pants and racheals skirt and bra, and goes out to the ocean and starts cleaning them*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she follows*
SSnacob3000: *the peco trots past her and jumps head first into the water*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she smiles watching it*
SSnacob3000: *jake dives under water to wash his hair
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