Ex4WingedDragon: my chars a young elf mage female and has a really nice body blue hair and black eyes
SSnacob3000: my dude has silver spiky hair, with a cloak over his head
Ex4WingedDragon: *she walks into a tavern and walks to the ba putting her rod onto the table*
SSnacob3000: *a stranger knocks on her door*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she opens it*
Ex4WingedDragon: "hello
SSnacob3000: *the person is holding his stomach in pain* Unkown: May i please have your aid for tonight mam im teribly sorry for the inconvience"
Ex4WingedDragon: "its ok"*she takes his hand and guids him over to her bed*"lay here ill tahke the floor tonight"
SSnacob3000: Unkown:"Your So Kind" *he feels a sharp pain in his side* Unknow:"Ahh!"
Ex4WingedDragon: "sir are u ok?"
Ex4WingedDragon: *she kneels buy his side*
SSnacob3000: "i think im going to die, does that answer your question"
Ex4WingedDragon: "h..how?"
Ex4WingedDragon: *she grabs her rod*
SSnacob3000: "ive been with plauged with a deadly disease for months now. Do not worry its not contagious
SSnacob3000: "but i think this is the end for me"
Ex4WingedDragon: "ill help"
SSnacob3000: "how??"
Ex4WingedDragon: *she bluish green light flows from ehr bodie into him quarintening him*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she falls to the ground unconcious*
SSnacob3000: *the stranger gets up(gasp)helps her to the bed and puts a cold wash cloth over her head, and sits by her side the rest of the night*
Ex4WingedDragon: *she slightly opens hereyes*
SSnacob3000: *she notices the stranger cooking something that seems to smell very good*
Ex4WingedDragon: *her eyes open and takes a deep breath*
Ex4WingedDragon: "w...what smeels so good"
SSnacob3000: "its my familys secret pasta recipy, i hope you like it"
Ex4WingedDragon: *she smiles*"thank you and how are you felng?"
Ex4WingedDragon: feeling*
SSnacob3000: "some how im feeling good as new, you must tell me what you did, i was so worried about you"
Ex4WingedDragon: "ohh it was nuhting just a clensing spell"
SSnacob3000: "your so kind, how can i ever repay you"
Ex4WingedDragon: 'theres nothing its ok"
SSnacob3000: "are you sure?"
Ex4WingedDragon: *she gets up and nods*
SSnacob3000: "i do thank you though, for being a perfectly stranger and risking your life for me. You may ask for whatever you want"
Ex4WingedDragon: "u may stay for as long as u like"
SSnacob3000: "thank you mam. by the way my name is Jake. whats yours"
Ex4WingedDragon: "mine mine is Racheal"
SSnacob3000: "thats a lovely name racheal"
Ex4WingedDragon: "thank you"
SSnacob3000: "so do u want me to sleep in the attack or outside"
Ex4WingedDragon: "u can use my bed ill take da floor"
SSnacob3000: "thats a hell no!
SSnacob3000: "i will never allow that"
Ex4WingedDragon: "y? ure my guest"
SSnacob3000: "your the one giving me the housing. i cant just take over and ruin your life"
Ex4WingedDragon: "your not"
SSnacob3000: "well it feels like i am. you sleep in your bed while i sleep on the floor"
Ex4WingedDragon: "o..ok"
SSnacob3000: *jake thanks her and stairs at something at the wall*
Ex4WingedDragon: "whats wrong?"
SSnacob3000: "nothing its just, whos that a picture of"
Ex4WingedDragon: "my uncle why?"
SSnacob3000: "he kinda scares me"
Ex4WingedDragon: "i can take it down"
Ex4WingedDragon: *she snaps her fingers and its down*
SSnacob3000: "are you some kind of magician?"
Ex4WingedDragon: "yup"
SSnacob3000: "if you teach me your skills, ill teach you my skills of the dark arts"
SSnacob3000: "from an old book i read"
Ex4WingedDragon: "d....dark arts"*she starts to shake*
SSnacob3000: "its just a stle of fighting"
Ex4WingedDragon: "i...i know"
SSnacob3000: "not like anything evil, like a style of kungfoo"
SSnacob3000: "dark arts makes it sound cool :-)"
Ex4WingedDragon: "oh ok srry my whole family was killd by dark arts magic"
SSnacob3000: "im terribly sorry to hear that"
Ex4WingedDragon: "me to"
Ex4WingedDragon: "well do u want to learn my skills?"
SSnacob3000: "yes"
Ex4WingedDragon: "ok"
Ex4WingedDragon: "shehands him a spare rod"
SSnacob3000: "the rod casts a lightning bolt at him for no reason"
SSnacob3000: **
Ex4WingedDragon: "shit rong rod"
Ex4WingedDragon: *she takes the rod* "ill teach you without the rods"
SSnacob3000: "ok"
Ex4WingedDragon: "ok stick your hand out"
SSnacob3000: *sticks hand out*
Ex4WingedDragon: "now closes your eyes and send ure power into your hand*
SSnacob3000: "h...how do i do that??"
Ex4WingedDragon: "jst beileive"
SSnacob3000: *he starts to feel a little different-
Ex4WingedDragon: "how are u feeling?"
SSnacob3000: "stronger"
Ex4WingedDragon: "good"
Ex4WingedDragon: "your supposed to"
SSnacob3000: *jake feels a bit to strong and he suddenly faints* (gasp) till tommorow...
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