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Last Match:

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:: Scene One ::

The scene opens up in the EWXF locker room area. The camera darts down one hallway after another until it reaches a door with two "x" style Kendo Sticks painted on it. The door slowly opens. It creaks like it belongs in an old 12th or 13th century house. As the camera moves in we see Sandman sitting on top of a table staring down at the floor, he seems to be muttering something to himself. The camera zooms in on his face and yet we still cannot understand what hes saying. Once he takes notice to his on looker he hops up and a fit or rage is blazing across his face. His eyes filled with ire. Piercing a starin into the lens he opens his mouth and begins so vent pent up anger.


I understand that I have just started out here, but really, why would they mock my skill by making my debut match against someone so worthless, so patheic. Come on now, what do you take me as. Goldy there doesnt stand an ice cube's chance in hell against me in the ring. Every one of the fans out there know this. But I guess every legend starts out with the bottom feeding chumps of the business. Thats ok. My time will come. Hopefully sooner than later, but when it does come, I will be ready.

But not to take my mind off of my first victim. That no talent, wanna be waterboy is going to recieve the beating of a lifetime. I cant wait to see the pool of (mockingly) g-g-g-goldust's blood expanding across the mat. Its been too long since ive graced the squared circle, and its about time I get back to doing what I do best. Kicking ass and taking names, goldust you've been warned, tonite im going to make an example of you...pardon me stealing movie lines, but i just got one more thing to say, "fuck you, and have a nice day."