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Eagle Links



A clan for the Half-life mod, Day of Defeat!!


Welcome to the Elite Eagles clan, for Day of Defeat. I'm the co-founder, of the clan. I go by Striker, the other founder is Hawk. We are all equal in this clan, the founders have no more power. The only thing is, we are the only one that can do the website, and kicking any smacktards. If you are in our clan and want to start a server tell me. NOTE: Please if you join the Elite Eagles, no being a freak, no spamming, no makin fun of others, CLAN MEMBERS ESPECIALLY, unless its just fun funny. I dont want any, "This guy sucks kick him out." U will be kicked for that. Sorry to be so strict but Hawk and I want this to be fun for everyone. Thank you for take your time to read this, Welcome to the Elite Eagles, and enjoy. When you set up your name on DoD. Use this [EltEagles] Username, username being the name u use.

There aren't many requirements to be in our clan. One main rule as I stated above, was to join, you couldn't be a smacktard. What I mean by that, is being a Rogue TKer. Anyone caught doing that, will be kicked out of the clan. I will talk to some admins about that. I understand tk's happen, but you can definatly tell the difference between a Rogue TKer, and an accidental TK. As I said above, sorry to be so strict, but Hawk and I don't want any other clan members getting punished for somebody elses careless actions.

Also, it doesn't matter which team you are on in our clan. But, if we are having a match or just all are on one team, join that team.

I'd like to thank the official DoD website for the pic.

Hey I'm Hawk. As Striker said above, I'm co-founder of the Elite Eagles. It isn't a strict clan, but we will have casual practices and clan matches. There's no ranking system. There'll be a few pages on the site, and anyone can offer up their opinions and advice, but me and Striker are the only ones with the password. So if you want something on the site, tell us. Also, we both hang out on the official Day of Defeat forums. Striker's forum name is ShermZer, and my forum name is Pvt. Hawk Also, if you start TKing like crazy in a game you will be kicked off. There's a fine line between a few accidental TK's and being an ass. It's not that hard to tell. We're playing to have fun, not to ruin other people's fun. Also if you say or imply anything racist, sexist, or anything else derogetory, YOU WILL BE KICKED OUT IMMEDIATELY. WE DO NOT TOLERATE PREJUDICE OF ANY KIND!! And just because it says "Elite" in the title, it doesn't mean we're better than any other clan and that you can go shooting your mouth off. It's only a name. Don't bother joining if you're just going to be kicked later for being an asshat. Just have fun.

Also, the name "Eagles" was chosen because it can be used by both Allies and Axis. Most of the time I will be playing Allies and Striker will be playing Axis. Each member will have a page to themselves to tell about their favorite classes, maps, etc. There will also be a news page where practices and matches will be announced. It would also be helpful if you registered (it's free) at Day of and go on the forums. It will make communication much easier. The recruiting will be done on Day of forums. Thanks for your help and time for reading this very long page.