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As Drew walks up one of the many hallways of the Fleet Center, he spots a nice-looking lady asking a referee for wrestling lessons. It appears to be Erin Flockharty.

Erin:Umm…yeah I need some lessons, because I think some of these new divas are a little jealous of that back there…and these two (Big Pop). I may have to set them straight.

Rage walks up behind Erin, and starts to snicker when she turns around

Drew:Ooh, I like a lady with a sense of purpose. You take charge, and so do you. I hear your looking for lessons. I don't think I'd ever do this for those snobs in the back, but (Looking at her breasts) we can make two exceptions…oh I mean uh one. So would you like to have a real instructor?

She looks back at the scrawny physique of Josh Robey. She starts to smile, and walks off with Drew

Erin:Bye Josh!

The two are walking down the hallway.

Erin: So when do we start? I'm really ready for a career here.

Drew: You know what, I think you need your first lesson out their.

Drew is pointing to the ring, and the camera fades.


Rage blasts on the arena speakers, as Drew and Erin walk to the ring. They walk down the ramp to a pretty big pop, and Drew steps in the ring. He opens the ropes for Erin, and she does a Stacy Keibler style entrance, to another big pop. Drew grabs a Mic, and then starts to circle the ring.

Drew: Aheem. As you men can see, I have a special woman with me, my wrestling student. I stole her from Josh, because all he'll for is have sex with her and leave her in the ring with a punch, kick, and low blow. That’s not going to work here. I think I'll teach her accordingly, to the point where she could rival any wrestler here, and surely beat the hell out of Kombat Warrior. (Erin claps, and the crowd gives a D-R-E-W chant.)

Drew: Speaking of him, I have a match with him on Friday. This won't be his last match, or the day he meets his doom or some other cliché shit, this will simply be the day he gets his first loss. And by the way I've seen this chump train, he's got many more coming.

Drew:You know, he brought this on himself. The second, he started to ink that contract, he knew he'd have to face me. Nevermind his ignorance to getting a real ass whipping, its common sense. Don't mess with Drew. That's the new rule for everyone backstage slurping steroid slurpies and claiming to be the first heavyweight champion. I can technically break you down to the point where your tongue cringes and falls off, forbidding you to ever promo again. I can kick you so many times in the stomach that your ribs burst and all of your desire, your false sense of hope overflows from your third nipple

Drew: But the real thing I'm questioning, why him? Why the hell did he even get in this place? Surely Simon wasn't expecting for a contender, a person he could really trust with that championship. I don't think he needed another guy just to fill the ring. We've got 14 wrestlers. I think I know what this whole thing is about. He just needs a mascot to pump up the crowd. While Kombat tried his hardest at his promo, the crowd engulfs in a laugh of grief. How the hell does this guy get in with the vocabulary of a beetle and Jesus Christ, his name is wwf circa….1984. What the hell is a combat warrior? And the thing that really makes me laugh is the K. I guess he wants to be edgy, so he put the K instead of C. Ooh, I just can't wait for little kids to change their names from Chris to Kris.

Drew: For all of you who think I'm just a money hungry jackass, I apologize. It may just seem like I'm taking advantage of this jackass warrior guy, but I don't do the booking. You might want to yell at Simon. I'm out, thanks and have a good night.

Drew and Erin leave the ring to a big pop. The camera fades as Drew does the "suck it" gesture to a poster for Kombat Warrior.