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.::The Dragon Faerie Guild::.




-Website Home

-Guild Home

-Guild Info

-Guild Rules






-The Daily Dragon

-Adoption Agency

-Charity Drives










-User Lookups







-Meerca Chase

-Poogle Solitaire

-Cliff Hanger


-Plushie Tycoon

-Faerie Crossword

-Ice Cream Factory

-Ultimate Bullseye

-Snow Wars

-Snow Wager

-Games In General


-Neopets Tips-



-Stock Market




-Cooking Pot

-Random Tips

-Employment Agency

Hello everyone and welcome to the Dragon Faerie Guild website. The Dragon Faerie Guild is a place where members can become friends with fellow members and recieve all the support they need. Take a look around the site and don't forget to join The Dragon Faerie Guild today

This is the official website of the dragon faerie guild where members can get tips, layouts, help, advice, answers, and much much more. This website is basically made by the members of the guild.


Hi everybody, I just made this site so most of the links do not work. It will be ready by the end of the summer. Please by patient with me, I am doing my best. 


~Guild Updates~

The Dragon Faerie Guild might become allies with .Pink Glimmer. We are undecided about what things will be joint and what won't be. To visit .Pink Glimmer. click here.

 There was no member of the month for June since not one person helped me. If you guys don't do anything with the guild, I might have to shut down the site and some minor things with the guild, example: we would have no contests or polls, the site would obviously be gone, and there would be no Daily Dragon. So please help out. To find out how you can help out go to Help.

I want to start an adoption agency. Can you help me? Basically I will make accounts with names like aaa_1 meaning "adoption agency account 1". I will just take pets from the adoption agency, nurse them to health, give them better stats, and then send them back to be adopted. This way people will be able to find better pets, and pets are more likely to find a home! If you can help neomail dragonfaeries

I am working on the guild site right now. Everything for the site and guild layouts while be available by the end of Summer, maybe even sooner! I need some help with it though. Please neomail dragonfaeries if you are good with HTML.

We are having a charity drive, please donate as much as possible by sending it to dragonfaeries! Donate anything you want


This is where members can advertise anything they wish. Sometimes I will advertise things for people who are not members, but it will most likely not be another guild.