NWOBane2003xp is an idiot.

NWOBane2003xp: ur a girl right
theanNOyingjames: Am I? :*
NWOBane2003xp: yes
theanNOyingjames: *fucks leg*
NWOBane2003xp: huh
theanNOyingjames: *headbutts your penis*
NWOBane2003xp: what
theanNOyingjames: *licks your back, then spits in your nose*
NWOBane2003xp: are u dumb
theanNOyingjames: No, I'm horny as hell
theanNOyingjames: Man, do you think the rock is hot?
NWOBane2003xp: are u girl
NWOBane2003xp: i am not gay
theanNOyingjames: Seriously, if you were a girl, you would think he's hot right?
theanNOyingjames: That all over tan and stuff, you think his duck is brown?
NWOBane2003xp: i guess
NWOBane2003xp: ok
NWOBane2003xp: ur guy
theanNOyingjames: Ooh, does it turn you on? :*
theanNOyingjames: Wanna see my webcam?
NWOBane2003xp: not if ur guy
theanNOyingjames: I'm a girl :*
NWOBane2003xp: o
NWOBane2003xp: ok
NWOBane2003xp: i guess
theanNOyingjames: I just... dont want people invading my privacy
NWOBane2003xp: ok
NWOBane2003xp: i want to invad ur privacy
theanNOyingjames: Here's my fucking wet pussy. Cum see!
NWOBane2003xp: i belive that every one is intitle to there one privacy
NWOBane2003xp: ur one of those girls that have pron sites right
theanNOyingjames: yeah, I just gave it to you :-)
NWOBane2003xp: i know
theanNOyingjames: click it, bitch.
NWOBane2003xp: no
NWOBane2003xp: i not that kind of guy
theanNOyingjames: You gay?
theanNOyingjames: Please, you're so gay
NWOBane2003xp: no
theanNOyingjames: I mean, all people who surf the net look at porn
theanNOyingjames: Honestly
theanNOyingjames: You watch wrestling, a bunch of sweaty guys rolling around
theanNOyingjames: I mean, you MUST be gay
theanNOyingjames: Stand up and prove your heterosexuality!
NWOBane2003xp: no i watch it for the women
NWOBane2003xp: and the storyline
theanNOyingjames: liar
NWOBane2003xp: i swear
theanNOyingjames: the majority of the show is guys
NWOBane2003xp: well that is true
NWOBane2003xp: but i don't only watch for the women i watch for the storyline
theanNOyingjames: Yeah, what storyline?
NWOBane2003xp: yea have storylines
theanNOyingjames: Yeah right
theanNOyingjames: The storyline is "I think I wanna kick your ass"
NWOBane2003xp: they do
theanNOyingjames: "oh yeah, bring it"
theanNOyingjames: Then they get in their underwear and fucking have sex
NWOBane2003xp: y do u watch it
theanNOyingjames: Not underwear, TIGHTS
NWOBane2003xp: ok
theanNOyingjames: They're fucking pansies with big muscles having sex
NWOBane2003xp: no they are not
theanNOyingjames: I find it enticing, being so... :* and all
NWOBane2003xp: huh
theanNOyingjames: but you're about as straight as a hula hoop :-)
NWOBane2003xp: look right know i look for a gf
NWOBane2003xp: really
theanNOyingjames: really?
NWOBane2003xp: and u want to know y i really don't want to see ur webcam is because my partnes are next door
theanNOyingjames: asl?
NWOBane2003xp: wake
NWOBane2003xp: 17/m/cali
NWOBane2003xp: yea
theanNOyingjames: damn, almost legal
NWOBane2003xp: what
theanNOyingjames: and i live in cali, too
NWOBane2003xp: legal for what
NWOBane2003xp: that cool
theanNOyingjames: what city?
NWOBane2003xp: where in cali
theanNOyingjames: i asked first
NWOBane2003xp: Granada Hills in LA
theanNOyingjames: Damn, I'm too far away
NWOBane2003xp: where are u
theanNOyingjames: I wanted to meet you, you sound a little cool
NWOBane2003xp: do u drive
theanNOyingjames: to stand up for your WWF show :-)
theanNOyingjames: of course I drive
theanNOyingjames: I don't like to drive too far, I get pretty bitchy when wind is in my face
NWOBane2003xp: then come down to granada hills
theanNOyingjames: I only like the wet things on my face ;-)
NWOBane2003xp: ok
theanNOyingjames: Oh, you want me to come by?
NWOBane2003xp: yea
NWOBane2003xp: we met if u really want to
theanNOyingjames: but do YOU want me to?
NWOBane2003xp: sure
theanNOyingjames: Cool!
NWOBane2003xp: i love meting girls
theanNOyingjames: I dont know your address and stuff, though
theanNOyingjames: I'm only 16 btw
NWOBane2003xp: wait do u have a non nude pic firs
NWOBane2003xp: that ok my last gf was 16
NWOBane2003xp: first*
theanNOyingjames: nope
theanNOyingjames: all nude ;-)
theanNOyingjames: but, I think I cant meet you if you live so close to your parents rules
NWOBane2003xp: i really love nude pic
theanNOyingjames: You gotta be a little naughty like me
NWOBane2003xp: i do
NWOBane2003xp: but i don't want to lost my net forever
NWOBane2003xp: i dont*
theanNOyingjames: well, you'll get out of their house next year, right?
NWOBane2003xp: no
NWOBane2003xp: but i will be driving
theanNOyingjames: you can go get a place of your own, we might even move in together if things go right
NWOBane2003xp: wait we just met
theanNOyingjames: oops
theanNOyingjames: I got a little carried away
NWOBane2003xp: look next year is my freshmen year in college
theanNOyingjames: Need to know a little more about me?
NWOBane2003xp: ok
NWOBane2003xp: hold on
NWOBane2003xp: look do u have one of ur pic on ur computer or all on ur site
theanNOyingjames: my site
theanNOyingjames: oh sorry g2g
NWOBane2003xp: wait
theanNOyingjames: i gotta get up early tomorrow to get my job ;-)
theanNOyingjames: so I can get money
NWOBane2003xp: but i staring to like u
theanNOyingjames: i'll talk to you later ok?
NWOBane2003xp: when
theanNOyingjames: I'll be back on later tomorrow, save my username on your buddy list :-)
theanNOyingjames: bye