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Description of Courses Taken

CUR 520 "Instructional Design" This course is designed to provide students with the instructional design skills they need to develope educational courses and materials for adult learners.

EDD 511 "Adults Learning: Theories, Principles and Education" Tthis course focuses on adult development and learning thoeries. Students will identify the concept of andragogy versus pedagogy.

EDTC 510 "Foundations of Distance Education and Training" This course focuses on the principles of distance education as a medium for course, degree or training-based institution.

EDTC 526"Assessment and Evalution in E-Education" This course focuses on developing the skills neccessary to become effective assessors of adult learners.

EDTC 550 "Information Technology" This course an overview of information technology and covers hardware, software, programming, operating systems, databases, network, telecommunications and Internet.

EDTC 555 "Internet and Distance Education Delivery" This course compares and contrasts different distance education delivery systems.

QNT 540 "Research and Ethic in E-Education" This course is an overview of the fundamentals of research and is designed to provide stydents with the basic knowledge and skills needed to be successful in graduate level studies.

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