..::This scene opens up in a gym-like area. There are many different free wieghts and hammer weights around the area. We see a weight bench, a squat rack, a curling machine, and various other machines. There is also another part of the gym, with a heavy bag, a speed bag, and a few jump ropes hanging from hooks on the wall. We hear a door open, and Destroyer X walks in from outside. He's wearing a pair of black nylon pants, with a red stripe down each leg, a black leather jacket, and a pair of white Adidas sneakers. He walks over to a table, he takes his coat off to reveal a white t shirt with "Property of AOWF" on the back, and the AOWF logo on the front. He hangs his coat on a hook on the wall. He walks over to the weight bench and grabs two 75lb weights. He puts one on each side, then grabs two 50lb weights. He puts one on each side and lays down on the bench. He picks up the bar and brings it down to his chest once, twice...ten times. He sits up and rests for a second. He lays back down and does another rep of ten. He stands up, stretches his arms out, then walks over to the squat rack. He seems content with the weight that is already on there, so he gets under it and lifts it up. He does ten squats, then puts it back on the bar and takes a rest. He does another rep of ten, then puts it back on the bar and then grabs a towel from a rack and wipes the sweat off his face::..

DX: (To himself) I knew I was getting out of shape. I gotta keep in shape if I ever plan to wrestle in the AOWF...

..::DX walks over to the mat area and drops down to all fours. He gets in military push-up position, he does fifteen push-ups, then drops to his knees. He rests for a second and then does fifteen more. He rests again, and does 15 more. He stands up and walks over to a fridge, he pulls a bottle of Gatorade out of the fridge and opens it, downs about half the bottle in one swig, then puts it down. He sits on the bench and wipes some of the sweat from his face::..

DX: (To himself again) It feels good to work out. I haven't had much time for training lately...not with all the trouble that's been happening..

..::DX cracks a smile, then begins to speak::..

DX: I gotta be in shape, even if I am only facing Jonathan Cage. He's not the only person I'll ever be facing, he's just a steeping stone. He's really nothing at all, but I'd best not underestimate him, that's cost me before, I can't let it happen again. Not in this kind of match, not in this federation. This is my chance to redeem myself, after almost ending my career a year ago. This is my chance to show the world that The Destroyer is not washed up, that I'm just beginning a new era of wrestling glory.

..::The smile soon fades away::..

DX: Now Jonathan Cage, you wanna call people Mortal Kombat rejects? How about you look at yourself, you're no different. I know your real name isn't Jonathan Cage, it's probably something like Albert Fucktard or something along those lines, because, seeing you, it wouldn't surprise me in the least. You talk a lot of shit, Cage, but I've yet to see you back it up. You nearly got your ass handed to you by Sub Zero! Sub Zero, the same person who goes out there every week and gets his ass kicked royally. Yet you still go on running your mouth. I can quote you saying such stupid things as, "Gabrielle, you better realize right here and now that I will knock your teeth down your fuckin throat!" Wow, you're a tough one, talking shit to a girl. On top of all this, she still walks out there and kicks your ass, even after you get all confident.

Now Cage, I know that you're nothing but a low life, inbred, dumbass, but I know you can understand this. I know you can understand the fact that I'm going to give you the beating of your lifetime. So very cliche, it shames me to say such words, but talking to a simpleton such as yourself, I really have no idea what I can say to you? If I said something like, "I'll redefine your existance as living, breathing, agony." I doubt that you would understand. I doubt that you'd have the slightest fucking clue what I was saying.

What happens now Cage? How's it all going to end? Do you still think that you have the slightest chance? Questions, questions, questions. They go unanswered because I know where you are. You're sitting in a dark room somewhere reading Playboy magazine with a jar of Vaseline on the shelf, wishing that you didn't have to fight someone like me. Now whenever you get done beating your meat, you can wash the jizz off your hands and come down to the ring and take your beating like a man. Just come down and see what the hell happens.

So let it be written in the history books, DX 1 - Cage 0!

..::DX laughs and the scene fades out::..