Gazinya Wars RP#4
Roleplay Title:
Gazinya Wars RP#4
W/L/D Record:
People Used:
The Degenerate
People Mentioned:
Titanic, Skip Rawlin, Tsunami, Stinky Steve.
GFW Career Accomplishments:
X-Champion(1x) In 2nd Match.
Overall Career Accomplishments:
GFW X-Champion(1x) In 2nd Match There.
::The scene opens up outside of a very crowded place. We see many wrestling fans with their GFW t-shirts on and GFW title replicas over their shoulders awaiting a surprise guest. They look around the place trying to find the special guest GFW superstar when a guy walks up to a stage that is set up. The guy has a microphone in his hand and begins speaking into it::

The Guy: "Welcome GFW wrestling fans, we have brought a very special guest here today for a public speaking and autograph signing. Unfortuneatly our guest is not here yet, but should be arriving shortly."

::The guy steps down from the stage for a few minutes and everyone waits. About ten minutes goes by and still no sign of the guest. The guy then pulls a cell phone out of his pocket and begins dialing a number. The camera then switches to one now inside of a limo where we see The Degenerate. He pulls out his cell phone which is ringing and answers it::



"Yo, we about their. This driver fuckin slow as all hell. But I will be there, give it another 10 minutes."


"But first, I gotta warn you. I'm really not one of the people those fans are expecting to see, trust me."


"Aight, see you in 10."

::Degenerate takes his cell phone from his ear and hangs up. He puts his cell phone down beside him then reaches into his pocket and pulls out a joint. He puts the joint in his mouth then pulls out a lighter and lights it. He takes a big hit off of it and blows out the smoke while tossing the ligher down on another seat in the limo. He takes another long hit on the joint and puts it out in an ashtray in the limo. He blows the smoke out as the limo driver is just pulling up to where all the fans are standing. As they see the limo they begin to cheer wildly::

"Oh boy, here we go."

::The limo pulls behind the stage place that is blocked off from all the fans where no one can see. The crowd becomes quiet as you can hear a car door open and close. The man with the microphone comes walking back up onto the stage with a smile on his face and begins speaking::

The Guy: "Ladies and gentlemen, our guest has arrived."

::The crowd cheers once again as the guy goes on::

The Guy: "Without any further ado, here he is...."

::The guy walks off the stage as his voice trails off and smoke begins to fill the stage. Then "California Love" by Tupac and Dr. Dre hits and the crowd begins booing as Degenerate comes walking out from behind the curtain with the GFW X-Championship over his shoulder. He has a smug smile on his face as he walks over to the side of the stage where the guy is and grabs the microphone. He walks to the center of the stage and stands there looking out at the crowd of booing fans as he just laughs to himself. His music dies off as he raises the microphone up to his mouth and begins speaking::

"Wow, thank you for such a wonderful reaction to me being here."

::The crowd boos once again as Degenerate just smiles and goes on speaking again::

"Man, judging by that right there, I would guess that you guys dont like me. But whatever, it doesn't matter to me if you like me or not because you are all worthless. Now I know you all came here to see someone else, but I am here so you just have to deal with it I guess. Now you can leave, or you can stay here and listen to what I have to say. I know that alot of you are probably pissed because of what I did to those two little skanks that I was put up against in my first match in GFW. Then there is alot of you that are mad that I walked out of Tuesday Night Prime's Fatal Four Way match the new GFW X-Champion. Well whatever your reason for not liking me, I could give a shit less. In my future in the company of GFW, and in the wrestling business, I am sure that I am going to give you all many, many more reasons why you shouldn't like me. So many, that you will forget why you decided not to like me in the first place. But that is more towards the far future, right now I am going to talk to you all about the near future and the past. See, on Tuesday Night Prime, I faced three other men that I have never even seen in a match before. And not only did I walk out of that match the winner, but I walked out of that match with Skip Rawlin's X-Championship. Now, its true that I didn't pin Skip Rawlin to win this title, but who cares? Oh thats right, Skip Rawlin does. Well Skippy, you go and begin whining that I didn't pin you to win this title, well you know what that has just gotten you? It got you the chance to get your ass kicked by me again in another Fatal Four Way match. Once again it will be you and I facing off in a match with two other men in it. See, there is only one different thing in this match and that is that big fat piece of shit that I pinned on Tuesday Night Prime aint in it. Instead, we got some jerk off by the name of Stinky Steve who plays with his own, yours, and everyone else's shit. But Tsunami who obviously couldn't get the job done is in it. So those two can go at it for a while. I mean, they are both losers and its best to keep them from us winners."

::Degenerate stops speaking for a moment to somewhat think, then goes on again::

"But wait Skip, if you lost, that would make you a loser too. Well darn, I really thought I could face a winner for once. But I guess I will just kick your ass anyways. Or maybe I should face the other champion in the match, Tsunami. Tsunami, do you really think that you can win this match? Your title is up for grabs, my title is up for grabs, but who is going to walk out the unified champion? Well, only one person can walk out of this thing the champion, and guess what Tsunami, its not you. You really want to know who its going to be? Well I can tell you this much, if its not you, its not Stinky Steve, and its not Skip Rawlin, who could it be? Hm.... Well, I'm guessing that its going to be me. Tsunami, at Gazinya Wars, I am going to walk out with my GFW X-Championship around my waist, and my newly won KWA Hardcore Championship over my shoulder and thats that. Now, there is one person left in this match that I haven't said much about, and that man, well, it, goes by the name of Stinky Steve. Steve, like I stated before, you definately need some help. I mean, what kinda guy goes around playing with shit and stuff like that? Only some freak who is completely out of his mind. Steve, were you beat by your parents as a child? Or maybe the kids at school picked on you and beat you up. Well whatever the case, check yourself into a mental hospital cause you seriously need the help. Well, I am done talking about all these losers I will be facing at Gazinya Wars. Would you guys like your autographs now?"

::Some of the crowd actually cheers and Degenerate gives a smile. He raises his arm in the air and gives the fingure then goes on talking again::

"How about no?'

::"California Love" hits again and Degenerate drops the microphone. The crowd of people boo louder than ever before as Degenerate walks behind the curtains and off the stage in the back. The guy that introduced him looks shocked as Degenerate gets into his limo and shuts the door behind him. The camera goes in the limo as the limo drives off. We see Degenerate pick up the joint from the ashtray and light it back up. He takes a big hit as the scene fades to black::